Chapter 178 The eve of the party! [Pride]’s last words!

[Rage] Sitting in the room.

Only then did he realize that the existence of [arrogance] was such a great spiritual dependence for him.

All the time.

He would just lose his temper.

Although he thinks he has strong execution ability, in fact, he is always [arrogant] making his own decisions.

[Arrogance], is the role of the think tank among the two, smarter, calmer, and more thoughtful.

But now he is the only one left.

[Rage] Like a headless fly, I don’t know what to do.

Except for daily work, he has been staying in this hidden underground laboratory every day

Do nothing.

Feed the baby.

Waiting for [arrogant] response

On the display in front of me, there are only less than 48 hours left in the countdown.

This means that [Arrogance] has been out of audio for a full 5 days.

“August Three Seven” think in a good place, maybe it is [arrogance] being imprisoned, kidnapped, controlled

But this is obviously impossible.

[Arrogance] High position, great status, and extremely smart.

He must have left a lot of back hands to protect himself.

[Arrogance] I once told [Rage] very seriously and accurately:

“Oh, my old buddy, yes, yes, I have set dozens of methods to reset this countdown.

“So don’t worry about me. Even if my life is controlled, imprisoned, or kidnapped, I still have many ways to reset this countdown. Of course, the premise of all this is that I must live.

“So, old man. You must believe in this countdown. If this 154-hour countdown is over. Then don’t doubt, you can boldly confirm and believe one by one.”

“【I’m dead.】”

“[Regardless of the facts, you can firmly believe this. Therefore, if things get to that point, you have two choices.]”

“[1. Burn all the underground laboratories, start the self-destruction procedure, throw Einstein into the incinerator and burn it to ashes, forget everything, and go to the life of the playboy you dreamt of when you were young.]”

“[2, think of a way to force the name of that person from Einstein’s memory, then find him and seize his ability to change history! Then, think of a way to change the history of my death and bring me back to life]”

“Of course, old man, I don’t mind if you choose the second option. I know you too well. You are irritable and not stable enough. Although you are very good in your [professional field], you are fighting against others. In terms of courage, you can’t beat that cunning man.”

“So if one day I really die. Just as I said in the first one, destroy everything, give up the dream of becoming a god, take the money that we can’t spend all our lives, and enjoy life. Forget about me Death, forget all the hatred, and enjoy my old life together.”

“Hahaha, even though we are so old, what else can we enjoy? You will continue to wear it in your [professional field] and enjoy fame and fortune.

[Rage] Sigh.

The elbow is supported on the table.

Cover your eyes with your hands

These words were spoken to him [Pride] 2 years ago.

At that time, [Rage] felt the same as the last words, and didn’t care much.

But it is worth mentioning that [Rage] has a very good memory, and is basically an unforgettable level.

Thanks to this, he remembered everything [Arrogant] said very clearly, even if he didn’t care, he remembered very clearly.

Even if a few years have passed.

[Rage] Recalling these words, they are still vivid..

“George, are you really dead this time?”

[Rage] Can’t believe this fact.

He couldn’t imagine how such a smart, cautious, confident and powerful old man died.

[Arrogance] Every step I take is careful planning, leaving countless retreats.

Including this time going to the Dongfang Mingzhu party in Donghai City, Long Kingdom.

[Arrogance] I also made various preparations in advance.

It was the night before the party, and the day after the [Human Technology Summit] ended.

Also in this secret laboratory.

“Old man, [Jealous] and [Lazy] are dead. The way of death, how can I say it, is not like being killed. They are all unexpected, but they are in common sense.”

“It’s as if someone deliberately wanted to do it like this.”

At that time, the [Rage] was making milk powder.

Hearing this sentence was stunned:

“[Jealous]? Didn’t he just join the organization, he hasn’t even attended a party, have you seen him?”

[Arrogance] shook his head:

“I haven’t met him, but I have talked with him a little bit. He is a very smart young man in the Dragon Kingdom. Coincidentally, he told me that he is investigating a person who may have the ability to [foresee the future].”

“I didn’t say much about it, and I didn’t care. After all, in the eyes of many people, I, George Bill, everyone thought I had the ability to [foresee the future]. I even wondered if this young man was investigating. What about me? I didn’t talk to him so much.”

Having said that, [Arrogance] smiled helplessly.

This is not big news anymore.

Because his various investments are so accurate and unique, many people in the world suspect that he is a traverser, from the future, or can predict the future…0

[Rage] After listening.

He rested his chin and thought for a while.

Feel this possibility

Even within the organization, the true identity of [Pride] is hidden.

At every party, 【Arrogance】will wear Einstein’s mask and never show his true colors.


Except for yourself.

In this world, no one knows that [arrogance] is the investment ghost George Bill.

So natural.

The new member, [jealous] Lei Haolong, would not know that George Bill is the boss of the organization.

But out of the prudence of the profession.

[Rage] also noticed the meaning of [arrogance]:

“I see. At first, you thought, [Jealous]-The person who can predict the future who has been investigating is you, so you didn’t ask too much.

“But now, [Jealous] and [Lazy] are almost dying on the front and back, and you suspect that someone killed them both on purpose!!

“Even, you still suspect! The person who killed them is the [person who disturbs history] that we have been looking for! Are you worried that we have been exposed?”

Hear the analysis of [Rage].

[Arrogance] A knowing smile.

This old man, although his temper is a little anxious, his IQ is still very high, and he knows everything at one point.

“Yes, that’s what I meant.

“Really ”

[Rage] Come over, clenched fists, and looked at [Arrogance]:

“Then who is this person who has been looking for for dozens of 5.3 years? Do you already have a general direction in your heart?”

[Arrogance] Nodded

Shook his head again

“I’m a skeptical candidate, but I’m not sure. But I think that person will definitely appear in place of [jealous] by the time of this gathering!”

“Old man, if you think about it, if he can silently kill [jealous] and [lazy feeling], it means that our organization has been exposed. If that person is smart enough, he must have a way to know [Sorry for the existence of Mutual Aid Association].”

[Rage] Scratching his head:

“You said that the person who disturbed history, is it the third player of the Dragon Kingdom team – Lin Xian?”

“He can actually come up with a cross-era [Controlled Nuclear Fusion], which is too unreasonable! Our [Quantum Battery] was still pried out of Einstein’s mouth. Where did he get such advanced technology?” .

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