Chapter 151 The 48 days that I watched behind the curtain, I can’t beat you for a moment

It stands to reason.

A person suddenly appeared in his room.

Lin Xian should be very shocked!

but …

The feeling this woman gave herself.

It’s too familiar and too gentle

This kind of touch will not have the slightest feeling of resistance, Lin Xian has only been with one person-

Liu Yiyi!

Up to now, Lin Xian, who has experienced countless times 42 and witnessed two messengers passing through, will no longer make a fuss about this kind of thing.

In countless days and nights.

He was thinking about when will the third messenger come?

After all, I am still waiting for him to send the third letter.

According to the previous reasoning, the first messenger was Dai Chuchan, the second messenger was himself, and the third messenger must be someone close to him.

Screened by Lin Xian.

Maybe it may be Liu Lu, maybe it may be Liu Yiyi

Lin Xian always thinks that Liu Lu is more likely.

after all …

According to the established facts, it is speculated that the pair of wedding rings is ironclad proof, indicating that he must be married to Dai Chuchan in the future.

This makes Lin Xian can’t help but think about

In the future world

Where did Liu Yiyi go?

Lin Xian never dared to imagine that he would marry two wives at the same time!

That is illegal!


Moreover, this is absolutely not allowed or recognized in reality.

The greatest possibility he thought of was that Liu Yiyi might have died in the battle with the [devil]


There is no reason not to marry Liu Yiyi?

The future is really hard to guess and the relationship is messy. Lin Xian gave up 820 after trying several times.

I just plan to go with the flow and live it now.

so …

When now convinced that the third messenger was Liu Yiyi, Lin Xian was still a little surprised.

“Yiyi, is that you?”

Lin Xian is about to look back one-

“do not want!”

But it was suddenly stopped by Liu Yiyi!

Liu Yiyi clings to Lin Xian’s back and hugs zhe Lin Xian tightly

It’s like a child holding his beloved toy and never let go.

Lin Xian could hear it.

Her voice trembled a little.




A few warm tears dripped and landed on Lin Xian’s forearm.

That kind of longing contained in tears.

Burn Lin Xian

“Please don’t look back

Liu Yiyi’s voice was very choked.

It only appeared for a few seconds.

I couldn’t cry.


Lin Xian asked suspiciously.

He is not just curious about what Liu Yiyi will look like in the future.

He also hoped to be able to turn around and hug this crying white moonlight.


Liu Yiyi still stubbornly shook his head.

She burst into tears and smiled:

“Because I don’t want you to see me crying

“Now I am 20 years older than you. Although I understand in my heart, you are the same as the hero who died for the people, Lin Xian.”

“But after all, you are only a child now, but I have grown up and am no longer a little girl. I would be embarrassed to let you see me crying.”

“So that’s it, okay? (cafd)”

Lin Xian was silent.

He stretched out his right hand and held Liu Yiyi’s left hand around his neck.

In the warm room of the tentacles.

He also touched a hint of coolness unique to metal.

This is..…


Why does Liu Yiyi also have a ring on her hand?

And this location.

It is the ring finger of the left hand!

It means married!

At this moment, Lin Xian had the feeling of an extrajudicial madman Zhang San!

Could it be that

I really married Liu Yiyi and Dai Chuchan at the same time!?

Seeing Lin Xian touching the ring on his hand, he was stunned.

Liu Yiyi naturally knew what he was thinking.

She is so familiar with this boy!

In the morning when she was 16 years old, when the head teacher led him to the podium and announced the new transfer student to everyone, their fate was intertwined.

She spent the boy’s youth with him.

The best lush years.

The two dilute poverty with sweetness and prove their feelings to the world.

In the subsequent time.

She watched this beloved boy grow up and become familiar

She knows every inch of him.

Know him like you know yourself.

After so many years of living together, Lin Xian only needs to raise his eyebrows and even blink his love eyes. Liu Yiyi knows what he is thinking.

She still hugged Lin Xian’s neck with her left arm and let Lin Xian hold it.

Freed his right hand and wiped his tears:

“After watching you for so long, I didn’t cry. I didn’t expect that I could not help crying until the last few minutes of my life.”

“I don’t know how Sister Chu Chan spent the last few minutes facing you at the time. Sister Chu Chan wouldn’t cry, right?,

Lin Xian recalled Dai Chuchan who was quantum crystallized.

At the moment when her quantum state collapsed, her eyes were full of smiles.

“No ”

Lin Xian shook his head and said truthfully:

“Chu Chan really did not cry.”

Liu Yiyi smiled silently.

It seems to be laughing at himself.

It also seems to be comforting.

“She is always so strong, as if she never shed tears. The saddest time she cried was the backstage after she retired after dancing “The Wedding in a Dream”. Do you remember?”

Lin Xian shook his head.

“Is that right? You are definitely not aware of this now.”

Listening to Liu Yiyi talking about Dai Chuchan

Lin Xian has a problem, he can’t help it anymore!

“That, I want to ask, do I really marry you two in the future? Are you both such generous people?”

Liu Yiyi smiled lightly:

“There is no woman in this world who can share her husband with others generously.”

“Then you two are”

Liu Yiyi used a gentle hug to prevent Lin Xian from continuing to ask questions:

“[But everyone in the world will eventually shake hands and make peace with all the regrets in life.]”

“[Life is supposed to be imperfect”

Lin Xian scratched his head.

Heard this sentence.

Think of the sentence Liu Yiyi just said, “If (the devil) can’t find it, I won’t look for it.” “It’s better to let me die in Zhijiage, everything,

Lin Xian got it!

As the third messenger, Liu Yiyi came here for the purpose

Perhaps it was to persuade myself not to write to my past self, not to change Liu Yiyi’s life, let her die quietly in Zhijiage!

In this case

[Devil] The same will die in the Chigaga Grand Theater, will not be awakened, and the future world will not be reduced to a ruin.

That’s right.

Logically speaking, this is the optimal solution to solve all problems!

By doing this, you can wipe out the existence of [Demon] without finding out who it is!

But obviously

Neither the current Lin Xian nor the future Lin Xian chose this answer.

Lin Xian had an epiphany in an instant!

He was very puzzled before. Since the future self firmly chose to save Liu Yiyi, why should he write the “warning” [letter from the future] to himself?

The [Letter from the Future] is now in the cabinet.

Between the lines of the letter, there is a meaning–

“You can’t let people who should have died survive, or it will cause a lot of trouble.

These words are completely opposite to what Lin Xian will do in the future!

Different words and deeds!

Moreover, Lin Xian also believes that the future self is definitely not the kind of person who irresponsibly surrenders the right to choose to the past self.

Therefore, there will only be one answer–

“Yiyi, you actually wrote that [Letter from the Future], right?”

.It’s all over.”

Lin Xian can feel it on the back of his neck.

Liu Yiyi let out a sigh of relief.

“No, it was written by you in the future. But I admit that I forced him to write some of the words in the letter.”


Lin Xian’s reasoning is right!

He can trust his character.

The future Lin Xian, the present Lin Xian, and even the Lin Xian all the time are the same!

He would not choose to die to Liu Yiyi.

At the same time, I will not persuade my young self not to save Liu Yiyi.

That’s shameless!

For a long time, Lin Xian’s attitude towards himself in the past is one-

“For the past, let the past self choose, and the future me, respect your choice!”


Liu Yiyi’s small abacus.

Naturally, Lin Xian saw through.

“That means that the [Letter from the Future] on June 16 was also sent by you?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Liu Yiyi was not surprised Lin Xian saw everything through.

She is very clear.

Her man is so smart.

“Lin Xian, you are right.”

“As [the third messenger], my task is to send you two letters. The first letter, I have already given to you on June 16. The second letter should have been on August 16. I’ll give it to you every night, but my quantum state can’t hold it anymore. I can only give it to you in advance.”

“And in these 48 days, I have been standing behind the curtains in this room.”

Liu Yiyi closed his eyes.

Smell the scent of shampoo on Lin Xian’s hair and feel the body temperature of his lover.

“I feel so sorry for you. Seeing you risking your life countless times to verify the answer, I couldn’t help crying.”

“I accompany you every night you rack your brains.”

“I guard your every anxious and troubled loss.”

“I watched you write and burn, burn and write on a lot of manuscript paper.”

“But I can’t help you. All this is actually because of me.

Lin Xian felt that Liu Yiyi’s hug was tighter.

“The only thing I can do is to stand motionless behind you and watch you silently.”

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