Chapter 2 It turned out to be true! Win 1 million prizes!


After washing, Lin Xian lay directly on the bed and fell asleep.

He didn’t worry about the little red mailbox and the letter, and it was all about decompression.

after all……

This fact is ridiculous.


Woke up at once.

Everything is peaceful in the world.


Lin Xian yawned greatly.

Washing, baking, eating, dressing, and going to work.


While copying the pocket by hand, Lin Xian found that there were a few curled small pieces of paper inside.

Take a look at-

“I’m going! It’s a two-color ball lottery!!”

Lin Xian was shocked!

He definitely didn’t buy it himself!

Because he never believed in such things, he would not buy lottery tickets even if he throws 2 yuan!

“Could it be… I bought it from ‘yesterday’s me’? I’m not right… I’m already the ‘me of yesterday’”

Lin Xian shook his head, this kind of trivial matter doesn’t need to be entangled.

He walked to the table and looked at the little red mailbox.

Still unremarkable.

He picked it up and shook it!

“Huh? Empty?”

Shook again.

There is no sound inside.

Sure enough, it was empty.

Lin Xian’s head thumped!

This is not a joke or a prank.

Yesterday he did write a letter and put it in, but now the letter has disappeared out of thin air.

Connecting the material in the pocket, all phenomena point to the same answer——

This red post box is really a space-time post box!

It successfully sent the letter back to the past!

Then the past self received a letter and went to buy a few lottery tickets.

Lin Xian took out the lottery ticket in his pocket.

There are 5 tickets in total, bought at different lottery shops, but they all have the same number.


Except for the last digit changed, the rest of the numbers are exactly the same as those written in my letter!

“Hehe, I really deserve it.”

Lin Xian couldn’t help laughing when he saw this scene.

This kind of cautious character is indeed his own style.

The “past self” was as careful as he was, and did not covet the first prize at all, and changed the last number.

And in order to avoid attracting people’s attention, I also ran to 5 different lottery shops to buy a bet each.

Lin Xian turned on his phone and searched for the lottery numbers of Shuangseqiu.

“Sure enough, the butterfly effect did not change, and the number of the two-color ball did not change!”

The online announcement shows that the second prize bonus for this issue is 200,000 yuan!

I have 5 photos here…

That is to say, 1 million yuan can be redeemed!

Became a millionaire in an instant!

Just wrote a letter to the past and made 1 million after changing hands!

“I didn’t expect your air mail box to be real at this time.”

Lin Xian patted the red mailbox:

“There were so many misunderstandings yesterday, brothers don’t see outsiders in the future!”

Lin Xian sent a WeChat message to the section chief for a day off.

After winning 1 million, how can I still feel like going to work?


Before going out, Lin Xian put the red postbox in the cabinet under the bookcase.

This is a life-changing baby and cannot be lost.


Without going to work, Lin Xian changed into casual clothes and went out.

As soon as I left the gate of the community, I found drums and gongs being played not far from the opposite street!

There was a circle of people.

Watching the excitement is the racial talent of the Dragon Kingdom people, Lin Xian also walked over to find out.

“Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations to our lottery shop for selling the second prize of the double color ball!!”

“This shop is a treasured place of geomantic omen! Integrity is in the hands of fortune! Come and enjoy your blessings!”

After approaching, I discovered that it turned out to be a lottery shop.

Lin Xian has an impression of this store, but has never been in.

Nowadays, the front of the store is crowded with people, and the owner is flushed with excitement with the microphone!

“Don’t ask who it is. How can I remember so many double-color balls every day?”

“If you ask so much, why not hurry up and buy a few bets! Now my shop is very lucky! I have fast hands and slow hands!”

The crowd kept squeezing inside, and the waiter in charge of ticketing was sweaty.

Lottery players all believe in the term “fortune”. The second prize has just been sold here, and it must be a good fortune!

It seems that the performance of the lottery shop today is absolutely not bad.

Lin Xian smiled slightly, left the crowd, and took a taxi.

“Master, to the XX bureau.”

Lottery tickets with more than 10,000 prizes cannot be redeemed at the lottery shop. You must go to the XX bureau.

Of course, lottery shop owners will be happy to “redeem” for you, so that they can leave photos for their store promotion.

But generally there is no such silly person, and those who win the jackpot don’t want to reveal their identity.

After getting in the car, the driver nodded, stepped on the accelerator and left.

The morning news is being broadcast on the radio in the car.

“Today is really a good day! In five different lottery shops in our city, the second prize of the two-color ball was sold!”

“Part of the income from the lottery will be used for wealthy business. If you have friends who want to try your luck, you can come and make a bet on the way from work!”


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