Chapter 156 00:42’s secret! So it’s you! [Decryption Chapter]

(The last chapter wrote a small BUG, ​​although it has been modified, but the refresh is delayed, so I still apply a patch here.)

(The painting on the wall seen by the third messenger should have been bought by Lin Xian himself at this time. It cannot be Liu Yiyi’s sketching work, because Liu Yiyi has not been resurrected in this time and space. The writing was smooth when writing.)

(The original text has been revised to the painting on the wall, which is an abstract painting that Lin Xian bought when he traveled.)

(Okay, the following text.)

The whole day of today.

Liu Yiyi stood motionless behind the curtain, in a daze like a wooden man.

No way

Although this is very uncomfortable.

But in order to reduce the loss of energy and delay her collapse as much as possible, she can only endure loneliness and uncomfortableness and act as a wooden person.

The shadow of the window moved with the sun’s westward slope.

a little …

a little

As the sun goes from west to east.

The shadows of the windows on the floor gradually grew longer and longer from east to west


It’s sunset.

The sun goes down and the moon rises.

Moonlight comes in from outside

The reflection of the window started a new round of movement.

“Ah~~~~ So boring~~~~”

Liu Yiyi complained inwardly.

Sure enough, as Lin Xian said

My journey as the third messenger is the most difficult one!

It’s too torturous to do nothing but stand up life like this!

“Lin Xian, when are you going home! Come back soon!!”


When the moon rose to its highest sky, the shadow of the window cast on the desk.


The sound of unlocking came from outside the door.


With the security door closed, Lin Xian passed by the entrance of the study and walked into the bathroom drunk.



The wooden bath faucet turns on at 820.

Lin Xian took a shower inside.

“Huh~~~~ It smells so big, how much is this?”

Although Liu Yiyi can’t move, can’t speak, and has no entity.

But her facial features are still normal.

Girls are more sensitive to the taste of alcohol.

So at such a distance, Liu Yiyi could smell the smell of wine on Lin Xian’s body and clothes.

It seems…

The old classmates met and drank too much.

a long time.

Lin Xian finished taking a shower and entered the study room.

Maybe the moonlight is great.

He walked directly to the window.

Pi La – one sound!

Open the curtains!

Let the bright moonlight shine directly into the room.


Plop! Plop!

Plop! Plop! Plop!

this moment!

Liu Yiyi’s heartbeat is fast!

Lin Xian at this time is only two or three centimeters away from her!!

The two are about to stick together!

certainly …

Liu Yiyi is not shy.

Both of them are old husbands and old wives. What’s so shy?

She is just a little “guilty of being a thief!”

Although I know that [Invisible Quantum State] is not only invisible, but also intangible and intangible.


A big living person is so close to himself.

People are always a little nervous!

Under this tension

Liu Yiyi’s conditioned reflexes were normal, and he moved a small step to the side


After moving this small step, Liu Yiyi began to regret it!

It fell short!!!

It is the quantum energy consumption of this small step that may reduce the time of oneself in this space-time by dozens of minutes!

“It’s too bad, he can’t touch me anyway, what am I messing around!!

Liu Yiyi complained to herself.

And made up his mind, absolutely can’t move anymore!

Not much energy

If you move around again to consume energy.

Then I definitely won’t be able to make it through August 16, it will collapse.

Lin Xian opened the curtains, closed his eyes and felt the cool night breeze.

I really enjoy it.


He returned to the desk, sat down, and began to write a letter.

It was already more than twelve o’clock in the morning.

Lin Xian wants to write even if he is sleepy. Don’t think about it, he must be writing to him in the past.

Liu Yiyi shook his head silently.

She heard Lin Xian talk about it.

At that time, the young Lin Xian worked a lot to save himself.

The letter I am writing now is for Lin Xian the day before the shooting of Zhijiage.

The letter told Lin Xian, who was a freshman in September 2015:

[Liu Yiyi will go to the Chiga Opera House to watch an opera tomorrow, but unfortunately, there will be a terrorist shooting in the Grand Theater tomorrow, killing 37 people, and Liu Yiyi is one of them. 】

[Although your contacts are dwindling, and you are almost as passers-by as other classmates, but you don’t want the same tablemates to die tragically in a foreign country, right? Tell her about this and tell her not to go to the Chiga Opera House and stay away from there. !】

The content of the letter is written like this.

But Liu Yiyi knows that this letter is wrong and must not be sent back in the past!

If this letter is really sent back in the past

That will cause even greater trouble!


She knows her character very well.

If she knew about this in advance, she would definitely call 911 to call the police and let the US Jingcha investigate the matter.

She really couldn’t bear to let the other 36 people die in the shooting.

If you don’t know this, then forget it.

Now that I know it, it can’t be conscience and live alone anyway!

At the age of 18, I would definitely do this.

And if all thirty people who should have died survive

The future will be completely messy!

after all..

Just surviving two people, he and Lei Haolong, had such an earth-shaking impact on the future.

It is hard to imagine what the future world will look like if more than 30 people survived!

at the same time.

There is a second point

Sending this letter back in the past will let Lin Xian [know the existence of time travel prematurely], which is too fatal for an unfamiliar 18-year-old boy.

His outlook on life and values ​​will be completely changed.

It is even possible to go astray!

If the consequences are serious, whether Lin Xian can survive until now is a question!


This letter is too risky to be sent back.

“But I don’t need my but heart, 42 will definitely stop him.”

The future Lin Xian once told himself:

“Many times when I sent a letter, I was blocked by 42. But once I was puzzled that it was the first time 42 stopped me from sending a letter. At that moment, it was as if a hand was holding my wrist! ”

“This is incredible! How did 42 do it? (cafd) According to Liu Lu’s research results, 42 is just a will of time and space. It can’t be materialized, nor can it be realized. It’s just a will. How did it produce a mysterious power that strangled my wrist?”

Every time I talk about it.

Middle-aged Lin Xian frowned, confused and confused.

At that time, he had already understood [the truth of 42].

So he knew very well that 42 had absolutely no ability to materialize and hold his wrist!

Naturally, Liu Yiyi also knew [the truth of 42], and she couldn’t figure it out either.

Lin Xian also told Liu Lu about this.

result …

Smart as Liu Lu

Can’t figure out the answer all the time.

“Yes, yes. It stands to reason that 42 is absolutely incapable of holding your wrist. It can only remind you that you cannot change anything. Could it be your illusion?”

this matter.

It can be said to be the top three unsolved mysteries in Lin Xian’s mind.

But I can’t think of the answer anyway.

Can only give up.

Just take it as an illusion.

so ……

At this time, Liu Yiyi was not worried at all.

Because she knew it in her heart.

after a while

There must be “mysterious power” holding Lin Xian’s wrist.

Stop him from putting the letter in the mailbox!

despair. despair. despair!

Lin Xian finished writing the last word.

The letter is short.

He checked it quickly, then stuffed the envelope, stuck a stamp, and handed it to the space-time mailbox.


At this time, Liu Yiyi was a little panicked.

How did it happen?

Isn’t it said that there will be a “mysterious power” to hold Lin Xian’s wrist?

Don’t you start yet?

If it’s late!

Lin Xian is about to put the letter in!

Liu Yiyi clenched her pink fist, her heartbeat speeding up, at this moment, she was more anxious than Lin Xian!

at this time

Lin Xian holds the envelope in his hand, and puts the letter through the gap in the post box

The corner of the envelope has entered the post box.

Hey hey hey hey hey hey!!!!

Liu Yiyi couldn’t help screaming inside!

Doesn’t “mysterious power” appear yet?

Is it reliable?

If I don’t show up again!!

Lin Xian is going to post this letter!!

this moment

Liu Yiyi is a little bit ashamed!

She knows very well

If this letter is sent back in the past

Not only will the future be completely messy!! It may even wipe out Lin Xian’s existence!

If Lin Xian’s existence is obliterated…

That future

But everything is over!!

In sight.

Half of the envelope in Lin Xian’s hand has been inserted into the space-time mailbox.

As long as Lin Xian let go a little bit.

The envelope will only fall to the bottom of the oil drum!

However at this time

The “mysterious power” still did not appear!

Really served!

Liu Yiyi secretly cursed unreliable!

That’s too late!

Lin Xian must be prevented from posting now!!

Between this electric light flint!

Liu Yiyi stepped forward–


Hold Lin Xian’s left wrist tightly with your right hand!

Don’t let him continue to post letters!


Fortunately caught up

Liu Yiyi stubbornly strangled Lin Xian’s wrist, preventing the envelope from advancing a bit!

She looked at the digital watch on Lin Xian’s wrist.

The time at this time happens to be

00: 42

Liu Yiyi was stunned!

Also stunned, there was Lin Xian who was strangling his wrist!

Lin Xian’s eyes widened!

He stared at his hand held by “mysterious power”

I can’t move at all!

His eyes were a little horrified, and he was stunned for a while, not knowing what to do.

There is nothing in the room


The electronic watch on the wrist made a very faint electric current.

The time on the screen starts to change:

00: 43

This extremely small sound made Liu Yiyi suddenly react!

this …………

She hurriedly let go of her hand and took a step back!

Surprised to look at his body

fine …

fine …

[Invisible Quantum State] has not been [completely] released.

Although the body has been somewhat materialized.

But it is still invisible.


Although Lin Xian could feel himself holding his wrist.

But the eyes still can’t see me.


Liu Yiyi stared at her right palm

She only understood now

Where is the “mysterious power”

The so-called “mysterious power” holding Lin Xian’s wrist.

She is herself!.

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