Chapter 1 Space-time mailbox, write to your past self?


“What kind of express is this? Have I bought it?”

Lin Xian looked at the courier he had just signed for, and was at a loss.

“Maybe your friend sent it to you.” The courier brother said casually.

Lin Xian returned to the house and opened the package of the express.

Inside is a weird little red mailbox, about the size of a kettle.

“This is a children’s toy…Whose prank was it?”

There was also a letter inside, and Lin Xian opened it and looked at it.

The font is a bit scribbled, about the same level as myself.

The content of the letter is very short:

[This is a space-time mail box, you can send letters to people in the past! 】

[Please be sure to write the recipient, recipient address, and delivery time on the envelope! 】

[Don’t forget to paste stamps! The postage is unified at 1 yuan! 】

“Hehe, this is definitely a prank.”

Lin Xian smiled, who can write letters?

This is not funny.

He didn’t pay much attention to it. Although he didn’t know who made the prank, the victim would appear sooner or later.

After a busy day, Lin Xian was also a little tired. He lay on the sofa and turned on the TV——


“Now! It’s the exciting time for the two-color ball draw!”

“There is already the last numbered ball!! Let’s start the lottery draw!!!”

On TV, the draw ceremony of Shuangseqiu is being broadcast live.

Now that the first few numbers have come out, there is only one ball left.

In the lottery machine, dozens of table tennis balls with numbers were shaking.

Finally, a ping pong ball with “06” on it rolled out.

The host excitedly picked up the microphone:

“It’s 06! The basketball number is 06! Let us congratulate those who won the prize!”

Lin Xian looked at the excited host on the TV without feeling.

He has long passed the age of believing that the lottery is “truth and fairness”, which is nothing more than a manipulative game.

“If you can travel to the past… it would be nice to know the lottery numbers in advance.”


Thinking of this, Lin Xian turned his head and glanced at the small red mailbox on the table.

The advertisement says that it is a post box that can write letters to people in the past.




Lin Xian smiled helplessly, and just unzipped it.

In modern society, where does anyone write letters?

Envelopes are used to hold money and gifts, and stamps are used to collect.

But it’s a coincidence that Lin Xian’s nature of work really needs an envelope.

As for the stamps, although Lin Xian did not like to collect, his father gave him a copy when he was a child.

“found it.”

Lin Xian found the stamp in the small box containing the childhood items.

There are a total of 4 photos, still with the theme of the zodiac, each with a face value of 5 cents.

There are envelopes and stamps, and the rest is to write letters.

Lin Xian took out A4 paper and pen and began to think about how to write.

“If I can really receive the letter… will it be a prank?”

“It has to be credible, and I have to convince the past that this is not a prank!”

With ideas, if there is a god in writing:

[My dear me in the past]

【Hello. 】

[For you, I am tomorrow’s you. This is a letter I will write to you from the future. 】

[Don’t worry about whether this is a prank, tell you a little secret that only we know…][When you were in elementary school, you secretly wrote a love letter to a Chinese teacher, which was contained in your workbook. The Chinese pinyin was still used, but it was corrected by the Chinese teacher as a homework. The comment was: S, C, Z and SH, CH, ZH are irrelevant, typed back and rewritten. 】

[Well, don’t be nervous, this matter has not been exposed, only we know it. 】

[Do you believe me now? I am you, the future you. 】

[Let’s talk about business, the two-color ball number in this issue is XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-05][Remember? Go buy a note, 2 yuan, I will not lie to you! 】

[Signature: Tomorrow’s you]


Lin Xian deliberately mistyped the last number of the first prize of Shuangseqiu.

The correct one should be 06, and he changed it to 05.

This is to avoid triggering the butterfly effect.

The last one was wrong, it was the second prize, and there were hundreds of thousands.

This kind of thing can’t be too greedy.

If you are too greedy, the “operator” may modify the winning number, and you won’t be able to win a penny at that time.

“It’s done.”

After writing, Lin Xian folded the A4 paper, put it in the envelope, and sealed it with glue stick.

Write the recipient and address, and the delivery date is yesterday.

Then affix two stamps with a face value of 50 cents.

Everything is done.

Lin Xian patted the small red toy mailbox.

It’s really ordinary.


He put the envelope directly into the slit of the post box, and did not turn his head back.

“Wash and sleep!”


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