Chapter 145 Lin Xian confronts arrogance! A duel at the pinnacle of IQ!

Lin Xian feels…

I am very close to the [truth] of the matter!

He believed what Liu Lu said.

[Arrogance] I don’t know how this complex polynomial was derived.

He also didn’t know how to simplify this polynomial and figure it out to get the final number.

He didn’t even know how much it was after calculating it!

[Arrogance] Actually, I don’t know about 42-.

He is just half a bucket of water!

Just like this complex polynomial.

He can’t solve it!

Lin Xian guessed that the person who can tell him this polynomial must be [Einstein]!


Liu Lu will never tell this polynomial to [arrogance].

Then according to the elimination method.

Even if the results are unbelievable.

But the only answer, that is the answer–

[This polynomial in the hands of arrogance must come from Einstein!]


In the end the problem went around

Still went back to the starting point!

“Big Brother Einstein!! Are you dead or not! Why are you still lingering!”


After Liu Lu wrote the completed formula, he sent it to Lin Xian.

Lin Xian hung up Liu Lu’s call.

Tell Liu Lu that you will find a time to tell him about this in detail.

It’s too busy now.

Liu Lu also understood very well.

He hung up the phone and went on to do research.

Before hanging up, Lin Xian asked:

“When will you thoroughly research 42? When will you give me the results?”

“16th. August 16th.”

Liu Lu is very accurate!

Fully grasp!

Lin Xian opened WeChat and saw the formula sent by Liu Lu.

This formula is very simple.

It is a form of transformation.

Although Lin Xian does not know the meaning of some symbols.

But this does not prevent him from writing down the formula.

Not long altogether.

After reading it four or five times and silently writing it four or five times, Lin Xian wrote down the formula thoroughly.

I have mastered the key to 42.


In a short conversation, you can occupy the main dong right!

Lin Xian came to the third lawyer’s conversation room.

Through the single-sided glass, I saw [Pride] struggling to write in the conversation room.

Lin Xian was a little confused and asked the two staff members in the observation room:


“Can he do this?”

“That is to say, our regulations here allow him to write in it? “々?”

The two staff nodded.

Responsibly told Lin Xian:

“Yes, Mr. Lin. If the suspect asks, we can provide pen and paper according to the situation, and let him write a statement, record, or explain the process of committing the crime.”

“Please rest assured that the pens we provide are professional anti-swallowing and anti-zi kill soft tip pens, and there will be no accidents.”

After all, they handed over a rubber-wrapped pencil with a strange shape, like a figure-eight pencil lying flat.

(The picture is in the upper right or lower right corner of the software)

This kind of weird pen can’t be swallowed by a normal person’s mouth anyway.

And the pen that sticks out.

Lin Xian tried it.

With a little effort, it will retract and prevent the suspect from being disabled.

It seems that there really is a specialization in the surgical industry.

“Okay, thanks for your hard work, then I will go in.”

Talk about it.

Lin Xian turned around, pushed open the heavy soundproof door, and walked into the lawyer’s conversation room.


With the soundproof door closed.

The familiar American old man raised his head and smiled grimly:

“Rare guest, it seems that all of this is your conspiracy, you have calculated us.”

He speaks Chinese.

But Lin Xian was not surprised.

Because [color gamut] Tian Miaomiao has already mentioned this knowledge point before.

Lin Xian was silent.

Walked towards the chair.

Originally, he still had a glimmer of hope, wondering if he could continue to pretend to be [Jealous Furnace] in front of [Arrogance] to gain trust

When I look at it now, I don’t even have to think about it.

Between the two, perhaps they have seen each other thoroughly.

“Let’s have a good chat.


Lin Xian pulled away the chair and sat across from 【Arrogance】.

The two looked at each other.

In the end, [Arrogance] spoke first.

“So you killed [Jealousy] and [Lazy]?”

Lin Xian smiled slightly:

“Why do you say that? They are just absent from the party. How can you be sure that they must be dead?”

[Arrogance] He shook his head heavily:

“Absence means death. People’s obsession with making up for regrets is far stronger than you think.”


He raised his head and stared at Lin Xian:

“But if the person I have been looking for is you, you must not be able to understand this.

“Mr. Lin, please tell me honestly, do you have the ability to [foresee the future]?”

Now, Lin Xian can also see it.

[Arrogance] I have not concealed anything, I have to show my name to myself.

From these two short sentences, Lin Xian cannot infer that–

1. [Arrogance] has indeed been looking for someone. He guessed that that person, like him, also has the ability to [foresee the future], so he made a mess of [original future].

2. [Arrogance] I haven’t found this person before. It wasn’t until today that he saw himself that he began to doubt himself.

This is understandable.

There are more than 6 billion people in the world.

It is very difficult to find the one who is lurking among these 6 billion people.

Lin Xian felt deeply about this.


Just like him, at this time, he couldn’t find out the existence of the devil among the more than 6 billion people on earth.

Lin Xian did not answer his question directly.

He didn’t need to answer him at all.

“[Arrogance], you can explain everything up to now. We have determined that you do have the ability to [foresee the future].”

“According to Longguo’s rules, be lenient in confession and strict in resistance. We hope you will explain truthfully, how do you [foresee the future]?

[Arrogance] After listening, he smiled and didn’t answer:

“Mr. Lin, you don’t answer my question, why should I answer your question?”

“Actually, I think the two of us might as well open up. I roughly guessed who you are, and you know who I am. You must have also investigated some information from [Regret Mutual Aid Association]. But obviously, you are very important to us. Confidentiality is still ignorant.”

Lin Xian did not speak.

Motioned him to continue.

But [arrogance] really isn’t that easy to fool.

He understands the truth that more words must be lost.

So he shrugged and said in an indifferent tone:

*…So how could I be so stupid? Tell you our secrets?”

“And, don’t you naively think that this kind of place can trap me? I just committed a small crime of illegal possession of a gun. Even according to the laws of your Dragon Kingdom, I can’t be locked up for a few months. Not to mention that I did not cause any bad influence, actively cooperated, and said that I had a probation.”

“My identity is very important in the United States, and it’s very special. Not surprisingly, people from the embassy are rushing here. To tell you the truth, if you can’t sleep me for a few hours, I can walk out of this gate upright. .

Having said that, [Arrogant] smiled triumphantly:

“Understood? I am fearless and I will not answer any of your questions.”

“But you made a major mistake!”

[Arrogance] I am so proud, my face is clean, and my face is fierce:

“Mr. Lin, you are [exposed]! In the battle between the two of us, you should be very clear that [exposure means death]!”

“In the [Human Technology Summit], the moment you took out [Controllable Nuclear Fusion], I suspected that you were the person who [disturbed history]! But I only suspect that you may be just that person’s spokesperson. .”

“But today you can show up in front of me, it is by no means accidental! I found out only after I found out that you actually have a relationship with [Jealous], [Gluttony], [Color Space], and [Lazy]. Have an extraordinary relationship!”

“This is probably the guide of fate, but it’s a pity that I understood it too late. I have been looking for the common ground between the members of the Seven Deadly Sins, but I didn’t find that their common ground turned out to be you!”

“I’m not sure if you are really the person I am looking for, or it is possible that you are just playing mystery and pretending to make you seem to be able to predict the future. But whether you are true or not, I will not Let go of you!”

Lin Xian smelled gunpowder.

“Really, what are you going to do? Kill me? If you want to kill me, why don’t you kill me earlier?”

[Arrogance] Hey smile.

This familiar smile reminds Lin Xian of Lei Haolong

“Hehehehe, Lin Xian, who did you think the gun I was carrying was prepared for? [I know clearly that the person who disturbed history should have come to the party today], you just got lucky and escaped It’s just a catastrophe.”

“But your life will live soon! After a while, I will get out of here intact! At that time, with my power and financial resources, killing you will be as easy as squeezing an ant!”.

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