Chapter 223 Lei Haolong: Lin Xian, I won the bet! You lost!


What’s going on?

In this second of stunned, Lin Xian recalled everything since the earthquake.

The earthquake happened at 00:42.

At that time, a whole box of pencils fell on the ground, each with the 42 printed side facing up.

All the way downstairs hurriedly.

I happened to meet Lei Haolong’s Ferrari 488, the license plate number is still the familiar East A99888.

This license plate number

The time and space before there is no change is one’s own.

The five numbers add up to 42 again.

That’s not counting.

Gang オー looked up at the driver’s badge and found out…

The driver’s job number turned out to be No. 4242!

Just a little while.

Nearly twenty 42 have appeared around him!

This kind of density has never been seen before.

And “eight six seven”…

This is just what I noticed.

God knows how many 42 there are in places that I haven’t noticed!



The driver’s master looked at Lin Xian:

“What’s the matter, young man? Aren’t you in a hurry? Hurry and go!”

Lin Xian pointed to the badge standing in front of the co-pilot:

“Is your job number 4242?”

“Yeah, isn’t it obvious? This is in order, indicating that I am the 4242 registered employee of the taxi company. Is there any problem?”

Lin Xian shook his head.

There is no point in entanglement with this kind of thing.

“Master, would you like to wait for me here for a while? I guess you will have to take your car on the return trip in a while.

“No problem, anyway, there is a line to pull people at the airport exit.”

After that.

Lin Xian closed the car door and walked towards the red Ferrari 488.

The engine has not stalled yet.

So far away, you can vaguely hear the sound of booming.

The cool rear lights of the sports car are still on, indicating that the owner is still sitting in the car.

Lin Xian’s heartbeat speeds up.

He slowed down.

Slowly walk towards this familiar red beast

Is it Lei Haolong?

Why don’t the people inside get out of the car?

Drove the car here in the middle of the night instead of going to the front airport

Lin Xian guessed.

Eighty percent of the private jet that was pulled out belonged to the owner.

I don’t know where he is going to fly.




Lin Xian walked towards the red Ferrari step by step.

It’s quiet in the dead of night.

There are few cars in this parking lot.

After all, ordinary vehicles will not come here.

Because it is near the airport, the flying birds are often disperse, so it is quiet at this moment, a needle can be heard on the ground.

Lin Xian listened to his footsteps.

Lean on Ferrari little by little…

Get closer and closer.

Lin Xian is going slower and slower

Whether the person sitting in the car is Lei Haolong or not, you only need to look at it.


Why doesn’t this driver get out of the car?

This makes me very passive.

Lin Xian even resisted approaching the car.

He always feels a bit of danger.

If the opponent is not Lei Haolong, there is nothing to worry about.

But Lei Haolong, right?

What can’t you do, scary first place!

Whenever he thinks that he is not smiling, he will be linked with inferior horror films and think of the penetrating paintings.

Can’t this

How did Li Jing endure being with this kind of person?




Lin Xian walked very slowly.

Follow the arc and gradually go around to the left side of the vehicle.

at this time.

The trembling red Ferrari is already less than 10 steps away.

It can be said that it is close at hand.

Lin Xian heard the intermittent opening and closing sound of the engine.

Even the muffled sound of the exhaust pipe spitting out water vapor seemed to be close to the ear.

Why can’t it come out yet

Lin Xian was a little puzzled.

He has slowed down enough to drag time.

The purpose is to make the owner of the car stall and get out of the car, so that he can understand it at a glance.

If it’s not for Lei Haolong, just take a taxi home.

If it’s Lei Haolong

Then it is necessary to have a good chat.

People whose heads are cut off and cremated to ashes can be resurrected

Then Lin Xian felt that the world was not far from the revival of aura, the invasion of the ten thousand races, and the ultraman fighting the little monsters!

Unbelievable! Too nonsense!

Although he can come back from the dead.

But that is based on the premise that the space-time postbox changes history, which in turn changes the future.

But Lei Haolong’s resurrection is not the case at all!

He was resurrected in silence without changing any history!

Lin Xian quickly calculated inwardly:

“If Lei Haolong’s method of resurrection is to change history like me, then my memory will definitely be revised at the same time, and what happened at the commendation meeting and the Third People’s Hospital will also be revised.”

“Even! If Lei Haolong does not die, then Li Jing will not go to the United States, a series of things will not happen, and Li Jing’s mother and son will not die! The entire history will become completely faceless!

“But so far, all history has not changed… Lei Haolong’s resurrection is a forced resurrection without changing history! This is too unreasonable!”

Lin Xian thought left and right.

If there are no magic, super powers, or abilities in this world

Then there is only one thing that can revive Lei Haolong–

[Causality Weapon]!

The space-time mailbox is a kind of causal weapon.

It uses the way of writing to the past to change [cause].

And if there is a cause, there must be an effect.

[Cause] changes, [effect] will also change.

in comparison.

The space-time postbox is a relatively weak weapon of causality.

After all, there are too few things that can be directly influenced by writing letters, and the limitations are too great.

Lin Xian believes that there must be a greater [causal law weapon] in this world that can transcend time and not in the law.

“And the most likely person who can possess this powerful [Causal Weapon] is [Demon]!


It can be concluded!

If the person driving this Ferrari 488 is really Lei Haolong after the resurrection

That means


Has been born!




Lin Xian was only 3 steps away from the red Ferrari door.

It’s a pity that there is a dark sun film on the glass.

Can’t see what’s inside.

Would you like to walk in and take a look?



The sound of the engine is still roaring, and the headlights of the vehicle still illuminate the front.

It seems that the car owner did not intend to get off the car in 5.3.

Lin Xian took full vigilance,

Bend down,

Close to the car glass,

Look inside one-


Suddenly there was a loud noise!

The thick doors of the Ferrari 488 opened sharply!

As if to knock Lin Xian into flight!

Fortunately, Lin Xian was prepared.

One jump back and escaped the door impact.

“Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he o

A familiar and penetrating laugh came from the car.

Needless to say

Lin Xian had already guessed who it was from the “retaliatory” action of hitting the face with the car door just now.

Lin Xian took a step back and looked at the man who sat up from the low body

“Hahahaha, it’s really annoying to be avoided by you!!

Lei Haolong straightened up with a hippy smile.

Organize the suit on the lower body.

Skin Xiaorou stared at the “old classmate” in front of him without a smile:

“Lin Xian”

“I won the bet!”.

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