Chapter 258 The life and death parting kiss between Chu Chan and Lin Xian! “Before you die, can you give it a hug?”

Lin Xian found out after arriving at the hospital.

It is not easy to get the fingerprints of [Rage].

The man, the dragon, sees the end but sees the end.

After squatting for a long time, I haven’t seen anyone else.

Lin Xian took the opportunity to learn from other medical staff.

Only then did I know that [Rage] likes to write papers in the office when he has nothing to do, and sometimes it doesn’t come out for several days.

Talk about him.

The medical staff were all in their eyes:

“Dean David is an idol for all of us! He is already this age, but he still insists on studying every day! He did not have a family, and devoted his entire life to medicine!”

“Dean David doesn’t usually go home. Although he lives in such a luxurious house, he seems to prefer to stay in the office. Usually everyone doesn’t know what he is doing, maybe he is writing papers in the office! ”

“Dean David? He heard that there is a bedroom in his office, so it’s nothing to live here. He is a very privacy-conscious person, and everyone else, including assistants and cleaning staff, are not allowed to enter his office.”

“Five Two Seven”

Office, office, office

Lin Xian heard everyone comment [Rage], everyone is really in the office!

Is the office a golden house? Or is there Yan Ruyu in it?

How could this person squat in the office every day and not come out?

“Too suspicious”

Lin Xian rubbed his temples and thought.

[Rage] I’m almost dying in the office, there must be a big problem in it!

“One day and two days are fine. I don’t believe that someone keeps a big villa but hides in the office for years.”

“There must be a lot of things in this office! It is very possible that since there are secret passages in the operating room, maybe there are secret passages in the office too!’

“And where do these two secret passages lead?”

There is no way.

Lin Xian had to continue to wait for the opportunity.

Finally! The hard work pays off!

Looking through his eyes, Lin Xian finally saw [Rage] hurriedly out of the office!


Lin Xian put on a mask, brushed shoulders with [Rage], and walked quickly towards the office.

At the door.

Take out the small bottle of solvent from your pocket and drop it on the sensing area of ​​the fingerprint lock.

The solution is very dilute.

It quickly spread to the entire sensing area.

It was killed after a few seconds, and there was no trace at all.

“This solution is really amazing. I pressed my finger on it, and I didn’t feel it at all.”

After all this was done, Lin Xian stepped back into the corridor and pressed against the wall to pretend to be on the phone.

Soon after.

[Rage] Walking quickly holding bottles and cans of medicines.

It can be seen that he is very anxious.

I didn’t look at Lin Xian at all.

He quickly ran to the door, freed his finger and pressed the fingerprint lock.



The fingerprint lock opened in response to the sound, [Rage] Pushed the door and entered, closing the heavy door.


Lin Xian smiled and walked to the fingerprint lock again.

Look down carefully,

No traces of fingerprints can be seen.

“Perhaps after taking the dried fingerprint collection film back, he will use other liquid medicine to deal with the phenomenon.”

“If you don’t understand this, let’s do as the craftsman said.

Lin Xian took out the transparent tape from the other pocket, stuck it on the sensing area of ​​the fingerprint lock, and pressed it hard.

Then slowly remove–


On the transparent tape, there is a very thin film like the inner membrane of an onion, which is as thin as a cicada’s wings.

After getting the fingerprint.

Lin Xian came to Chinatown non-stop and handed his fingerprints to the craftsman.

Two days later.

He got two [Bionic Fingers] as he wished.

One of them was placed in a moist vacuum crisper, unopened.

Lin Xian contacted the international express company to charter a flight to deliver the express.

The other party was surprised by Lin Xian’s financial resources:

“Sir, are you sure you want to pack a whole plane just to deliver this little courier?”

“If you are not in such a hurry, we have a better and cheaper plan for you to choose from.”

Lin Xian shook his head decisively:

“This is a very important thing, it won’t work for a second! You must set off immediately to Donghai Airport and deliver this express to the recipient.”

“But sir, in this case the price”

“There is no need to consider the price, only the speed!”


Under Lin Xian’s “money capability”.

A small cargo plane took off directly.

Carrying a small courier box, flew to Donghai Airport.

The plane was flying in the air at full speed, and even in order to advance one hour, it did not fly the traditional fuel-efficient route.

Instead, go directly north through the Arctic Circle, and then go south and fly directly to the East China Sea.

13 hours later.

The package was successfully delivered to Liu Yiyi.

Liu Yiyi looked at [Bionic Fingers] in the vacuum box and contacted Lin Xian on the phone:

“Lin Xian, if you put it in an envelope while wearing a vacuum preservation box, it will definitely not fit into the postbox.”

“If you want to be able to put it in the postbox, you must take the [Bionic Finger] out of the vacuum box, but after taking it out, there is only a three-day shelf life. Is it too late?”

At this time, Lin Xian and Dai Chuchan dressed up in disguise and were sitting in the Princeton University Hospital looking for opportunities.

Lin Xian tapped the Bluetooth headset on his ear lightly.

Then he covered his mouth and whispered:

“In time, Yiyi, we are going to mail this letter and this [Bionic Finger] to me on the morning of August 9.”

“At that time, I and Dai Chuchan were about to rush to the U.S. plane. After arriving in the U.S., [Bionic Finger] still has a shelf life of at least one and a half days, enough for him to sneak into [Rage]’s office.”

“Of course, everything has to wait for us to figure it out, what on earth is there in [Rage]’s office–”

Lin Xian did not continue to speak.

Because Dai Chuchan’s fingers were poking him frantically.

Lin Xian turned his head and followed Dai Chuchan’s eyes to look across the corridor.

A thin, tall, gray-haired old man was walking toward this side quickly.


It’s [Rage] came out of the office!

Waited for two days

He finally came out of the office!

At this moment, the two of them were so excited that they almost cried!

Lin Xian patted Dai Chuchan:


Looked at the phone screen…0

The time now is 22:46 on August 16th.

There are only 2 hours left until the birth of [Demon]!

Lin Xian and Dai Chuchan both wore masks, and they passed [Rage] calmly.

Go to the office inside together.

To the door.

Lin Xian took out [Bionic Finger] and pressed it on the fingerprint lock.



The fingerprint lock opened in response.

With excitement, the two quickly entered the office.

in …

Surprisingly clean.

There is no trace of human life at all!

“This shows that there must be a secret passage here!”


10 seconds later, Lin Xian found the secret elevator in the closet.

He handed the bionic finger to Dai Chuchan.

Then touch mo her head:

“The rest is up to you!”

“We don’t know what’s below, but I don’t have time to go down with you. After several days of observation, [Rage] must have gone to get the medicine and will be back soon.

In accordance with the previously stated plan.

Dai Chuchan will track 【Flirty】 alone with eavesdropping equipment, while Lin Xian will be outside, listening to the sound inside with headphones.

Dai Chuchan will exchange his life for the truth of [Devil]!

“Chu, are you afraid?”

Lin Xian looked at her eyes, they were extremely clear, and there was no trace of muddy.

Dai Chuchan shook his head with a smile.

Like a heroine who went to death bravely:

“I’m not harmful and, Senior Lin Xian, I’m very happy!”

“Actually, I have always wanted to do something for you. I am willing to pay for you, elope with you, or even die for you, the same thing as Yiyi-senpai.”

“Unfortunately, I have always come with 2.2, and I have no chance. My sister Meimu Yiyi has had the opportunity to give up everything countless times, but I didn’t even have this chance.

“And now is the opportunity I dream of!”

Dai Chuchan took Lin Xian’s hand, eyes full of light:

“My aunt once asked me if I could give up everything for you, abandon all the glory and prosperity of my life, and live a hard life with you, like Senior Sister Yiyi.”

“At that time, I replied firmly, but she didn’t believe it!’

“Senior Lin Xian, if we still remember this after the time and space restarts, you must testify for me! I have done everything I have said!’

Lin Xian was silent, then nodded.

“I will.

Dai Chuchan looked at Lin Xian reluctantly:

“Can you give me a hug at the end?”

Without Lin Xian’s consent.

Dai Chuchan hugged Lin Xian’s neck directly upstairs!

She stood on tiptoe.

Let Lin Xian taste the sweetness of lipstick!

It’s a familiar taste!

Fresh lychee-flavored lipstick…

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