Chapter 150 The third messenger finally appeared! Gentle embrace, pitiful words.

“It is true that the cause of death is sudden cardiac palsy. If the illness is sent to the hospital within five minutes, there will be rescue. But it is too late now.”

The two white coats shook their heads, put away the instruments and stood up.

on the floor.

Lying [arrogant] corpse.

When the doctors rushed to the lawyer’s conversation room No. 3, the staff had already untied the iron torture of [Pride], laid it flat on the ground, and performed a series of first aid measures.

Artificial respiration,

Chest press,

and many more.…

To no avail.

The old man on the ground still shows no signs of life.

After the arrival of the ambulance and the doctor, they immediately used special machines for rescue.

All means such as voltage pacemaker, defibrillator, powerful needle injection, etc. are used!

But the American old man in front of him was completely dead.

His face became paler.

Body temperature gradually drops.

Without a trace of vitality


After sighing.

Doctors in white coats began to use instruments and experience to detect the cause of death.

The preliminary judgment should be cardioplegia.

This is the sudden heart disease with the highest fatality rate and the shortest death time in the world. Generally, it is too late to be rescued when it attacks.

It is much more serious than myocardial infarction or heart disease.

“See that this old man is not too young anymore. He must be 70 years old? Some heart problems are common at this age.”

The doctor in a white coat took the stethoscope from his ear and watched Liu inspect:

“Inspector Liu, what are you going to do with this corpse next? Do we need to bring it back to the morgue for storage?”

Liu Xuncha shook his head:

“Two doctors, you have worked hard. But according to our regulations, we need to perform an autopsy and confirm the cause of death later.”

“Besides, this foreign suspect has a special identity. It’s all about waiting for the embassy to come and making a decision. Anyway, this is also a mistake in our work.”

The two doctors nodded.

After the rescue failed, the hospital had nothing to do and left in an ambulance.

Liu Xun looked at the two staff members responsible for supervising 【arrogance】 and glared at him:

“How did the two of you do it? Two people can’t help seeing one person!?”

The staff member who went to collect water for Lin Xian did not speak yet.

Another person who stayed behind for observation panicked directly:

“Liu Liu inspects! I’ve been staring at the observation room all the time! It was all fine, but when he suddenly turned his head and said something, he had a sudden attack!”

“Mr. Lin Xian, you were on the scene at that time, you have to testify for me! I really did not neglect my duty!

Lin Xian nodded solemnly.

He patted the staff member on the shoulder to signal him not to be nervous.

Then walked over and patted Liu Inspection:

“Liu inspects, don’t blame him. We were both on the scene at the time, and everything happened too suddenly. Like the doctor said, he has heart disease himself, right n々.”

“Whether it is the chat room or the observation room, there are surveillance cameras. Let’s check it out.


Liu Xiancha took Lin Xian and a team of people to the surveillance room to retrieve the video.

The facts are the same as Lin Xian said.

After Lin Xian entered, the two began to talk, during which Lin Xian still wrote something on the performance paper.

After Lin Xian leaves.

The suspect lowered his head to calculate mathematical formulas just as before.

As I was calculating, I suddenly started pumping, foaming at the mouth, like an electric shock!

At this time, in the observation room, Lin Xian and the staff just spoke a few words.

A minute later, the two of them finished speaking, looked at the observation room together, and found the suspect’s abnormal situation.

After watching the surveillance video.

Inspection Li also realized that it was indeed not the staff’s fault.

Even with the task of observing suspects and suspects, it is impossible to look into the glass every minute and every second!

He just turned his head and said a few words with Lin Xian.

This is normal in daily observation work.

The suspect inside was locked, his hands and feet were handcuffed, and the pen he used was an imitation pen.

It can be said.

He doesn’t have any means of self-sharing.

Indeed, there is no need to watch every minute.

“Now it’s troublesome to explain to the above and the embassy.”

Lin Xian asked Liu Xun:

“Is this serious?”

“To be honest, it’s a bit serious. But this kind of thing happens and there is nothing we can do. We also act according to the rules. Don’t worry, Mr. Lin, no one will be punished for this matter. It’s not uncommon.”

Liu Xuncha is also telling the truth.

As long as the suspect does not shame himself before the trial, it is not the responsibility of the Inspection Bureau.

Such natural and man-made calamities and unforeseen deaths from heart palsy cannot be avoided by humans.

The surveillance video also showed clearly.

The staff also carried out artificial respiration for the first time.

But it was still too late.

Hearing that no one would be punished, Lin Xian was relieved and stopped talking.

After cooperating with the staff of the inspection bureau to make a transcript, Lin Xian and Liu inspected farewell and prepared to leave the inspection bureau.

Today, all the 4 members of the [Regret Mutual Aid Association] arrested, Lin Xian have all been dealt with.

[Arrogance] I was killed with 42 by myself.

[Greedy] This life is over too, only to be sentenced after guarding the house.

[Color Range] Tian Miaomiao planned to kidnap Dai Chuchan twice, and Dai Shuangcheng must strip her alive.

[Gluttony] Wang Hao was completely useless, and was released after two days of education.

This showdown.

Lin Xian

A big win!

Get out of the inspection bureau building.

Looking at the dark night outside, Lin Xian felt that he had returned to the dark forest that was dark and insignificant.

Eliminated the episode [Regret Mutual Aid Association].

The hide-and-seek between Lin Xian and [Devil] is back to the original point


Lin Xian launches Rolls-Royce Smart Film.

The automatic headlights automatically adjust the angle according to the height of the vehicle. On the quartz breathing light in the car, the current time is flashing comfortably.

23: 32

Except for the noise in the inspection bureau building.

The outside world has entered the silent night.

Lin Xian turned the steering wheel and turned around.

With the deep and noble engine sound.

Rolls-Royce Wise Shadow drove into the night



The shower head in the bathroom sprays comfortable warm water.

Wash away Lin Xian’s fatigue all night.

“Comfortable ”

Lin Xian sighed sincerely.

This kind of comfort is not only on the skin, but also on the spirit.

Today I got my wish and killed [Pride], disintegrated [Regret Mutual Aid Association], and eliminated the biggest threat at present.

The results are still not small.

“But it must not be taken lightly. Whether it is Yu Dang [Rage] or [Demon] hiding in the dark forest, they are all hidden dangers of the giant da.

After the shower.

Lin Xian routine came to the study.

Turn on the lamp.

Spin the pencil and start thinking

at this time.

The clock on the table shows the time as –

00: 31

It’s familiar and nervous morning again

Before you know it.

In the past two months, Lin Xian has developed the habit of thinking late at night.

Such a silent environment.

It can make him concentrate more.

He turned his pen.

Can’t help but feel a little lost


Although this battle against the [Regret Mutual Aid Society], he won a decisive victory.

But I didn’t get any useful information.

to be honest.

There is actually a feeling of in vain.

Originally, I was counting on myself… and betting on my life to force the existence of [Devil].

But [Devil] is also very cunning.

Or it hasn’t been born yet.

Or just don’t get the bait at all.

It hides itself too tightly! Lin Xian can’t find it at all!

Think of the vast dark forest.

Lin Xian suddenly felt a sense of despair

My future self, after searching for more than 20 years, failed to find the existence of [Devil].

Own …

this life

Can you really find [Devil]?

[Devil] must also know [The Law of the Dark Forest].

Face Lin Xian, who has mastered the mailbox and the ability to travel through time and space.

It understands the truth of [Exposure is Death], so it will definitely hide it tightly and prevent Lin Xian from discovering it easily!


If I (the one with money) is the same as the middle-aged Lin Xian in the future.

Having been busy for half a lifetime, I can’t find [the devil] who it is.

Isn’t it still impossible to save a shattered future and a ruined world?


I thought of finding a needle in a haystack and rice in the desert without any hints.

Lin Xian couldn’t help feeling a little helpless.

“Where is [Demon] I can’t find it!”


At this moment!

In this room with closed doors and windows!

Suddenly a breeze hit!

Warm and gentle wind, just like the comfortable sunshine in March

The refreshing wind blew on the back of Lin Xian’s neck.

Lin Xian actually has an [illusion] of being touched.


Lin Xian’s eyes widened!

Oh my!

This is not an illusion!

With the two groups softly attached to their back,

A pair of white and fat arms wrapped around his neck,

A curtain of jet black, straight and charming, fragrant hair, hanging in my ears

This is not an illusion!

This is reality!

A woman with a familiar breath and familiar taste sticks to her back and embraces herself

Her voice.

As clear and elegant as a copper bell:

“If you can’t find it, don’t look for it.”

“It’s better to let me die in Zhijiage, everything can be over.”

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