Chapter 179 [Rage] The career secret! The reason for the deformity of the fingers!

[Arrogance] Walk around in the laboratory.

After being silent for a while, he shook his head:

“On the contrary, I think it is unlikely to be him…”

“Because his actions are too illogical! He is so bold in appearing on the [Human Technology Summit], as if he is not afraid of others’ suspicion, identity exposure, and death!”

“According to our previous speculation, the [person who disrupted history] should be a very cautious person, hiding behind the scenes, and not easily revealing his identity. But Lin Xian is so reckless and not afraid of being exposed, it really doesn’t make sense.”

“Moreover, science and technology are difficult to talk about. No one knows which country has breached what advanced technology. Everyone is concealing it. [Controlled nuclear fusion] is a major country project, and it will never be done by someone. Something. It is possible that Lin Xian was introduced by Longguo only because he is a more famous public figure, as a representative to publish this result.”

“In my opinion, Lin Xian doesn’t even understand [Controllable Nuclear Fusion], but because of his good image, he was selected as a front-end tool person and spokesperson.”

“Hey, forget it, these are not important.”

[Arrogance] Waves his hands.

Instructed the two not to worry about such indifferent things.

He opened the drawer and took out a ceramic pistol that could pass through the security check.


The pistol slapped on the table.

[Arrogance] smiled slightly:

“We don’t need to discuss here. If my speculation is good, the [person who disturbs history] will definitely be curious and curious, pretending to be [jealous], and come to our party in Dongfang Pearl! ”

“Because, this is the only channel for him to obtain information, only this 20 chance. I can see from the IP access records in the background, after the death of [Jealous], some people still use [Jealous] IP to visit our webpage, Then don’t think it must be the murderer!”

“So he should have cracked our party time, and [Jealous] has never attended a party. No one knows what he looks like. The murderer will probably pretend to be [Jealous] to attend the party.”

“At that time, it doesn’t matter who the person is here, just kill him? As for his method of disrupting history, we can check it slowly after the person dies.”

“But we must not keep this life for him! After all, exposure means death! Either we kill him first, or he kills us first!”

[Rage] Then nodded.

This is the famous dark forest law in science fiction circles.

He has read the English version of “Three-Body”.

So he also knows the delicate balance between [Regret Mutual Aid Association] and [People Who Disrupt History].

No one knows how many hole cards anyone has.

No one knows what kind of ability the other party has.

So, in this game of hide and seek,

Found it will be destroyed!

Otherwise, it is yourself that is destroyed!

“Old man, don’t go to this party.”

[Arrogance] Pointing to the crib at the other end of the laboratory:

“On the one hand, you stayed to look after Einstein.

“On the other hand, although the possibility is very small, if I really fail, I won’t be completely overthrown.”


[Arrogance] began to tell [Rage] about his future plan.

1. If the [person who disturbs history] comes to the appointment, shoot and kill him. Before the matter was exposed, [Arrogance] had already flown back to the United States. There is no extradition treaty between the Long Kingdom and the United States, and even if it is finally found out that [arrogance] is the murderer, there is nothing they can do.

2. If it fails for various reasons and [Arrogance] is caught in the inspection bureau, the embassy will also come forward to find people. [Arrogance] The various identities are extremely special, and the top US officials will find ways to apply for political exemptions for them.

In this regard, the two are still very confident.

these years.

They forced a lot of advanced technology out of Einstein’s mind.

These technologies are secretly used by the United States in military, aerospace, communications, energy and other fields

There are still many cross-epoch projects under study.

[Quantum battery] is the tip of the iceberg.

[Arrogance] The huge amount of wealth acquired has all been invested in the construction of various research institutes.

Talk about the results and the project

Let alone lead the entire world by at least 20 years.


For the senior leaders in the United States, [arrogance] is very important! It must be alive!

Only if he is alive can the development of cutting-edge technology be guaranteed.


[Rage] Believe in the judgment of [arrogance].

Even if [arrogance] was caught in the inspection bureau because of the murder, the top US officials were willing to sacrifice a lot of foreign and trade policies to rescue him.

Because he is too important to the United States

If it weren’t for [Controllable Nuclear Fusion], it turned out.

A [quantum battery] is enough to establish the U.S.’s world dominance.

“So, old man, you can stay here with peace of mind.”

[Arrogance] Very calm and arrogant:

“In Long Kingdom, no one can kill me, and no one can kill me in the detention center of the Inspection Bureau!,

“I will come back safely.

After saying this sentence.

[Arrogance] I set off to Long Country and went to the party.

Time goes back to now.



The little baby in the crib has eaten and drank enough, and started to fall asleep.

The countdown on the display continues.

[Rage] Still on the screen.

The heart is ashamed.

“George, if you really die this time, you must have died of arrogance.”

The two of them have known each other for decades of friendship.

Arrogance and rage are the perfect interpretation of two people.

But human beings have always been instinctive in nature since ancient times.

I know it by myself.

It just can’t be changed.

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell–

The phone rang.

In this quiet underground laboratory like an ice cellar, the sudden ringing of bells was particularly harsh!

[Rage] Hurry up and press mute!

Don’t wake up the baby

It’s too hard to serve! He is not this piece of material at all!

He looked at the phone screen.

Is his assistant.


Is his own [decent career] assistant.

He answered the phone.

“Hey, it’s me, what’s the matter?”

“Brain tumor removal? How many times have I demonstrated to you, can’t you learn it? Is each one of them eaten? How can I be ashamed to say it is my student when I go out?”

“Not a normal tumor? How serious is it? What is the state now?”

“Okay, okay, don’t talk about it. The patient’s life is important, so let me go. You guys, when will I be alone! Wait for me outside my office. I will rest in the bedroom inside.”

He hung up the phone.

Sit up

That’s right.

[Rage]’s main job is [Doctor].

He is also a very skilled old doctor, and his reputation is second to none in Princeton, and he ranks first in the country.

Because I’m getting older.

[Rage] usually does not go to the clinic.


But in the case of complicated and difficult operations, he still needs to go out in person.

Although the mouth is disgusting.

But [Rage] does not reject “going into battle in danger.”

This feeling of being expected by everyone and coming to the finale is still very cool.

For [Rage].

The money has long been spent too much, and it stands to reason that the doctor’s work can long ago be quit.

But people, you always have to find something to do for yourself.

Moreover, he himself also has academic pursuits. It is a kind of fun to constantly surpass himself in the professional field.

It’s strange.

He will be irritable because of all kinds of small things, but the operation that lasts for several hours not only does not feel irritable, but also finds it very interesting!

He enjoys this process of controlling life.

The operating table, which has been like a day for decades, has long become a part of his life.

The index finger of his right hand became [deformed] because of years of holding the hemostatic forceps for a long time.

But he never regretted it.

on the contrary.

In his field.

This kind of finger deformity is precisely the capital of pride!

Represents own profession and qualifications.

“Anyway, it’s better than feeding a baby.

[Rage] Quickly walk to the secret elevator.

The 837 secret elevators can lead directly to his office.

Thanks to the success of the [Arrogance] investment, they almost bought out the entire Princeton City.

This hospital was wholly bought by [Arrogance] decades ago, and it was renovated.

The two set up a secret laboratory in the underground of this hospital.

The purpose of the laboratory.

Mainly used to imprison and study Einstein.

In the entire hospital, only the two of them knew about the existence of this underground laboratory.


Before getting on the elevator.

[Rage] Press a button to activate the cleaning robot in the room.

The advanced cleaner robot slides over and automatically cleans up the dirt on the ground.

And [Rage] put on the white coat on the hanger, got on the elevator, and pressed the up button

“It’s a delightful time for surgery again.

“It’s okay to work, just divert your attention.”


The elevator doors opened.

[Rage] Get out of the closet in the bedroom.

He locked the closet with his fingerprints, walked out of the bedroom, and came to the office.

Then put on gloves.

Open the office door

Several doctors and graduate students outside looked at [furiously] with respect

“I’m so old, you guys who are not upbeat, don’t you plan to retire me?

“Let’s go, which number is the operating room?”

While changing clothes in the sterile room, [Rage] was still thinking.

Less than 48 hours left

You can get the answer.

If the countdown is reset, it means [Pride] is still alive.

If the countdown goes to zero, it means [arrogance] is dead.

By the time.

He must make the final choice–


1. Give up everything, destroy everything, and spend the rest of your life ordinary.

2. Continue to play hide-and-seek, find the person who disrupted history, kill him, and seize the power to control time and space.

These two roads

Which one should I go?.

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