Chapter 224 The battle of old enemies! A battlefield without gunpowder smoke! Jade and stone are burned!

Lin Xian looked at the familiar man in front of him.

Lei Haolong

Sure enough, he was resurrected.

Lin Xian also wants to understand now.

The reason why Lei Haolong has been sitting in the car and getting out of the car without opening the door.

The purpose is to lure oneself up.

Then I can use the car door to hit myself and take revenge on the previous parking lot.

This person

Really be careful!

Lin Xian was silent, looking at Lei Haolong in front of him.

Resurrection from the dead

It is really shocking.

He personally watched Lei Haolong’s head being cut off and blood sprayed all over the corridor.

Li Jing also said very clearly that Lei Haolong’s body was cremated.

Such people can be resurrected

Is there any king law in the world?

Does the law of conservation of mass and energy still work?

Lin Xian tried to find out some details from Lei Haolong.




They are exactly the same as they were at the commendation meeting!

After more than a month, the suit Lei Haolong wore was the same suit that he was wearing at the commendation meeting.


This is a little clue

It seems that Lei Haolong’s [Easter Point] is the commendation ceremony!

“Hehehehehe, Hero Lin? Why don’t you speak anymore?”

Lei Haolong at this time, not to mention arrogantly.

It looks like a winner.

“Or you are thinking about how to kill me?”

“I have to compliment you, your superpowers are so powerful that you can use a perfect accident to kill people! A pencil killed me. Admire it!”

“But what I admire the most is your accomplice. Where did the future technology come from? What was the thing that cut off my head? Is it a lightsaber? Is it a laser knife? This is the current era. Anything?”

Lei Haolong may be the reason why he hasn’t spoken for a long time.

Now it’s like a machine gun.


He closed the car door.

Lean on the body and embrace your arms.

Looking at Lin Xian with interest:

“If you want to kill me, don’t you hurry up? When I get to the U.S., you will have no chance.

Talk about it.

Lei Haolong turned his head and pointed at the private jet being dragged behind him with his chin:

“That’s my private jet. After I fly to the U.S., Lin Xian, your time of death will come!”

“I’m right, I really didn’t bet wrong! You can not only predict the future, but also our incomprehensible superpowers!”

“But hahahaha! It’s too late now, even if you kill me again, kill me thousands of times, nothing can change!”

Lin Xian stared at Lei Haolong in Qi Zhang.

Still did not speak.

Still the same sentence, if you say too much, you will lose it.

Lin Xian’s brain is rapidly splitting, understanding and analyzing every word Lei Haolong said.


Lei Haolong was right.

It is now certain that [the devil] has been born.

Naturally it’s too late to do anything

[Demon] can easily resurrect a person who burned to ashes, which shows that the [Causal Weapon] it holds is unprecedentedly powerful and unmatched!

Lin Xian did lose in this game of chess.

After all, it was a step slower.

Did not break out of the closed loop of time and space.

It is still the old road that countless Lin Xian has walked.

But now lose

It doesn’t mean that other time and space can’t win!

The only thing Lin Xian can do now is to extract some key information from Lei Haolong’s mouth and pass it on to his past self!

As long as you can find it and kill it before the birth of [Demon].

You can win this hide and seek!

A Lin Xian can’t…

There are thousands of Lin Xian!

Lin Xian’s thinking speed is very fast.

There are three key points in Lei Haolong’s words–

[1. What is the thing that cut off my head? Is it a lightsaber?][2. When I arrive in the United States, your death date will come. ][3. It’s too late for you to do anything. 】

The first point.

It means that after Lei Haolong is resurrected, he has a complete memory before his death!

Even a second before death.

All remember clearly.

He saw the first messenger Dai Chuchan, saw the black technology watch laser knife, and knew that his head had been cut off.

This shows that history has not changed.

The fact that Lei Haolong was hit by a car, had his head cut off, and was cremated has not changed.

He just didn’t consider any time and space laws, forcibly resurrected!

Although this is not in line with common sense.

But facts are facts, Lei Haolong stood in front of him, and there was no need to entangle this.

Second point.

Lei Haolong vowed to say that when he arrived in the United States, he would be dead.

This incidates that.

In the United States, there are weapons that can easily kill oneself.

You don’t even need to meet with yourself, you don’t need to be in physical contact, you can remotely obliterate yourself.

that goes without saying.

Only one weapon can do this–

[Causality Weapon]!

That is, the [devil].

This really hammers two things:

It was indeed [the devil] who resurrected Lei Haolong.

And [Demon] does have [Causal Weapons].

One more detail

Why do you have to wait for Lei Haolong to arrive in the U.S. before the [devil] can kill himself?


[Because until now, the devil still doesn’t know the identity of Lin Xian!]

This is an important point.

In hide-and-seek in this dark forest.

Lin Xian doesn’t know the identity of [Devil], who it is, or where he can’t find it.

[Devil] I don’t know the identity of Lin Xian, or the existence of Lin Xian.

In this world

There is only one person who knows the true identities of [Demon] and Lin Xian at the same time!

That is Lei Haolong!

this moment.

Lin Xian couldn’t help but lament that Lei Haolong’s thoughts are very close.

He used a game of sacrificing himself, and played a game of [God’s Hand] that transcended the laws of time and space.

Not only let the [devil] save him.

At the same time, Lin Xian’s identity and superpowers were also determined.


I can only say that I am worthy of the same student number as myself, the same as 42.

It is indeed a bit level.

So …

The third point.

Lei Haolong said that he was too late to do anything.

There is nothing worth analyzing.

Now that [Demon] has been born, it is indeed too late to do anything.

Even if Lei Haolong is killed now.

It doesn’t make any sense.

Countless time and space in the future have proved that [Demon] will gradually destroy the world and turn the world into ruins in 20 years.

Human beings can do nothing but dumbfounded.

The devil who has obtained the [Causal Weapon], no one can do anything with it.

And the only time to kill the [devil]–

Just before it was born 867!


Lei Haolong curled his lips boringly.

He wanted to look at Lin Xian’s panicked and embarrassed face and mock him!

But Lin Xian is like a wooden person.

I stood there staring at myself without saying a word.

This makes Lei Haolong very upset.


Lei Haolong came to face him, pushed Lin Xian away, and walked towards the small runway dedicated to the private jet.


A small Gulfstream plane with full fuel and complete crew is waiting for him.

“Treasure the last 10 hours with Liu Yiyi.

The lingering Lei Haolong looked back again.

With a wicked smile, he compared his fingers to his neck.

Strike it!

“10 hours after my plane lands in [Princeton], I will become the [God] of this world!”

“I also want you to taste the different parts of your body!’

Ha ha

Heard this sentence.

Lin Xian couldn’t help but smile.

Should I say that this person has a large or small pattern?

Set up such a big and perfect game.

But what I was thinking about was still the trivial matter of revenge.


Lin Xian smiled and shook his head:

“After all, you are just [jealous] and you can’t become a god.

Lei Haolong frowned.

Facial distortion:

“Laugh! I see how long you can laugh!”

Lin Xian turned and waved, and walked away

“Ah, yes.”

Lin Xian turned his head and looked at Lei Haolong who couldn’t get out of his stomach.

Smiled slightly:

“In this game, I lost it. But

“[You can never win!]”.

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