Chapter 157 [Devil] and the weapon of causality: human beings are bugs!

Liu Yiyi understood in an instant!

closed loop!

Time and space closed loop!

She came here to break the closed loop and save the future.

but …

The impulse at that moment just now made her a part of [Time and Space Closed Loop]!

Instead, let this closed loop become more complete and firm!

Liu Yiyi looked at her palm.

I can’t understand all of this for a while


Why is this so?

She couldn’t figure it out all the time, but where did this 【space-time closed loop】 begin to take shape?

Because of her move.

At this time, Lin Xian, a young man, will have an insoluble knot in his heart–

“[That night, who was the one who held my wrist and refused to let me submit a letter?]”

This question will make it impossible to think about the answer for a lifetime.

It’s not just him.

Even if he is as smart as Liu Lu, he still can’t figure it out. Why did the “mysterious power” hold Lin Xian’s wrist at that time?

This is not scientific at all!

But in fact

This is very scientific!

Because …

The person holding Lin Xian’s wrist is the one who has entered the [Invisible Quantum State]!

Liu Yiyi frowned.

Very regretful in my heart.

Obviously shouldn’t do this

Let’s not talk about whether it should be or not.

I acted so big just now, and realized a part of Lin Xian’s wrist and clenched Lin Xian’s wrist, which consumes a lot of energy!

The energy of his own quantum state is not much.

Going on in such a waste.

Don’t talk until August 16th

Maybe it won’t even last August 1st!

“no ”

Liu Yiyi shook his head.

Walk back to the window again.

Leaning back against the window, looking at Lin Xian, a young man who is still pensive and sluggish

“I can’t move anymore. From now on, no matter what the big thing is, I can’t stop it anymore!!

“I don’t need to worry about Lin Xian’s affairs, I just need to complete my task and send him the [last letter] as promised!”

After clear thinking.

Liu Yiyi made up his mind.

Enter the [invisible quantum state] completely on the edge of the window sill again, motionless

Lin Xian next to the desk kept the posture of letter posting for a long time.


He seemed to understand.

I opened the drawer and read the [first letter] again.

Then he burned the written letter while talking to himself.

Then turn off the lamp.

Go back to the bedroom to sleep


Liu Yiyi was relieved.


After all, the letter was not sent out, so I did not work in vain.

after a few days.

When Lin Xian competed in the United States.

Many things in the study have inadvertently changed.

Liu Yiyi didn’t know when it changed.

But various places have become a little different.

The most obvious change

It was Lin Xian’s draw that added a lock.

Liu Lu said.

This chaotic change of time and space can only be noticed by the quantum state itself.

It is precisely because the messenger is a quantum state.

Therefore, it is possible to traverse to the node that triggers the changes in time and space.

This is the unique ability of the messenger.

It is even more powerful than the [Time and Space Mailbox].

[Time and Space Mailbox] can only send the letter back to the past after it has been changed, but cannot send it back to the past before the change.

But the [messenger] of the quantum state can pass through the quantum tunnel to the node before the time and space change.


The price is also large enough.

The day after witnessing the changes in time and space, this small room became lively and cheerful.

The voice of a young girl appeared in the room for the first time.

While sighing, Liu Yiyi smiled knowingly.

She knows

In the next room, the young self was rescued.

It is also because of saving oneself and letting [the one who should have died survive], so a series of butterfly effects are created

Not only did the Longguo Olympiad lose.

[Mathematics World Masters] was also cancelled.

Wang Hao also went to study abroad instead of herself, Wen Ling also returned to China after a few years of fleeing and surrendered, Lei Haolong successfully survived to marry and have children

What’s more terrifying is

[Devil], also appeared!


Thinking of this name, Liu Yiyi not only clenched his fists!

In the future, even farther future, and even the future that has been submerged…

Countless Lin Xian tried countless times, but failed to find the trace of [Devil].

This is ridiculous!

[Devil], who has a powerful weapon of causality, changes the world recklessly every day!

The person who slept with you yesterday will disappear without a trace after getting up tomorrow.

The Pearl of East Defense, which rose to the sky yesterday, will be cut off and collapsed to the ground tomorrow when I get up.

The Great Wall, which was still standing in the mountains yesterday, will evaporate from the world after getting up tomorrow! There is no trace of it!

..0 Seeking flowers…

Some people who have died will be resurrected tomorrow

Some people who are clearly alive don’t know when they will die

Humans have never fought such a difficult battle

Without the missiles and guns, people would die, cities would collapse, and countries would die.

This incredible way of fighting–

[You can’t see the enemy, or even know who the enemy is, but he can easily wipe you out. 】

[Even, the enemy is more likely to be the people by your side, the people who get along day and night! He is standing by your side, and has been silently destroying the world with causal weapons, but you can’t notice it. 】

In the face of such an unthinkable enemy, mankind has no power to fight back and can only retreat steadily.


It was Lin Xian who came out!


The greatest hero in the history of mankind has led mankind to fight countless times!

But in the end

The future has been repeated countless times.

Humans are all defeated and cannot be changed

Lin Xian did not give up.

After sending a messenger to assassinate Lei Haolong.

He firmly believes that the key to winning this space-time war is not in the present, but in the past!

“If you want to win this battle, no, if you want to win this hide-and-seek victory! We must bury the fire of hope in the past! Let us in the past find the [devil] in advance and kill it before it is born!”

hide and seek

Such a childlike game.

It has become a game that will destroy the entire world.

But Lin Xian’s analogy is indeed correct.

This is a [Hide and Seek of Gods and Demons].

In this dark forest battle, whoever reveals his identity first, who is found first, and whoever loses.

Unfortunately, it is very dramatic:

Until the end, Lin Xian did not find [Demon], and [Demon] did not find Lin Xian either.

But Lin Xian denies this view.

Speaking of this issue, Lin Xian’s face has never been more serious than ever–

“I didn’t find [Devil]. It’s true. I don’t have enough abilities. I really can’t find out who [Devil] is.”

“But I’m not sure if [the devil] found me at all!”

“It’s very possible that [the devil] knew who I was! But the reason it didn’t kill me was either because of some cause and effect, it had to keep me alive. Or it was.”

Lin Xian paused, with a look of vicissitudes, and said helplessly:

“Otherwise it’s me and us humans, in the eyes of [Demon], it’s like a weak and incompetent bug that can pinch to death at any time.”

“[Demon] It doesn’t care at all”?

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