Chapter 274 Unacceptable results, global scientists are heartbroken!

This night, countless scientists are eagerly looking forward to the start of the [Circular Equator Particle Collider] tomorrow.

This is the crystallization of the unprecedented unity of mankind.

All its experimental data and results will be made public to the world.

Although the public can’t understand the importance of this project, even if they have the mentality of watching the excitement, they are not willing to miss this “big show”.

According to the plan, the [Circumequal Particle Collider] will be powered on at 10 am on August 16.

It will be 10 o’clock tomorrow morning.

Tonight, Lin Xian did not return to his private island to rest.

Instead, he stayed and lived with the world’s top physicists, scientists, and mathematicians in the ground command center of Innesia.

By 12 o’clock in the evening

Ding Yi, Liu Lu, and many top scholars at home and abroad are still chatting with enthusiasm and enthusiasm!

It looks like it won’t be over for a while.

There is even a trend of getting more and more excited!

“what.. ……

Lin Xian yawned greatly and stood up:

“Don’t talk anymore, let’s talk, I’m going to sleep.”

Lin Xian patted the eloquent Liu Lu and walked directly back to his room.

Turn off the lights and sleep.

Lin Xian had a lot of fragmented dreams this night.

And these dreams are all about particle collider experiments!

This is not surprising.

Thoughts day by day and dream night by night.

For a whole day today, Liu Lu and Ding Yi’s group of theoretical physicists buzzed in their ears, and Balabala “missionary” for several hours.

Even if I don’t understand, I’m still half-understood by the teaching.

Lin Xian dreamed

He is sitting in a small car.

The car does not hang on the outside of the particle collider pipe, but runs inside.

The car started, and he felt the strong thrust when accelerating!

He got it

At this moment, he is the [microscopic particle] that is continuously accelerated and will eventually collide!

Lin Xian was sitting in a trolley, circling the earth’s equator in the pipeline, spinning circle after circle.

The speed is getting faster and faster!

In the end, as the speed approaches the speed of light.

The car can circle the earth in only 0.1 second.

The sharp increase in mass made his body solidify like a metal statue.

Lin Xian in the dream realized that the energy contained in this body with a speed close to the speed of light and weighing more than one hundred kilograms was enough to blast through the entire solar system!

This huge power makes him like an emperor.

Finally, when he was spinning to the last lap and the speed had been accelerated to the limit, he was led into a branch road and rushed into a strange place.

This is the land of nothingness, and he saw the color of nothingness.

Nothingness is neither black nor white. Its color is achromatic, but it is not transparent either.

Here, space and time are still things to be created by him.

He saw a small black spot in front of him, which expanded sharply–

That is another car!

Sitting in the car is another self!

The speed of the two cars is approaching the speed of light–


Two cars collide, just like particles collide!

But the magic is

After the two cars collided,

-Everything disappeared, leaving only an infinitely small singularity in the endless void.

This is probably

Is it the beginning of the universe?

Lin Xian blinked.

He didn’t know where his perspective came from at this time.

But he saw the explosion of Ju Lie, and the energy fireball swelled!

When the red light permeating the entire universe gradually weakened, the cooled energy matter appeared in the sky like snowflakes.

It started with thin nebulae, then stars and galaxies.

In this nascent universe, Lin Xian has a quantized self, he can jump from one end of the universe to the other in an instant.

In fact, he did not jump, he existed at both ends at the same time, he existed at every point in this vast universe at the same time.

He is omnipresent and omnipresent at the same time.


The entire universe is shaking!

The shaking continues, and there is a tendency to gradually strengthen.

At the same time, there are people who keep calling their names

“Lin Xian

“Lin Xian!”

“Lin Xian!! You wake up soon!”

Lin Xian opened his eyes sharply.

I found myself still lying on the bed at the base.

Next to him was Liu Lu with a flustered face, who awakened himself and awakened himself from the wonderful dream of the stream of consciousness.

“What’s the matter Liu Lu? Have I slept?”

Lin Xian glanced out the window.

It’s just getting light on this day! It’s definitely not 10 o’clock.

Lin Xian frowned.

He really couldn’t understand why Liu Lu woke him up so early.

“Lin Lin Xian is out! Something has happened!! Come out soon!!”

After speaking, Liu Lu forced Lin Xian to get up.

Lin Xian really missed this long-lost stutter.

“What’s the matter? What’s the matter? You mean! Has the particle collider collapsed?”

Liu Lu shook his head:

“It’s not far more serious than the field! It’s gone!”


Lin Xian is really confused by the more he talks about it

Can such a big and long steel beast, the pipe that surrounds the entire earth, disappear out of thin air?

What a joke!

Such a big thing, I have seen it clearly every day for 10 years, 690, can it be lost?

Let’s talk about it

Even if you lose it, where can you throw it?

“It’s okay, don’t drag me, I have to wear a dress somehow.”

Lin Xian broke away from Liu Lu, put on his clothes casually, and followed him to the outside of the base.

The whole base was in a mess.

Everyone was whispering and yelling!

Everyone is very emotional, and even many scientists and physicists are crying!

this moment

Lin Xian really realized

Maybe something really happened!

So, he couldn’t help walking fast, just want to quickly walk out of this long corridor to the outdoors, and look up at the sky that was originally divided into two by the black trajectory–


Lin Xian admitted.

In this more than 30 years of life, he has never been so gloomy and panicked!

He stared up at the sky with his eyes wide open and his mouth wide open–

A piece of the sky, cloudless, and a bright blue sky are integrated, covering the entire earth…


The sky has become a whole body!

It has not been divided into two, and there is no black track running through the sky.

The long steel pipes that eat the li stratosphere disappear without a trace!

“what’s the situation!?”

“What about Laozi’s [Circumequal Particle Collider]!?”

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