Chapter 271 Final Chapter: You are us!

All good things come to an end!

This novel with a span of 3 months and a total of 1.2 million words is finally finished.

Thank you very much readers for staying here.

You read my book and approve what I wrote.

It is my great honor.

Everyone can see that the book was originally written in urban cool text, and then it turned to suspense science fiction.

At that time, everyone advised me not to do this.

Because Feilu is still an environment where he is in charge.

What many people say:

Feilu’s readers like to read no-brained cool texts!”

“If you write something that burns your brain, Feilu readers will abandon the book!”

*Feilu readers are young and don’t like to watch such complicated things. ”

I’m not happy to say this!

You can say that my writing is not good, but you can’t say that my readers’ appreciation level is low!

I disagree in the first place!

When I write a book in Feilu, I have never regarded readers as money-making tools or ATMs.

I think everyone is friends.

Therefore, I would not do the act of writing some poor, brainless content to earn readers 747 money for subscribing.

the more important thing is.

I want to prove it to them–

[Feilu’s readers, it’s not that you only read cool texts as you think!]

So, I will let myself go later.

I work hard to write what I want to write.

It is true that a large number of original readers have gone, and the plot is too complicated to understand.

The first chapter of this book is on the shelves and has 80,000 subscriptions.

But by the last chapter, there are only 1,500 people who have subscribed.

In fact, it started in the middle of this book.

You 1500 lovely readers have been walking with me all the time.


For me, one cannot be less!

And the display is also very gratifying to me.

Starting from more than 100 chapters, (cafd) are 1,500 of you.

In the last chapter of Chapter 270, there are still 1,500 of you.

To be honest, the author is very moved.

If this is not a loyal reader, then what is it?

At least I use this book to prove one thing.

Feilu’s readers are not what everyone thinks, they only read cool texts!

There are still quite a few readers who have a high IQ, a good appreciation level, and are willing to read some works with plots and content.

This point will never accept refutation!

At least I can proudly tell everyone, my readers, that’s it!

I didn’t write a cool line, and I made a lot of money less.

But I got the best batch of readers in Quan Feilu!

This wave is not lost, blood is earned!

But again, the results of this book are not bad.

From the beginning to the end, I spent 1 month on the Tianbang.

Won first place on the top three times.

It’s already a very good result.

This all comes from everyone’s support and love.

I read every comment in the comment carefully.

If I can reply, I will reply in the comment area.

For those that cannot be replied or involve the plot, I will also give answers in later chapters.

I always think.

The author and the reader are one.

While the author provides readers with high-quality content, the reader’s feedback is also helping the author to make rapid progress.

I hope that the performance and ending of this book did not disappoint everyone.

Feilu’s book rarely has an ending.

In general, they will continue to water, continue to make money.

But a book without an ending is a very bad feeling for readers.

Therefore, I would rather not make this money, and be worthy of the readers’ support and following all the time.

You never gave up on me.

I can’t give up on you either!

So I’m over. I am worthy of you and worthy of my conscience.

So, let’s talk about the extra part.

I have planned a lot of extras before.

For example, the story of Einstein, the story of [arrogance], the story of the future world.

But with the recommendation of the plot.

I gradually wrote them all into this article, so most of the extravaganzas have actually been written for everyone.

There is currently one last postscript left–

“God and Time and Space Mailbox”

The author always digs a hole and fills it out.

So these two pits must be filled in for everyone.

After writing this “Postscript”, the author will focus on the preparation of the new book, and hope that the new book can meet everyone with a better plot and more rigorous settings!


Thanks again everyone!

Thank you for sending flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, reminders, rewards, etc.

This book often receives huge rewards of tens of thousands.

This often flatters the author!

Thank you for your trust and recognition!

May we meet again at a higher place!.

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