Chapter 186 Liu Yiyi and Death Insurance

“Husband~~~ I haven’t seen you for a long time, I miss you so much!!”

As soon as Liu Yiyi left the teaching building, he saw Lin Xian waiting in the distance.

After she waved goodbye to her classmates next to her.

Run all the way to hug Lin Xian!

Beautiful men and beauties are the focus in themselves.

Not to mention Lin Xian and Liu Yiyi, a well-known couple in the school.

The love story of the two has been written as a long post and published in the post bar before, and it has spread all over the country.


Now Lin Xian has long become a well-known hero in the country.

Not only do it bravely.

And also win glory for the country!

It can be said that the scenery is infinite!

Seeing such a perfect two standing together, everyone cast envy and respect:

“Look at it! That’s Senior Lin Xian! It’s the first time I saw it in reality. I didn’t expect it to be so much more handsome than on TV!”

“I heard that Lin Xian was an undergraduate in the Department of Computer Science. Have you ever been to the teaching building of the Department of Computer Science? A few days ago, many of the bulletin boards in the corridor were replaced with photos of Lin Xian. The drink is broken!”

“When the principal spoke before, didn’t he say that he wants to invite senior Lin Xian back to his alma mater to give a speech? Why don’t you believe this paragraph? We are still waiting!”

“It is estimated that Senior Lin Xian doesn’t have time, right? He just returned from the United States not long? And the [Controlled Nuclear Fusion] laboratory was also invested by him, and it must be very busy now.”

“Oh, Lang 837 is a beautiful girl, she is really a beautiful couple! Yiyi is such a good girl, and only Lin Xian is worthy of her! I am so happy for them!”

In the envy of everyone, Lin Xian took Liu Yiyi to the parking lot, sat on Rolls Royce and drove out of the school gate.

have to say

These college students are all suffocated.

The 42 buses lined up in a row at the door were crowded in an instant!

Seriously overloaded!

As if to explode!

But everyone’s urge to “savage wild” in the city can’t be restrained.

The only means of transportation is the 42 road.

You have to sit if you don’t..

Liu Yiyi looks through Rolls-Royce’s high-end single-sided glass.

Look at the 42 overcrowded bus outside

“In fact, sometimes, I miss the way I used to squeeze the bus and subway for two hours to find your life in the city.”

“Although life is bitter, but my heart is sweet.”

Lin Xian smiled slightly:

“You have been a Rolls-Royce since elementary school, why would I be willing to let you crowd the bus in college?”

Liu Yiyi shook his head:

“What’s wrong with this? Hehe, as long as I can be with you, no matter how hard my life is, I am willing! Even if you become a poor boy again now, I will not leave you!”

“Actually, there is no bitterness. The years spent with you are the sweetest days in my life!”

Facing Liu Yiyi’s “sweet words”.

Lin Xian just smiled.

Did not speak


He believed that Liu Yiyi thought so.

But Liu Yiyi can think like this. As a man, he absolutely can’t think like this.

Back in college.

Lin Xian has been working hard and feels that he can’t live up to such a good girl.

It’s just that he was just a student at that time.

limited ability.

Apart from doing a part-time job to make a little money, there is nothing for him to use his fist.

He remembered one time.

I helped several seniors deal with a major bug in the graduation design. The seniors are very grateful to him and must treat him to a luxurious meal!

The hospitality was difficult, but Lin Xian finally went.

That meal was the most luxurious and best meal Lin Xian has eaten over the years.

The seniors are not rich dudes.

But it can be seen that they are very sincere and want to thank Lin Xian for helping them so much.

That’s why it was so expensive.

After eating fragrant and spicy.

Lin Xian went back to school.

After Liu Yiyi came out of the study room, he asked casually:

“What did you eat at night?”

“The optional set meal in the cafeteria~~~ Hee hee, it’s really affordable and delicious! It has always been my favorite!”

Optional package

Two vegetarian dishes, plus one rice, the soup is free, and the total cost is only 4 yuan.

Liu Yiyi has always been so late.

Think about the delicacies of the mountains and the sea.

Lin Xian couldn’t help feeling guilty in his heart.


Liu Yiyi was tired of eating things like lobster, abalone, and bird’s nest when he was in elementary school.

But I didn’t expect that the more I live, the more backward.

When I arrive at university, I have to eat a rice set meal for 4 yuan.

Although many girls will eat this.

But Lin Xian couldn’t help but feel guilty.

after all

She is Liu Yiyi.

Lin Xian smiled helplessly: (cafd)

“Hey, blame me for being too poor now

Liu Yiyi’s fingertips pressed against his lips.

Don’t let him continue.

She has a gentle face:

“What’s the matter with boys at this age being poorer? Rather, it’s normal for boys at this age to be poor.”

“A lot of girls now ask too much! They are obviously a 20-year-old boy, but they ask them to have the wealth of a 40-year-old man! Are they really good? I think they spend all their parents’ money. It’s just money.”

“The boy I love, just need to be an ordinary person!!

The tenderness at that moment.

This is what Lin Xian has always driven.

There is an old saying that there is really nothing wrong with it.

Behind a successful man, there must be a gentle woman.

There is a good wife in the family, and men are not subject to mischief.

With a good wife in the family, a man can confidently venture into a career.



Recalling the past, Lin Xian was a little distracted.

The red light at the intersection has turned into a green light, and the horns urging by the cars behind have sounded one after another, which brought Lin Xian’s thoughts back to reality.

Lin Xian stepped on the accelerator and went straight.

Passed this crowded intersection.

Liu Yiyi next to him may have not seen herself for a long time, and she is still talking to herself endlessly.

Recalling bitterness and sweetness.

Liu Yiyi sighed:

“The one thing I do not regret most in my life is that I firmly chose to give up everything and elope with you!”

“I am so grateful to the 18-year-old me! If she hadn’t given up everything bravely, how could I have such a happy life today?,

Lin Xian listened and smiled in agreement:

“Don’t thank your past self, you have always been brave.”


In Lin Xian’s heart, Liu Yiyi has always been the bravest girl in the world.

No less than Dai Chu Chan.

In high school, in order not to let herself be wronged, she stood up and insisted on earning “justice” for herself!

After graduation, she was willing to give up her superior life, ran away with herself categorically, betting on her whole life.

In the future world, man is already middle-aged Liu Yiyi, still bravely becoming the third messenger, and undertaking the most difficult task one-

One person, send two letters!


You also need to stand motionless behind the curtains and stand for 48 days!

This bravery.

Accompanied by her unrepentant life.

“Husband? Husband??”

Liu Yiyi leaned forward, turned his head to look at Lin Xian, and blinked:

“Why don’t you speak today? Why are you dumb?”

Lin Xian drove while driving.

While freeing his hand in gear, he touched Liu Yiyi’s head:

“Then do you know what is the least regrettable thing in my life?”

The police glanced at Liu Yiyi.

Lin Xian smiled and continued:

“It’s not just that I don’t regret it, but the past me, the future me, and even the me who have failed in countless time and space, the one thing that I don’t regret at all is one by one.”

“[Taking you back from Yan Wangye’s hands.]”

“I will never regret this!”

Lin Xian thinks.

Since I am going to the United States, I will start the final hide-and-seek with [Devil].

Some things, there is no need to hide Liu Yiyi.

As insurance for one’s own resurrection.

Lin Xian decided to tell her some truth

“first ”

“We have to go to the mall first and buy you a new mobile phone!”.

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