Chapter 259 00:42 Arrived as scheduled! Dai Chuchan confronts the devil!

The smell of this lipstick.

This is the second time Lin Xian “tastes” it

Although this is the first kiss between him and Dai Chuchan.

But in fact

Strictly speaking

It’s the second time.

At the beginning, the first messenger Dai Chuchan used such a unique way to taste the lipstick before his death.

This fresh and strange smell of lychee.

Make Lin Xian unforgettable for a long time.

Dai Chuchan is really a girl (woman) who never forgets her original intention.

The 20-year-old and the 40-year-old are so in love with lychee-flavored lipstick.

The sweetness of lipstick.

Let Lin Xian couldn’t help but taste it.

a long time.

The two slowly separated

Dai Chuchan narrowed his eyes and smiled:

“Thank you senior”

After that, Dai Chuchan turned and jumped into the elevator in the closet.

Then he hurriedly pressed the -1 button.

The shy head dare not look back!

Ding 20–

The elevator doors began to close.

“Don’t forget to let the elevator come up again!

After the order, the elevator doors closed.

Lin Xian quickly ran out of the [Rage] office, gently brought the door, and walked to the lobby.

Not a few steps away.

I just ran into the oncoming [Rage]!

Lin Xian held his breath and passed him again


Every time he comes to the hospital, Lin Xian will change clothes and a different color mask.

Therefore, even though the two have passed by several times, [Rage] has not paid much attention to Lin Xian.

Maybe it’s because he is really anxious.

This time [Rage], still holding large and small bottles of medicine in his arms.

The trot all the way left him with a thin layer of sweat on his forehead

After coming to the hall.

Lin Xian took out a black earphone and hung it on his left ear.

This is a wireless audio transceiver.

To put it simply, the principle is similar to that of a bug.

The other module was placed on Dai Chuchan’s body.

Lin Xian can listen to the voice of the conversation on the other side at any time.

Originally, Lin Xian planned to use a device capable of video communication.

But the businessman said:

“We are not without the video surveillance model, but in terms of transmission efficiency and stability, the audio model is undoubtedly better.”

“You think, this kind of short-distance communication will weaken a part of the signal every time it passes through a wall. Not to mention that if you have to pass through a pipeline area or a metal area, it will be strongly interfered.”

“So in actual use, the video type of the monitor you receive is similar to the full-screen mosaic, but it is not as good as the sound type.

Lin Xian thinks about it carefully.


If you really want to use video surveillance equipment, it will undoubtedly increase the risk.

Dai Chuchan is not a very mobile girl, and it is easy to make mistakes if she arranges too many tasks for her.

So under comprehensive consideration, they decided to use this “close-range headset intercom” to monitor.

Lin Xian pressed the small earphone on the left ear and whispered:

“Chu Chan, is everything normal?”


In the earphones, there was a sound of fingernail tapping plastic.

This is the secret code discussed earlier.

Dai Chuchan is following 【Furious】 at close range.

Naturally cannot speak easily.

So use this way of hitting the earphone with your finger to transmit information.

-Next, da, it means affirmation.

Double click, da da, it means negative.

“Okay Chu Chan, is the hidden monitor microphone put in place?”


The power of this monitoring device lies in a microphone that is only the size of a peppercorn grain.

Lin Xian explained to Dai Chuchan before.

Be sure to find a way to put this thing as close as possible to [Rage]!

Only in this way can it be ensured that the conversation of [Rage] can be monitored.

It seems…

Dai Chuchan completed the task perfectly!

The next step is to eavesdrop on the words of [Rage], and then wait for the birth of [Devil].

Time passed by every minute.

The collision sound of bottles and cans in the underground laboratory was transmitted to Lin Xian’s ears through advanced microphones.

Liu Yiyi was at the desk at home, holding a pen nervously, ready to write relevant clues at any time.

The recipient, recipient address, and delivery time have been written on the envelope next to it.

It can be said that the letter has been fully prepared!

Prevent all accidents!


The sound of the collision of bottles and cans is over.

The sound of footsteps is approaching here.

Lin Xian closed his eyes and listened to [Rage] with all his strength

Einstein, it’s been six days since the operation was over. Why are you still unconscious? Did something go wrong during the brain transplantation, did you become a vegetative?”

! !!

This is a crucial word!

Lin Xian can already guess that [Rage] must be watching Li Jing’s unconscious son talking to himself!

The reason why Li Jing’s son was unconscious.

It is because he only finished the [brain transplant operation] 6 days ago and replaced it with Einstein’s brain!

“So our previous guess is true! Einstein did not die normally for some reason, and became a baby!”

“The little baby who was pushed out of the operating room and dropped the bag before is actually Einstein!”

“Sure enough, the most absurd answer we guessed is the most correct! Yiyi writes what I just said in the letter!

Liu Yiyi, who was far away in Long Country, could clearly hear Lin Xian’s reasoning through the international long-distance call that he had been connected to all the time.

She quickly got acquainted and wrote another “must be correct” fact on the letter paper.

Lin Xian looked around.

The hospital at night is less crowded and safe.

So continue to concentrate, eavesdropping on the voice of [Rage] in the headset:

“It’s been 7 days. According to the general weight growth rate of newborns, your weight should increase by at least 0.1 kg a day?”

“But you have been born for so many days, everything in the digestive system is normal, and 550 nutrition is also in place for you, but you have not gained any weight!”

“I understand, I want to understand!!”

“When Einstein’s brain is transplanted to a baby, the reverse growth and the positive growth cancel out! So the baby will stop growing and not grow at all! Because the time on his body is stopped!”


[Rage] The loud shout seemed very excited.


Lin Xian, who eavesdropped on everything, finally understood everything!

“I see ”

He recalled a sentence in a future letter.

[The devil was born in a space-time earthquake, and the space-time earthquake is caused by the collision of the positive sequence time and the reverse sequence time. 】

Isn’t this what happened to the little baby in the underground laboratory?

In other words.


It is this grass-born child who replaced Einstein’s brain!

“broken …”

Lin Xian hurriedly took out his phone and checked the time one-

August 17th 00:42

Boom! Crackling! Crackling! Ding-ding!


Everything around is shaking violently!

The metal seats collided with each other and the bottles on the trolley clinked.

Lin Xian tried to stand up.

But the shaking of the distance made his legs unsteady.


“Do not..…

Lin Xian took a breath and frowned:

“[This is not an earthquake, but a space-time earthquake!]”

“The devil is born”.

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