Chapter 185 If you never see it again, I wish you good morning, good afternoon, and good night!

Think again and again.

Lin Xian shook his head.

“Forget it, don’t worry about it.”

What price Einstein paid is meaningless in itself.

Because he is dead.

The future self, under the cremation site, found Einstein’s ashes fragments.

This is the ironclad proof.


The ashes are not the same as the DNA of the remaining tissues of the human body, which can only be left by burning the bones.

This is basically a real hammer, Einstein did cremation in this crematorium.

Don’t talk about it. Someone chopped off Einstein’s arm and threw it into the crematorium.

The Arabian Nights!

And countless evidences show that Einstein was “intact” until his death.

“Die if you die, it doesn’t matter what the price is.

Lin Xian opened the “Einstein Biography” again and read the “thank you letter” to himself again..

This time, Lin Xian found out.

I was really nervous before, or I was too guilty.

If it is for a person who does not know the truth to see.

These two sentences can’t come to any useful conclusions at all:

[Um, but I think I should politely thank this friend from Longguo, thank you, Your Excellency Lin Xian, you let me see hope!][Okay, okay, I can’t write more that will affect history. Time is up, I should go to the party. 】

“When most people see these two sentences, they should consider them separately.”

“The person Einstein thanked Lin Xian was true, but didn’t he say that he must have traveled from the future?”

“And! The most important thing is!”

Lin Xian found another blind spot!

[Arrogance] After seeing this diary, it will indeed be locked-

I thought it was a person called “Linxian” who had passed information to Einstein from the future.


He has no idea how long this “future” is!

It is possible that this Linxian came from 1980.

It’s also possible, from 2010.

It is even more likely to be from 2080!


Thinking of this, Lin Xian breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, I was too nervous.

[Arrogance] Just relying on this diary, you can’t lock your [time coordinate] at all.

In his opinion.

Perhaps in 2021, the person who passed the message to Einstein from the future is dead.

Perhaps, it is also possible that the person who will deliver the message to Einstein from the future has not yet been born.

This is all possible.

Without a [time coordinate], it is harder to find someone from the long history than finding a needle in a haystack!

Now, Lin Xian can better understand why [Pride] hasn’t locked himself in.

Want to find someone.

Time coordinates are more important than space coordinates!

“Einstein still left a lot of backhands in order to protect me, 々.”

“The letter he wrote to future generations asked them to open it in 2005, and before that, no one knew my [time coordinate].

Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell–

The bell rang after class.

Before you know it, school time is up.

Lin Xian put the thick “Einstein Biography” on the chair, got up and walked towards Dai Chuchan.

At this time, Dai Chuchan was washing the watercolor pen.

Lin Xian looked at the painting on the drawing board.


Compared with just now, the degree of completion has increased a lot.

However, that flavor is still missing.

“It seems that there is a lack of sadness. Although it looks very sad, this painting does not have the feeling of loneliness and sadness.”

“There is a feeling of being sad, but you have to force it.”

Lin Xian unconsciously commented out.

Dai Chuchan also nodded in approval.

“Yes, I also found out. It really is because of the problem with my painting. In any case, I can’t paint that kind of sadness.”

Having said that, she turned to look at Lin Xian and smiled:

“Hee hee, maybe it’s because~~ I live very happy!”

Lin Xian was amused by this pistachio again.

If you live happily, you can’t draw a sad picture?

What a myth!

It’s just that you are not level enough!

“Are you going to continue painting here?”

Dai Chuchan nodded.

“The homework will be handed in next week. Even if the drawing looks like this, you still have to finish the drawing!”

“I specifically told my driver and asked him to come to the studio to pick me up later, just because I wanted to paint here for a while.”

“Senior Lin Xian, do you remember where the music theory classroom is? I won’t give it to you!”

Lin Xian smiled.

Of course he remembers.

This is his alma mater where he attended the university for 4 years.

Where is he unfamiliar?

“Okay, then I will pick up Yiyi, you can paint slowly here.

Talk about it.

Lin Xian turned around.

Walk towards the gate of the crystal studio.

Just when he had stepped out of the door with his front foot one-

“Senior Lin Xian!”

Dai Chuchan’s shout made him stop.

Look back.

Dai Chuchan, wearing a black apron, has stood up from the painted stool.

Looking at here intently

For a time.

The wind of early autumn blew this fragrance avenue.

The scent of osmanthus flows into the studio through the doors and windows, mixing with the unique smell of the paint. At this moment, it smells inexplicably good.

On the black apron in front of Dai Chuchan.

The wine is spotted with various pigments.

Let it feel like being in a dazzling galaxy.

Dai Chuchan’s intoxicating eyes smiled.

Laughing at the sea of ​​flowers in early autumn:

“Senior Lin Xian I don’t know when we will see you next time, so I wish you good morning, good afternoon, and good night!

This is a line from the famous movie “The World of Truman”.

At this moment.

Dai Chuchan could only think of these words to express his blessing to Lin Xian.

This man, in his heart, has always been a great hero for the country and the people.

Dai Chuchan didn’t know what he had been fighting with.

But she can feel it.

In this place where no one can see in this world, Lin Xian must be fighting alone and responsibly.

Just like Lin Xian said.

After waiting for this August, I will tell myself all the truth about this reality and dream.

This incidates that

This August must not be an ordinary August!

Dai Chuchan considered herself just a weak girl.

She can’t help Lin Xian much.

Can’t help him fight for the country.

Can’t help him to contribute to the world.

It can’t help him to fight the unnecessary things.


In this time and space…

She couldn’t even be a girl standing beside him cheering for him.

Because Lin Xian’s side does not belong to her.

so …

The only thing she can do now.

It is the silent (Qianhao Zhao) blessing Lin Xian silently!

I wish you a safe journey.

I wish you every day I can’t see.

Good morning!

good afternoon!

Good night!

Dai Chuchan extremely hoped that this August would pass safely.

Waited for this August.

She will be able to see Lin Xian again.

Know the answer to everything

Lin Xian smiled knowingly.

As a movie lover, he naturally knows the deep meaning behind this line.

He waved to Dai Chuchan:

“…, Miao we will meet again.

Regardless of the rotation of time and space

No matter how the world changes

The future you and the present me are good

My present and future you are good..

The bond between time and space is as strong as the double helix structure of DNA.

“Do not worry ”

Lin Xian looked at Dai Chuchan, who was among the colorful colors, with firm eyes, and repeated:

“We will always see you again.”

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