Chapter 160 [Last Letter] Full text! Son of Einstein and Lei Haolong! Important clues!

Tear open the letter.

Lin Xian felt extremely heavy.

Heaviness does not lie in the weight of faith

But lies in

Everything contained in this letter.

He could feel the expectations of the billions of people in the future, all carried on this thin letter paper.

The future of mankind has been completely defeated.

The East Defense Pearl Tower collapsed to the ground

It is conceivable that there is no hope in the future world.

This is a “causal war” that is more terrifying than nuclear war.

So far.

All three messengers from the future collapsed and died.

They dissipate not only in the present, but also in the future.

Lin Xian felt the same way,…

How determined is the future self, from making this world-wide decision-

Give up the future! Support the past!

And this thin, unremarkable [last letter].

Is the most important and final support for the future world



The paper rubbed gently.

Two dry and yellowed letter papers were pulled out of the envelope

Lin Xian has some doubts:

“Why are these letter papers so old? It gives me the feeling that these letter papers were dug in the ground for decades.”

He is very clear.

Although these two letter papers have spanned more than 20 years in reverse time and space.

But the time they actually experienced was only more than 50 days.


It is impossible to be so dry and yellow.

Lin Xian just remembered this time.

The [first letter] received on June 16, the letter paper and envelopes are also relatively old.

He suddenly realized!

“I see!”

Lin Xian picked up the two silver rings on the table.

“The reason why these two rings did not disappear with the collapse of the messenger quantum state is that they belong to the age of 2021!”

This is easy to understand.

According to Liu Lu, there is no way for the quantum state objects that will pass through in the future to exist for a long time in the current era.

But if it is something of the current era, it can exist normally.

Just like these three rings.

They are 2021 things in themselves.

According to the normal sequence of development, Lin Xian, Liu Yiyi, and Dai Chuchan will get married before the end of 2021 (approximate time).

So natural.

These three rings were also purchased in 2021.

The wedding ring is not a consumable item. It will last a lifetime when you wear it. It is impossible to change or buy a new one.

So the three of them kept wearing the ring and lived until 2041.

Subsequently, they wore the ring and traveled back to 2021.

They are traversers from the future, so they collapsed and disappeared naturally.

But these three rings are different.

They themselves are things in 2021, and then they are also brought to 2021, nothing more than the return of the things to their original owners


Even if the messenger wearing them collapses and disappears, the ring will still not disappear.

“Similarly! Because of this feature, these envelopes and letter paper are also antiques from 2021 n々!”

Lin Xian couldn’t help feeling.

The future self really thinks too carefully in all aspects!

Even the details of letter paper have been taken into consideration!

“I admire you ”

Lin Xian admires his real name!

I can only say that I am worthy of myself!

If the future Lin Xian writes to the present Lin Xian, he will use 2041 letter paper.

So you can imagine.

These two letters will never be delivered!

With the collapse and disappearance of the third messenger Liu Yiyi, the two letters will also collapse and disappear in the quantum state!

Because [These 2041 letter papers do not belong to the era of 2021!]

“In the future, I must have spent some effort to find the stationery to be produced in 2021.”

“Even the pen and ink used for writing must be from 2021!

“Only in this way can it be guaranteed that even if the [messenger] sending the message collapses in a quantum state, these letters and the text on them can still stay!”

“Because they are the things of this era! They will be preserved intact like those three rings!

Lin Xian laid the letter paper flat on the table.

Touch the dry lines with your hand



This is the “paper birth” experienced by these “old antique” letter papers.

In order to get these “old things” in the future, I must have done a lot of work.

It seems…

“No more emotion, please read the letter!”

Lin Xian has been waiting for this letter for too long

Now he is like a headless fly, facing [Devil] without any clue.

It doesn’t matter if the reasoning in this letter is right or wrong.

But after all, as long as there is the right place, he can provide him with ideas.

He believes in the future self!

This is called self-confidence!


Lin Xian turned the letter over, laid it flat on the desk, and started reading:

[My dear me in the past]


[If nothing unexpected happens, it should be August 16th on your side. 】

[It is also on this day that you learned the truth about 42 from Liu Lu. How do you feel? Is it a bit disappointing? It is far less mysterious than we thought. On the contrary, it is very simple. It turns out to be something that can be described clearly in one sentence. 】

[Sometimes, the reason why we fail is not because we are not complex enough, but because we are not simple enough. 】

[The above sentence must be familiar to you. This is the famous saying of Professor Ding Yi. At that time, when scientists all over the world felt that there is no breakthrough in the spherical flash-electric model, Professor Ding Yi discarded all complicated inferences and proceeded directly from the simplest and most incredible point of view. The answer lies. 】

[So sometimes I am also thinking about the path of searching for the devil, is it too complicated for us to think?][Perhaps the devil, it’s not as smart as we thought, not as witty, not as having a city, and not as knowledgeable about hiding)

[Did we always think of demons too complicated? Perhaps the simplest, most obvious, and most incredible answer is just the right one!][Okay, the above is just my suggestion to you. 】

[By now, you should be clear. If you want to change the future, you can’t be influenced or drawn by my thinking. 1

[Therefore, in this letter, I will not tell you any of my conjectures, although some of my conjectures may not be wrong. But the result is that it proves that my speculation must have gone wrong. So, don’t follow my old path, please stick to your own direction. 1

[Below, I will only tell you 2 facts that must be correct!!][Remember, these facts must be correct! In the future, we will have means you cannot understand to explore, reveal, restore, and find some key evidence. Therefore, please do not doubt the following two facts, they are undoubtedly correct!][1. The emergence of the devil must have something to do with the survivors of the Chicago Grand Theater. We have determined that the two survivors between the 37 victims and the 35 victims are Liu Yiyi and Lei Haolong!][It is precisely because of this fact that I suspect that Lei Haolong is a demon. But the facts have proved that even if Lei Haolong is killed, the future will not change. That’s it, I didn’t say that my reasoning must be wrong, maybe I was right, but something went wrong elsewhere. So, don’t be affected by my thinking!][2. Using advanced technology, we found the DNA of three deceased persons under the [Crematorium Site] in Princeton, U.S.A. They are – Einstein, Li Jing, and Lei Haolong’s son who was born Tianzhe. 】

[I know, you have suspected before that the devil is the son of Li Jing or Lei Haolong. But you also witnessed the death of Li Jing, the birth of her child, and the death of her a few days ago. We did find the remaining tissue DNA of Li Jing and Lei Haolong’s sons underground at [Crematorium Site]. 】

[Einstein’s DNA is more accurate. We even found a small piece of ashes. After being determined, (Qian Hao Zhao) was indeed the remains of Einstein himself. Although we don’t know why Einstein was cremated in the United States, the discovery of his ashes proves that he is indeed dead. ][So under my reasoning, I ruled out the possibility that these three people are demons. After all, in our time, the world is still being destroyed, the devil must still be alive. These three dead men cannot become demons anyway. Seedling】

[Of course, this is just my reasoning. Again, please don’t be affected by my thinking. You can doubt my reasoning, but don’t doubt the fact that we found the DNA of Einstein, Li Jing, and Lei Haolong’s sons in the crematorium. 】

[To tell you the above two facts is the main purpose of my writing this letter. Please forgive me for not telling you this in advance. There are some things that you must experience personally to be able to grow and become stronger. 】

[The me in the past, please don’t follow my old ways and don’t be affected by my thinking. 】

[Think! Think about it! Find a way to find out the existence of the devil! Destroy it! Save the world!][If you succeed, then we congratulate you! If you fail, please send the space-time mailbox back to June 5, 2021, let us start again in the past][And you will be a part of 42 just like us].

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