Chapter 220 Lin Xian’s ultimate reasoning! Einstein’s coffin!

After coming out of Central South University.

Lin Xian went directly to the airport by car, got on the plane, and flew directly to Donghai City.

This trip to the United States.

Gain a lot by yourself.

First, witnessed the deaths of Li Jing, mother and son.

Secondly, it was confirmed that Einstein was not cremated in the crematorium.

Finally, learned the truth about 42.

In general, it is still full of gains.

The only pity is

The clue about [Demon] broke again.

“Forget it, it’s not a matter of breaking clues once or twice.”

“When I get home, think about it again. I must have missed some clues.”


After the plane took off, Lin Xian pulled down his blindfold and soon fell asleep.

eight pm.

The plane landed at the animated airport.

Lin Xian went to the airport parking lot, drove onto the Rolls-Royce Huiying, and drove towards the city.

I randomly found a restaurant and had a light meal.

When I got home, it was almost eleven o’clock.


Lin Xian threw the backpack on the sofa.

Looking at this familiar home.

It’s nice to go home.

It’s a pity that there is only one person left in this room now.

Lin Xian unbuttoned his shirt and walked into the study.

Looking at the empty curtains blown up by the breeze.


Liu Yiyi in a quantum state.

Just stood here for more than a month.

Then completed his mission, collapsed and sacrificed.

Unsung Hero

Lin Xian recalled what he said to Liu Lu.

“Yes, since ancient times, the Dragon Kingdom has had no shortage of unsung heroes.”

“There is no hero who stands up for fame and fortune.”

“If someone really needs Burmese, it should be Liu Yiyi and Dai Chuchan. They are obviously weak girls, but they carry such a heavy burden.”

Lin Xian walked to the window.

Touched the dusty window sill with his hand.

This is where Liu Yiyi once stood.

“I won’t let you sacrifice in vain, I feel I’m very close to the truth.”


Lin Xian took off his clothes and went to the bathroom to wash.

I had a good night’s sleep on the plane.

Today, he is ready to summarize and analyze the information he has obtained so far, hoping to find the breakthrough point of [Devil]!

“I don’t know when [Devil] will be born, so it’s better to understand all this as soon as possible.”

“After all, if you wait for the smooth birth of [Devil], it will be too late…”



43 degrees hot water washed down.

Let Lin Xian feel sober for a while.

It’s really autumn

Lin Xian still felt a little hot with the hot water of 43 degrees before, but now it feels a little cold.

“I hope all of this will end this August /々.

Today is August 16.

Half of August has passed.

Lin Xian felt that the various events that happened throughout the first half of August had already overwhelmed himself.


This may just be the calm before the storm.

It’s not easy to say that in the second half of August, the whole world will undergo tremendous changes!

After washing.

Lin Xian was sitting at the desk in pajamas.

Take out the pen and paper, and start preparing for today’s reasoning.

“All right!”

Lin Xian sharpened his pencil and started writing on A4 paper.

“First of all, we must write down a few questions.

[1. Li Jing, mother and son have been ruled out of the suspicion of being a devil, and the only person who is currently doubtful is the rest of the Regret Mutual Aid Association, who is furious. So who the hell is Rage?][2. In the Princeton University Hospital, there are countless 42 appearances. What are you reminding yourself?][3. Einstein obviously did not cremate in the crematorium, why did his ashes appear there?]

These three questions.

These are three questions that Lin Xian didn’t understand so far.

Just figure them out and solve them.

Maybe you can find a breakthrough!


Look at the first question

[Rage] Who the hell is it?

“So far I know very little about [Rage].

“The only clue comes from Wen Ling’s dictation. It is a tall, thin, white-haired old man. The biggest feature is the deformity of the right index finger.”

“The problem of finger deformities has also been asked by Inspection Liu. It is said that high-precision work can cause this kind of occupational disease, such as watch repairers, draftsmen, [doctors], researchers, etc.

Lin Xian’s eyes widened..

It seems to have caught a clue!

There is a flash of inspiration!

“Wait a minute, wait a minute, and do it again slowly”

“Tall, thin, high-precision work, doctors


Lin Xian patted the pencil in his hand on the table!

“Is it the doctor who operated on Lei Haolong’s son!?”

He suddenly felt a sense of suddenness!

All kinds of clues connect everything

suddenly see the light!

Lin Xian began to recall the scene in the hospital at that time

After the lights in the operating room went out.

A dean named [David Green] pushed the surgical cart out.

He was highly respected and left after a few words.

Lin Xian didn’t have the opportunity to look at him more.

But the impression of that person is still very deep.


His height is too high!

Even though the average height of Westerners is very high, Lin Xian feels that the doctor is about 2 meters tall!

I don’t think much about this outstanding height. Both eyes are hard!



In addition to being tall, the second impression is thin!

At that time, Lin Xian thought that older people were all skinny, so he didn’t care too much.

But today we connect all the clues

Tall, thin, foreigner, surgeon

It perfectly fits the characteristics of Wen Ling’s description of [Rage]!

“Is it really such a coincidence?”

Lin Xian was unbelievable for a while.

He quickly turned on the laptop and started searching for the name David Green on Google.


“The authoritative figure in brain research in the United States, and the dean of Princeton University Hospital”

“Various commendations, various honors, various conferences”

The fancy news on the website made Lin Xian dazzled.

I can tell.

This is really an amazing brain expert.

Just all kinds of honors, titles, and awards are filled with pages of web pages.

There are also many interviews with people.

“No way, no way”

Lin Xian shook his head.

“It’s too hard to find this way. You need to change your mind.”

Lin Xian reopened Google search.

Enter [David Green + right index finger + deformity]

This is a related search.

Can improve the accuracy of the search.


Lin Xian presses Enter.

The webpage refreshed, and a series of news with similar headlines came out!

“The father of brain surgery in the United States! Pulling 20,000 patients out of desperation!”

“Working on the operating table for many years, Dean David’s fingers have been severely deformed!”

“Curved index finger, the glory of breaking the wrist with death!”

Lin Xian casually clicked on a piece of news.

The first thing that comes out is a pair of hands full of old leather calluses and wrinkles (pictures in this chapter)!

The owner of the hand is David Green wearing a mask.

He is proud to show his “battle-scarred” hands to the camera.

The reporter’s explanation is also written below the picture:

“Dean David’s hand, because he holds the hemostatic forceps all the year round, the fingertip of the right index finger is slightly bent to the inside. But on the operating table, not only does his hand not shake, but it is okay to stand for a few hours!

“He said proudly, this crooked finger is my honor and medal as a doctor!

Lin Xian held the mouse excitedly

When all coincidences appear in one person

That is not a coincidence!

It’s the fact!

That’s right!

The well-known authoritative expert in brain science, David Green, is likely to be the only remaining party of the [Regret Mutual Aid Association], [Rage]!

“It’s very likely, but it’s not completely certain.”

Lin Xian resting his chin in thought

If [Rage] is the hole card left by [Arrogance], it means that the two people are very familiar.

Unfortunately, the identity of the Mutual Aid Association is mutually secretive.

Will there be any intersection between the two in reality?

“If David Green also has an intersection with [Arrogance] in reality, then it can be confirmed without a doubt-he is [Rage]!

Lin Xian’s breathing becomes urgent

This discovery is amazing!

It’s really nowhere to find a place to break through the iron shoes, and it is all effortless to get it!


[Arrogance] The name Lin Xian remembers clearly, George Bill.

So he opened the Google search engine again, entered the names of the two people in the search bar, and hit the enter key!



Lin Xian smiled slightly.

Unexpectedly, I was really hit by my own reasoning!

On the website (Qian Wang Zhao), there is a lot of news about the two people.

“George Bill invests in the transformation of the Princeton University Hospital, and builds a top brain department with his friend David Green”

“George Bill Interview: The Truth Reveals: Thanks to Old Friend David”

“George and David are young and exposed! Youth is beautiful and talented!”

Lin Xian curiously clicked on the last piece of news.

Very slowly, a black and white photo popped up on the newly opened web page.

In the photo, two teenagers laughed happily, unable to restrain their inner joy.

The boy on the left is sitting on a long wooden box. He is a little shorter, with shiny and neat hair, full of aristocratic temperament.

This look is [arrogance], George Bill.

The boy on the right looked sloppy.

His hair is messy.

The clothes are also very casual.

But he is very tall! He has to bend down deliberately to put his hand on George’s shoulder.

Needless to say, this boy must be [furious], David Green.

The two people in the photo are very young, and they seem to be around 20 years old.

“It seems that it is a real hammer. The two have known each other when they were young, and they still have a good relationship.”

Lin Xian has confirmed the identity of [Rage].

He continued to stare at the details of the photo


Take a breath!


Lin Xian blinked and moved closer to the monitor.


He read the toilet correctly!

[Arrogance] The wooden box sitting under the buttocks

It is clearly a [coffin]!

(This chapter contains pictures, click the “illustration” button at the bottom right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)


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