Chapter 146 The villain died of talking too much, [arrogance] died of arrogance! (Important Deciphering Chapter)

Because in the lawyer’s conversation room, no outsider can hear it.

So [arrogance] naturally dare to say anything.

Without even hiding, the death threats to Lin Xian were spoken out!


Lin Xian couldn’t help feeling funny.

this person

It’s so arrogant!

His arrogance made him think he could get out of the inspection bureau alive.

His arrogance makes him unable to tolerate the second person who has the ability to [foresee the future].

His arrogance made him think that Lin Xian was dying! He thought he had a chance to win!

His arrogance made him dare to say that he wanted to kill Lin Xian, and at the same time firmly believed that Lin Xian could not kill him!

Human nature is really interesting.

Lin Xian couldn’t help thinking of a sentence from the science fiction masterpiece “Three Body”.

[Weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, but arrogance is. 】

Arrogance, the reason why it can become the head of the seven deadly sins, is enough to explain how bad and terrifying a desire this is!

The simplest weapon to destroy a powerful enemy is arrogance.

Arrogance can make people blind.

Arrogance can make people negligent.

Arrogance makes people fearless because of ignorance!


Lin Xian did not speak.

He was thinking hard about what [arrogance] said.

I have to say that the villains are all dying of talking too much.

If [Arrogance] were not so arrogant, Lin Xian would not be able to get so much information from him!

You said you, if you want to kill me, kill 820 secretly.

This kind of arrogance directly killed you!

Lin Xian closed his eyes briefly.

Begin to think about the information in the words of [arrogance]–

1. [Pride] established [Regret Mutual Aid Association] for two purposes, one is to return to the historical position; the other is to find the person who [disturbs history] and get rid of him!

This conclusion is not difficult to understand and obvious.

It is not difficult to see from the tasks given to other members by 【Arrogance】.

Some tasks are purely for the return of history and restoring the future to its original state.

For example:

Let Wang Hao study quantum batteries and hold classmates gatherings.

Let Tian Miaomiao go to kidnap Dai Chuchan again.

The task given to these two people is purely for [the return of history].

And [Pride] gave Guo Lao the task to ensure that the lottery number was not changed.

The purpose of this is also very clear.

Just to “force” out the person who disturbed history!

“Forcing” Lin Xian appeared!


Lin Xian was too cautious and didn’t take the bait.

Lin Xian guessed that the purpose of holding the [Human Technology Summit] may also be to “force” yourself!

[Quantum Battery] They are all taken out.

Te Ssi can immediately replace the revival of electric vehicles, killing special killings on a worldwide scale.

And if the person who [disturbed history] really wants to sanction Tesla and let the revival electric vehicle control the global market again.

He will definitely enjoy more powerful energy technology than [Quantum Battery]!

For example…

[Controllable nuclear fusion equation]!

Thought of this.

Lin Xian couldn’t help scratching his head.

This time, maybe I was really hooked.

But I also thought of this possibility, so I stayed [Death Insurance] Resurrection after death as a back-up.

This round was a draw for the time being.


It’s the second piece of information in [Pride] words-one

2. Arrogance is certain, [the one who disturbed history should have come to this party]. That’s why he brought a pistol, ready to kill this [disturbing history] man on the spot!

As can be seen.

Until the end of the [Human Technology Summit], [Arrogance] didn’t doubt myself too much.

Because he has more accurate information–

[The person who disturbed history will come to this gathering]

At that time, whether it is a wolf or a dog, you will know at a glance.


[Arrogance] I didn’t pay much attention to myself.

All he cares about is the person who is certain to show up at the party.

Then, here comes the problem.

[Arrogance] How do you know this knowledge point?

Who told him that people who [disturbed history] would definitely go to the party?

This is what Lin Xian can’t understand after thinking about it.

This must have something to do with [Arrogance] foreseeing the secret of the future. Even if you ask, it is for nothing. He will definitely not tell himself.

Draw a question mark here, as a doubt.


It’s the third piece of information in [Pride]–

3. Because of the party, he was ambushed, arrested, and all-in-one! In addition, Lin Xian came to meet with [arrogance] as the number one suspect. Now, [Pride] has determined that Lin Xian is the person who [disturbed history] and decided to kill himself!

have to say.

Although the reasoning process of [arrogance] is wrong.

But his reasoning turned out to be correct!

That’s right.

Lin (cafd) Xian is the one who [disturbed history]!

It is also the ultimate goal of [Regret Mutual Aid Association]!

Lin Xian understands the idea of ​​”arrogance” very well.


[Arrogance] Even the gun is ready, ready to kill the counterfeit “uninvited guest” with a shot at the party.

But unfortunately.

Not only did the counterfeit goods fail to come.

It also turned against the black and black, dispatched all the East China Sea elites to inspect, and put the regret mutual aid association in one pot!

After being caught.

[Arrogance] I have been thinking, who is this [disturbing history]!?

First of all, he can make the East China Sea patrol, which shows that his power and reputation are not small.

Secondly, he can accurately know the meeting time, which means that he must have killed a certain member and wants to replace it.

In the end, this NPC spent a lot of time to capture them, and he must reappear to interrogate everyone and achieve his goal!

Combining the above three “features”.

When Lin Xian pushed in the door and [arrogant] saw the face of the visitor clearly, he was already certain-

[Disturbing History] People!

It is definitely Lin Xian!

He is well aware that Longguo is a legal society.

Especially since people from the Inspection Bureau and the embassy will be here soon, Lin Xian has no way to kill himself.

And after he was fished out by the embassy.


The Americans, but no Longguo people are so obedient!

He has a million ways to make Lin Xian evaporate!


Thought of this.

Lin Xian opened his eyes.

[Arrogance] In front of myself, it is completely transparent.

All his thoughts and goals.

Lin Xian has already guessed it.

At present, there are only two doubts left:

[1. What are the criteria for selecting members of the Regret Mutual Aid Association?]

This is arguably the biggest puzzle so far.

[Arrogance] I also said it.

He has been looking for common ground between the members of the Seven Deadly Sins.

This represents.

The members of the Seven Deadly Sins are definitely not randomly selected, there must be some [special standard]!

but …


The answer to this puzzle, Lin Xian has almost given up.

The person in front of him is so arrogant.

He can tell himself that there are ghosts!

The same confusing puzzle has a second one-

[2. How does arrogance predict the future? How to get future intelligence?]

This question is also confusing.

[Arrogance] The predicted future is very strange.

Some are correct.

Some are supposed to be right, but because of their own intervention, they become wrong.

simply put.

There is right and wrong.

But some details of the predictions are confusing.

For example, the following two sentences he said himself-

“Don’t worry, you just need to wait in the MX bar. Sooner or later, Dai Chuchan will appear in that bar again.”

“I know well that the person who disturbed history will come to this gathering.

Where does this information come from?

Who gave him such a strong confidence?

The answer to this question, Lin Xian is very, very curious!

But it’s also a pity

[Arrogance] I would never tell him.

For the time being, I can only give up.

but …

“Ha ha.”

Lin Xian smiled and shook his head.

These are not important anymore.


[Arrogance] at this time, in Lin Xian’s eyes, is already a dead person!

[Exposure and death!]

That’s right.

This is the first half of the [Law of the Dark Forest].

And the last half sentence is one-

[Discover and destroy!]

This hide-and-seek game between gods and demons is Lin Xian after all.

Before [Arrogance] killed Lin Xian.

Lin Xian will

Killed [arrogance]!

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