Chapter 221 Sudden change! Lei Haolong is resurrected! Familiar Ferrari 488!


Lin Xian was a little speechless.

Why do these two young people sit on the wooden coffin and take pictures?

And also smiling so happily.

Tomb head jumping di?


“I don’t understand. Maybe this is the non-mainstream culture of the United States.”

“Well, punk enough.

Lin Xian closed the web page.

Cross out the first question directly on the draft paper.

“The first question has been resolved.

“It is regrettable that the last member left by the Mutual Aid Association [Rage] is the dean of Princeton University Hospital, Dean David Green!

There is no doubt about this.

At this time, Lin Xian looked at the second question–

[There are a large number of 42 reminders in the hospital, what do you want to say?]

Combined with the answer to the first question, this is also obvious.

“Perhaps this is the dead me in the future, reminding me that this doctor has a problem!

“Looking at it this way, in the future, I am indeed aware of the existence of the Regret Mutual Aid Association.”

But Lin Xian still believes in his own reasoning.

[Rage], it is absolutely impossible to be [devil]!

Because the concept of the Regret Mutual Aid Society is completely different from that of [Demons], one is for the return of history, and the other is for the destruction of the world.

Even their goals are contradictory.

“Hey, it is really troublesome to not understand the true meaning of 42.”

Lin Xian scratched his head.

He only knows that every 42 that appears is his will to die in the future.

But an ordinary number can’t explain the problem at all.


42 is not necessarily correct.

This adds to Lin Xian’s reasoning burden.

“But I still want to thank everyone. It is better to have a hint than no hint. Where there are too many hints, there must be a problem!”

[Rage] This person 867, he must deal with it well.

So …

It’s time to see the third question–

[Obviously Einstein was not cremated in the crematorium, why is there still his ashes under the crematorium?]

This is the most incredible thing!


Lin Xian frowned and thought:

“It stands to reason that since Einstein’s ashes appear, it means that he must have been cremated!”

“Only the high pressure and high temperature in the incinerator can burn the bones to ashes. But this contradicts what Old John said.”

“Old John insisted that Einstein was not cremated here. And the people and their families did not have any farewell ceremony. This is indeed contrary to common sense.”

“Is it really the old John who remembered it wrong?”

Lin Xian thought for a long time.

But after all, he didn’t think about a reasonable explanation.

Because …

this matter

It doesn’t make sense anyway!

If Einstein was really cremated in the crematorium, even if there is no paper record, the masses, newspapers, and media will definitely have relevant reports.


After all, Einstein is a great man of the century!

This level of attention should still be there!

So, since there is no such evidence, it means that Einstein did not cremate in the crematorium.

This comes back again.

Like an endless loop–

If there is no cremation here, why are there ashes left in the ground?

“Ah! Headache!


Because of sudden force.

The end of the pencil in Lin Xian’s hand was broken.


Lin Xian adjusted his mentality and threw away the short pencil in his hand, ready to get a new pencil.


Just when Lin Xian just took out a new box of pencils from the drawer–

The mutation happened!



Mouth ……

Suddenly everything in the study (cafd) began to shake!

“Earth Earthquake!?”

Lin Xian’s first reaction was an earthquake!

Wow, wow!

One was not holding it firmly, and the whole box of pencils in his hand fell to the ground, rolling down everywhere!

Lin Xian hurriedly got up.

Is preparing to go downstairs to escape.

But the moment I looked down for slippers

He was stunned!

“This is







Pencils fell on the ground and rolled everywhere.

At this time, all the printed fonts are facing up!

Lin Xian looked down.

All over the floor are dazzling 42!

(Pictures in this chapter)

Even though the house shook, Lin Xian still stared wide and stared at the same place.

Is this a coincidence?

This is obviously not a coincidence!

How could there be such a coincidence in the world!

There are ten pencils in a box of pencils.

They just dropped to the ground in a mess, rolling randomly.

But when they stop.

But the side with 42 printed on it is facing up!

It makes your scalp numb!

Almost a conditioned reflex, Lin Xian turned his head and looked at the electronic watch on the desk–

00: 42



In a hurry, Lin Xian couldn’t help cursing!

It’s really endless!

And it’s getting worse and worse!

But at this time the earthquake hits, there is no time to think so much, it is important to escape!

Lin Xian put on the slippers and rushed towards the door without taking care of anything.

Open the door of the room.

The whole corridor is noisy!

All the neighbors are running for their lives!

“Run! Go downstairs! Earthquake! Earthquake!”

“The whole building is shaking! Everyone, go to a wide area!”

“Don’t make an elevator! Take the stairs!”

“Wow wow wow wow wow!! wow wow wow! Mom I am afraid!!”

“Ah ah ah ah ah! We are all going to die!”

All kinds of shouts, shouts, almost piercing Lin Xian’s eardrums!

The shaking of the building continued.

Lin Xian closed the door directly and ran to the top of the stairs vigorously!

In the event of an earthquake or fire, never take the elevator.

If there is something wrong with the elevator, then this life will be directly explained.

So walking the stairs is the safest way!

Amidst the noise, Lin Xian strode and jumped the stairs!

Yes …

This kind of escape moment can only be used to jump!

The 8th floor.

16 long stairs.

Lin Xian finished it in less than 1 minute!


After Lin Xian rushed out of the corridor of the unit, he ran towards the gate of the community.

The community has long been chaotic.

Dedicated security guards are leading the crowd and shouting with loudspeakers:

“Run out of the community! Go to a wide area! Go to the park across the road! Stay away from high-rise buildings!”

“Run out of the community! Go to a wide area! Go to the park across the road! Stay away from high-rise buildings!”


Lin Xian panted and ran out of the community.

The hanging heart was also let go.


“In the East China Sea, there hasn’t been an earthquake in hundreds of years. Why is it so sudden?”

There are nervous people standing everywhere in the park.

Many people are awakened from sleep, their clothes are disheveled, and they are yelling.

After calming down.

Lin Xian realized that the shaking on the ground had stopped.

It seems…

This is just a small earthquake.

It shook a few times.

But no one dared to go back to the building.

Who knows if there will be more intense aftershocks?

Lin Xian walked to the side of the road and looked at the buildings and roads in the distance.


There are no collapses or cracks.

People in Donghae City probably have been exposed to an earthquake for the first time, and they must have been overly nervous.

So it shook a few times, and it scared everyone out.

But at this kind of moment, it’s definitely right to be a little nervous.


Who dares to make fun of life?

after awhile.

The mood of the gathered masses calmed down.

Various SMS reminders, news feeds, and official announcements also began to sound on the mobile phone.

The content is similar, and they all say that the earthquake in Tokai City was a short-term low-level tremor. Please don’t move around until the alarm is lifted.

Lin Xian borrowed the phone of his elder brother next to him and called Liu Yiyi.

There was nothing serious about Liu Yiyi.

The vibration is very small.

They didn’t wake up until the old lady smashed the door.

For safety reasons, the school also allows students to leave the dormitory and concentrate on the playground.

“Okay Yiyi, then you pay attention to safety, I will return the phone to others first.

After hanging up, Lin Xian returned the phone to the older brother.

The eldest brother held Lin Xian’s hand in response to Nai’s uncontrollable excitement:

“Big brother Lin Xian! I’m a fan of you! I didn’t expect us to live in a community! Oh my God, I didn’t know for so long! It’s an honor! Which building do you live in?

Lin Xian has not had time to speak.

The eldest brother suddenly said twice:

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry you are a public figure, I shouldn’t inquire about privacy. Please forgive me, I don’t mean anything else, I’m just very excited.”

“Can you take a photo with you?”

Lin Xian smiled and met the fans’ request.

Lin Xian and the eldest brother stood side by side, smiling at each other’s thumbs.

Then the eldest brother switched to the front camera, raised his phone, and prepared to shoot at the two of them.



On the west side of the road, suddenly there was a loud engine roar!

Lin Xian couldn’t help but glanced to the west.

How do you feel that this sound is so familiar?

I seem to have heard it somewhere.

“Lin Xian, you have to look at the camera!”

“Ah sorry”

Lin Xian smiled embarrassedly, and continued to pose for the camera.


Just as the roar of engines flew past the two of them, the eldest brother pressed the shooting button.


The camera captures the smiles of the two and the red Ferrari sports car speeding by on the road.


Lin Xian’s face suddenly changed!

Without a word, he took the camera phone and clicked on the photo he had just taken.

“this ”

Lin Xian’s eyes widened.

Today’s mobile phones have a strong dynamic capture function, and the big brother’s mobile phone is Apple’s flagship, so the red sports car that is skipped behind is very clear!

It’s a Ferrari 488

Still the top version!

Don’t ask why Lin Xian knows it is the top match.

Because in the time and space before the change, this car belonged to him!

Lin Xian zoomed in on the photo.

You can vaguely see the license plate number of this Ferrari–

East A99888!

“This is Lei Haolong’s car!”

In an instant, Lin Xian was like five thunders!

What exactly is going on?

Lei Haolong is dead, Li Jing is also dead, this car should have eaten ashes in the parking lot of the People’s Hall


How could it suddenly appear here?

There are only two possibilities!

“One is Lei Haolong’s family who sold this car.”

“And another possibility”

Lin Xian held the phone and felt a chill on his back

“[That is, Lei Haolong is resurrected!]”.

(This chapter contains pictures, click the “illustration” button at the bottom right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)


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