Chapter 159 Don’t miss us, you are us!

Facing Lin Xian’s lofty ambitions.

Liu Yiyi finally swallowed the words in his throat

This cruel fact.

Still don’t let him know.

After the first messenger Dai Chuchan collapsed

Liu Lu shuttles all the secrets of the quantum state. Both told Lin Xian and Liu Yiyi.

When the quantum state collapses, all mass and energy will dissipate in the quantum tunnel

Nothing belongs to any era.

At that time Liu Lu cried and explained:

Law of conservation of mass, law of conservation of energy, mass-energy conversion formula.

These three are the theorems of the universe.

Even if a person dies, the substances contained in his body will continue to circulate on the earth

His corpse will be corroded by bacteria, become nutrients for plants, and feed for animals. In this world, it will continue to exist in another form.

Therefore, although he died, the matter and energy were still transforming and did not disappear.


A person in a quantum state travels through time and space and collapses

It means that all her energy and quality do not exist in the original time and space.


Liu Lu regretfully told the two of them:

“[The quantum state is irreversible. A human being who is still in a quantum state will never be able to become a normal human again.]”

“At the same time, even if there is a way to successfully change history and save the future world. Everyone will be saved, the dead who disappeared will be resurrected, and the collapsed city will be brand new. But only three messengers will disappear forever in the long river of time and space. There won’t be any of them.”

“Because for the future time and space, the messenger’s mass, matter 20, energy, everything has disappeared forever.”


After hearing this, Lin Xian and Liu Yiyi were not too surprised.

Although they didn’t expect it to be so serious before.


Since I chose to be a messenger, I was ready to sacrifice myself and never planned to live in the world.

Dissipate and dissipate!

If it collapses, let’s collapse!

As long as we can save this world, let it become a beautiful world again.

What if your own existence is erased and no one will remember yourself?

Lin Xian chose to become a hero of mankind.

Liu Yiyi and Dai Chufeng chose to become the hero’s wife.

Then these missions.

They are all obliged!

Liu Yiyi smiled.

She hooked Lin Xian’s little finger with her little finger and said softly:

“Then we have an appointment, we are waiting for you in the future!”

She lied.

This is the only time she has deceived Lin Xian in her life.



Her body began to crystallize rapidly.

At the last moment when consciousness still existed, she finally forgot to look at the back of her beloved man, regretful, and full of relief:

“[Don’t miss us, you are us!]’


Having crystallized all over her body, she couldn’t say this sentence.


The whole crystal is broken into billions, billions, billions, billions of tiny quantum particles!

Scattered into blue star dust!

Under the superimposition of visible and invisible states…


The third messenger, Liu Yiyi, the wife of the great leader.

Born on June 8, 1997 in Jinzhou District, Hangzhou.

On July 8, 2041, it will be transformed into a quantum state messenger, and will be sent across to June 16, 2021.

In the end, he died from the collapse of the quantum state and dissipated in the quantum tunnel.

He was 44 years old.

Lin Xian stroked the bright silver ring.

Feeling the body temperature that is too late to die


That’s it.

All three rings have been collected.

The two are here.

The other is in Dai Chuchan’s hands.

Here are two female models, engraved with YY and CC respectively.

The ring on Dai Chuchan’s hand is a men’s, with LX engraved on it.

He got up and lifted the picture frame on the wall.

Take out the key.

Open the cabinet under the desk and take out the tin box for storing old things.

There is also a bright silver ring inside.

Lin Xian took it out too.

Contrast under the light

“Sure enough, exactly the same

Two rings on the hand.

Whether it is gloss, style, or even size, they are exactly the same.

There is no doubt that it can be hammered now–

[In the future, I really married two wives. 】

“Mom! This is crazy! How did you get permission?”

Lin Xian couldn’t help scratching his head.

This is obviously illegal.

“But how do I say

Lin Xian smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Currently in this state.

It’s hard to separate, and it’s hard to separate.

Perhaps only “I want it all” is the only answer that can solve the problem.

Just listened to Liu Yiyi’s thoughts.

She believes that the most convenient way to “save the world” and “kill the devil”–

It is to tell the 18-year-old Lin Xian not to go to Liu Yiyi’s birthday party, and then let Liu Yiyi and the devil die in the theater.

“But even if this method is implemented now, is it too late?”

Lin Xian began to imagine.

Today, history has completely changed.

The historical facts of sending letters have disappeared, leaving behind the facts of receiving letters later.

On the morning of June 8, 2015, the “Wen Ling’s handwritten letter” will definitely appear on his desk

So, is it possible to prevent myself from attending Liu Yiyi’s birthday party?

Thought for a few minutes.

Lin Xian opened his eyes.

“In fact, if you really want to stop it, there is still a way.

He recalled.

After reading the letter, the 18-year-old was very cautious.

Did not believe what the letter said.

Just thought it was a prank.

My first reaction at that time was to contact Wen Ling for verification.

Of course.

At that time, Wen Ling had already fled to the United States and couldn’t contact herself.

So the authenticity of this letter has become impossible to verify.

“Therefore, if I want to prevent me from attending Liu Yiyi’s birthday party, I can start from Wenling.”

“I just need to find a way to prevent Wen Ling from fleeing, or persuade her family to surrender, or even write a letter earlier, so that Wen Ling will not participate in the illegal affairs between her parents, so that I can be guaranteed that day. Contact Wen Ling as scheduled!”

Lin Xian’s thoughts opened up all at once.

By writing to the past.

He has ten thousand ways to save Wen Ling, so that she has no motive to flee abroad.

In this case, my past self can contact Wen Ling on June 8 as he wishes.

“Hello? Wen Ling, did you write me a letter?”

“Oh! Lin Xian, are you crazy! Why am I writing to you!?”


This is a call.

The clever little Lin Xian naturally knew that this letter was a fake.

He will throw this letter into the trash can and ignore it, as before, not attending Liu Yiyi’s birthday party.

“really …

Lin Xian touched the ring on his hand and said to himself:

“This is undoubtedly the best way to solve [Demon]. Missing this opportunity, we may never find [Demon] again.”

“but ”

“I saved the world, who will save Liu Yiyi?”

In Lin Xian’s opened eyes, flames burned.

From the moment you get this space-time mailbox.

Lin Xian set his life goal.

[My life, no need to regret!]

Liu Yiyi persuaded herself that life is always imperfect, and people always have to shake hands with their regrets.

But Lin Xian didn’t want this.

Escape is the choice of the coward!

The future Lin Xian, even if he did not see the slightest hope of salvation, did not choose to kill Liu Yiyi with his own hands again.


I would never choose this path!


“Forget it, don’t think about this for now, let’s read the [last letter] first!”

Lin Xian firmly believes.

There must be many key clues in this crucial [last letter].

It doesn’t matter if these clues are right or wrong.

It is always helpful to your current situation.

Lin Xian believes in the future middle-aged Lin Xian’s cautiousness.

He can be sure.

At least 837 was on the 42nd bus. The two words he said to himself must be the correct one-

[You have awakened a demon while rescuing Liu Yiyi. A demon that should have died in the Grand Theater of Chiga. 】

[42 Not necessarily correct, you need to learn to judge by yourself. 】

The middle-aged self in the future obviously has a long time to talk to himself.

But he cherishes words like gold without mentioning a word.

This shows that he doesn’t want his thinking to affect him now, after all, he follows his old path and repeats the same.

But it is under this worry.

He still said the above two sentences [Conclusion].

It seems that the future Lin Xian is not afraid of these two [final conclusions] misleading himself

That means–

These two [final conclusions] must be correct!

“Now that’s all right, the problem has come back to the original point.

“[The devil] must be related to the shooting at the Chigaga Grand Theater! It’s a pity that I only have a list of deaths in the shooting after the change in history, and no list of deaths before the change in history.”

Before history changed, 37 people were killed in the Chigago shooting.

After history changed, 35 people were killed in the Chigago shooting.

Two people escaped from death’s sickle.

One of them is Liu Yiyi.

The one remaining person is the key to finding the [devil]!

Lin Xian previously guessed that the person who survived fortunately was Lei Haolong.

but now …

This answer has become a little confusing again.

Is it Lei Haolong?


Lin Xian sighed.

Now my mind is dizzy.

Obviously, it was only a short time to figure out who the [devil] was from the distance, but he had no choice but to cut his mind.

He bent down and picked up the [last letter] on the ground.

The envelope says–

[Recipient: Lin Xian. 】

[Address: Unit 802, Unit 4, Building 3, Binhuwan Community, Donghai City. 】

[Delivery time: August 16, 2021. 】


It is time to officially receive future information and enter the final battle!


Lin Xian tore open the envelope!.

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