Chapter 272 Final Chapter: [[Circular Equator Particle Collider]

August 15, 2031

The greatest project in the history of mankind-【Circular Equator Particle Collider】, the final attempt is being made.

It took 10 years of construction time since it started to be built and can be put into operation immediately.

In these 10 years.

Humans have long been accustomed to the blue sky divided by the black pipe.

Look up at the sky from anywhere on the earth.

You will see a regular black trace starting from Dongfang’s horizon, forming a semicircle across the entire sky, and then slowly “falling” and disappearing into the western horizon.

For those children born after 2021.

They firmly believe that–

“The sky, originally-it was like this!”

In the words of Lin Xian.

This giant steel dragon with a total length of more than 43,000 kilometers and a full circle around the equator is like putting a “ring” on the earth.

Liu Lu always thinks this metaphor is very vivid.

If you watch it from the distant outer space.

The particle collider pipe that circles the earth around the earth is indeed quite like a ring.

So from the earliest start of construction.

People prefer to use the short name “Ring Project” to call this great project.

This 43,000-kilometer track has exhausted the world’s steel production capacity for 10 years.

In order to stabilize and ensure the absolute circular curvature of the track.

It was built at an altitude of 12,000 meters above the ground in the stratosphere.

This height is more than half the height of Mount Everest, the highest in the world, so there is no object blocking it.

The soothing wind speed in the stratosphere is also very suitable for high-altitude operations.

Long pipes are not suspended in the air.

It relies on 270 nanometer steel cables to connect to the ground to counteract the centrifugal force that rotates synchronously with the earth to maintain balance.

Under the delicate calculations of physicists, astronomers, and mathematicians all over the world, all values ​​are kept in strict balance.

It can be said that this is a “stellar ring” near the surface.

Many scientists even stated that humans can directly rely on this low-level orbit to build a “star ring city” in near space!

Since ancient times, the longing for the stars has been buried in the DNA of human beings.

In these 10 years, people from all over the world have come to unite as never before.

Everyone is eager to know what kind of object will be broken into after the smallest example collides? Can it be smaller?

With these particles smaller than the smallest, can we crack the source code of the universe?

The rapid development of science and technology has made mankind’s eyes begin to look towards the depths of the universe.

Everyone is waiting for the arrival of August 16th!

That’s right.

On the day of August 16, which is tomorrow, the long-prepared [Circular Equator Particle Collider] will start its first experiment!

This is a great experiment that humans have never conducted.

If we say that the emergence of controllable nuclear fusion has allowed mankind to break through the barriers of civilization and complete the civilization upgrade of energy levels.

Then this near-light-speed particle collision test will allow mankind to understand the universe and break through the final barrier!

Once this experiment is carried out.

As far as humans are concerned, the universe may no longer have any secrets!

August 16

All mankind is looking forward to this day.

As for why it is set on this date

Only the commander-in-chief Lin Xian and Liu Lu knew about it.

Ten years ago, on August 16, the two figured out the meaning of 42.

Ten years later, on August 16, they will rely on the results of the particle collider to completely unveil the veil of “Why 42?” “What does 42 mean in time and space and the universe?”


at this time.

In the command-in-chief’s room above Yindo Nicaea, Lin Xian was wearing an oxygen suit standing with his hands on his hands, overlooking the blank white clouds outside the window.

“The day has finally arrived. I didn’t expect it took 10 years to complete.

Liu Lu followed him.

Also looking out the window:

“This is because you secretly used [Causal Weapons] to help a lot, otherwise the huge amount of steel will not be enough in 10 years.”

“If you don’t use [Causality Weapons] to create a series of “natural craftsmanship, “a thousand-year-old coincidence”, I am afraid that in 30 years, we will not be able to see the completion of this huge machine.”


Now Liu Lu is no longer stuttering.

At the end of 2021, in a fierce exchange with Liu Lu, Lin Xian couldn’t stand Liu Lu’s slow way of speaking!

Simply use the [Causal Weapon] to cure him.

In the beginning, I was not used to it.

It feels like a stranger.

But ten years later, everyone has long been accustomed to it, who remembers that he used to be a stutter who could make his face blushing when he spoke?

“Although I don’t know how many times I have said this over the years, Lin Xian, I still have to say thank you.”

Even through the helmet, Lin Xian could see that Liu Lu’s eyes were sincere.

…0 Seeking flowers 0-

“Thank you Lin Xian, you helped me fulfill my lifelong dream!”

“You also know that for me, mathematics is life and everything to me! For mathematicians, the mathematical model of the truth of the universe is our ultimate pursuit.

“I never dared to imagine that we could really build a [Circumequal Particle Collider] of this size one day!”

“I’m so excited! It can let me know the truth of the universe.


Facing Liu Lu’s gratitude, Lin Xian smiled and said nothing.

The two have been good friends for so many years.

If you say more, you’ll see it outside.

But Lin Xian didn’t speak, but some people were unhappy!

“Cut! It’s enough to die at night! If you die, what will our mothers do?”

Lin Xian and Liu Lu were amused by these words.


No longer look at the sea of ​​clouds below.

Instead, he turned and looked at Li Susu who was pouting.

Li Susu is also wearing a light oxygen suit. After all, it is high in the stratosphere, and the oxygen is so thin that people can’t breathe.

She also held a little girl in her arms.

It was the daughter of Liu Lu and Li Susu who had just turned three years old. They are now also covered in ultra-compact oxygen suits.

This belongs to the general control room.

There are many high-precision equipment.

Li Susu was afraid that the children would cause trouble, so she kept in her arms.

Liu Lu looked at the child lovingly, walked over to the mother and daughter, and took her little hand:

“Wenwen, do you like this place?”

“This is where Dad works. This is what Dad always tells you, the [ring] worn by Mr. Earth!

“At the same time, it is also where Dad’s lifelong dream lies. Dad’s dreams in this life are only two. One is that Wenwen can grow up healthy, and the other is this [Circular Equator Particle Collider]. Dad hopes to rely on him to solve the problem. The truth of the vast universe builds a model of the grand unity of the universe.


A three-year-old girl, this is an age that even Sailor Moon can’t understand.

Of course she didn’t understand what Liu Lu was talking about.

But she understood what her mother said.

To hold Liu Lu’s fingers and not relax:

“Dad, will you die?”

Liu Lu smiled after hearing this, and touched the little girl’s head:

“How can it be!

“[I’m just doing a very complicated arithmetic problem. Have you ever heard that doing arithmetic problems will kill you?]”

“Don’t worry! This experiment is not dangerous. When the collider starts, I will be with you on the ground and wait for the result!”

(This chapter contains pictures, click the “illustration” button at the bottom right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)


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