Chapter 142 [Greedy] The identity is unexpected!

I heard that Lin Xian wanted to meet the big man first.

Liu Xuncha smiled meaningfully.

“You will feel surprised.”

“Do we know each other?” Lin Xian asked rhetorically.

Liu Xuncha nodded.

But then he shook his head again

“It’s hard to say whether you know each other or not, but you must have seen it before. He is there every time you have a commendation meeting. As for whether you have any private exchanges, I don’t know.”

“Anyway, you will see him right away, I will tell you directly. The big man we caught is Guo~Lao

? ???

Lin Xian’s eyes widened.


This is a character he never thought of!

Of course he knows who Elder Guo is!

Donghai City, who doesn’t know Mr. Guo?

On the bright side, Song Lao is the number one big man in Donghai City.

However, Guo Lao is the second largest figure.

Whenever an important meeting is held, Mr. Song always sits in the middle of the first row, and Mr. Guo sits firmly on the right side of Mr. Song.


If Dai Shuangcheng didn’t attend the meeting, then Guo Lao could naturally sit on Song Lao’s left.

In Long Country, the seats for important meetings are very particular.

What level, where to sit, from which side to sit, and from which side to stand, all have a set of rules.

If there is a mistake in the arrangement of the meeting, it is a small thing to be ashamed, but it is a big thing to make the big people angry!

“Obviously my rank is higher than him, so why is my seat lower than him?’

Some good-natured people think it doesn’t matter, but some big people care about it very much!

but …

This kind of error generally does not occur.

After all, every time you prepare for a meeting, the issue of signing a big person is the most important thing, and there is no mistake.

Lin Xian recalled the interaction between himself and Guo Lao

It seems very few!

It’s just a few meetings, handshake, greetings, and familiarity.

There is no personal relationship between the two.

Whatever you have to say, you can say that it doesn’t matter!

Why is he?

Lin Xian began to wonder.

If [greedy] is someone who has nothing to do with him, it means that his previous inferences are wrong!

Everything has to start all over again!

No no no

Think hard!

What is the connection between himself and Guo Lao?

Lin Xian closed his eyes and started to think

His most impressive impression of Guo Lao was at the “Donghai City Commendation Conference.”

At that time, before the most important award, “The Top 10 Outstanding Youths of Donghai City”, the “March 8th Red Banner Bearer of Donghai City” was awarded.

In the applause of the audience.

The host shouted:

“Next, please let Guo Lao come to the stage to present the Donghai March 8th Red Banner Bearer Medal to our award-winning ladies!”


The music plays!

In the loud music of the awards, Guo Lao, who was sitting to the right of Song Lao, stood up, first turned and waved to the auditorium.

Then came on stage with a smile.

From the tray of the etiquette lady, pick up the medals and put them on several women who won the prizes.

Then, take a photo with them!

Making love!

In the warm applause, Guo Lao and the winners left together


After this, it was Liu Yiyi and Dai Chuchan’s show “The Wedding in a Dream”.

After “The Wedding in Dream”, the award ceremony of “Top 10 Outstanding Youths in Donghai City” was followed.

The scenes from the day of the “Recognition Conference”, Lin Xian is still unforgettable.

Therefore, he also clearly remembered the scene where Guo Lao came to the stage to present the 38th Red Flag Bearer to the winners.

Old man Guo is very kind, his hairstyle is somewhat Mediterranean, and he smiles very kindly. Lin Xian has always felt that he is a very down-to-earth person.

As the high-ranking Guo Lao in the East China Sea, his power, fame and status are very high!!!

At work, he is in charge of jianzhu, jiaoyu, huanbao, fulian, [sports], and so on. It is a very important person.

But this

It seems to have nothing to do with yourself, right?

Lin Xian shook his head.

never mind.

In any case, this tiger’s den is to be entered. If you don’t enter the tiger’s den, you will get a tiger!

In the No. 2 lawyer’s conversation room.

Old Guo was also chained to the iron chair, his expression nervous.


He is more worried about things like Wang Hao and Tian Miaomiao.

I was caught here this time.

Regardless of the reputation or the hat, even if it doesn’t hurt the bones, at least it has to be layered!

Lin Xian and the two staff members of the observation room nodded, then opened the door and entered the conversation room.


Heavy soundproof door closed

Old Guo raised his head and looked at each other with Lin Xian.

Neither of them spoke, so they kept looking at each other.

Both of them understand.

The other party is not a fuel-efficient lamp, let alone meeting in such a place, it is really difficult to guess the purpose and intention of both parties.

finally …

Old Guo is still guilty of conscience and speak first.

“Mr. Lin, it’s been a long time since I saw you, don’t come here unharmed

Lin Xian smiled slightly.

I didn’t know what to say, so I pulled out the chair and sat opposite to Old Guo.

The relationship between the two is actually very delicate.

If you want to talk about acquaintance, in fact, apart from seeing it twice in public, there is no other private communication, and it is not a friend.

If you don’t know him…

After all, there were several nodding acquaintances in the two commendation meetings.

Everyone is a well-known figure in Donghai City, at least they are familiar.

Lin Xian thought left and right.

It feels that the two people don’t need to waste time on small talk.

Just identify yourself directly!


Lin Xian put the phone on the table and unlocked it with his fingerprint.


After the screen lights up, the webpage of [Regret Mutual Aid Association] is displayed.

Einstein’s sad and depressed hollow eyes stared at the two

“This this!! Mr. Lin! You are…

…0 Seeking flowers………

Old Guo panicked instantly!

He doesn’t understand the status quo!

When Lin Xian pushed the door in, he had thought of countless possibilities! But he had never thought of this possibility!

Could it be that

Lin Xian is a new member of the organization–


When Old Guo was struggling with thoughts, Lin Xian nodded to him:

“Old Guo, let’s meet again.

“I am your new partner–”


Lin Xian thought Lao Guo would be very shocked!

Then I will doubt myself!

I can’t help myself, I have to play a good show to prove myself

He is clearly ready to “fight a protracted war”.

But what surprised him was!

Old Guo was not particularly surprised!


When I heard Lin Xian say the identity of [Jealous], I was relieved!



Elder Guo let out a sigh of relief.

He completely put down his guard and smiled friendly.

“That’s it, that’s it. If you are [jealous], then everything makes sense.”

? ???

This time.

It’s Lin Xian’s turn to be confused!

what happened?

This old Guo doesn’t play cards according to the routine!

Why do you believe in yourself so easily?


He also said “So that’s it!” “It’s your words, so it makes sense!” How should these words be understood?

Lin Xian didn’t know how to speak now.

But he knew it.

There must be something or some of his own behavior that caused Mr. Guo to misunderstand!

Therefore, he easily believed that he was [jealous]!

Lin Xian puts himself in the role of Lei Haolong

he thinks.

[Jealous] at this time, there should be reasons to doubt Guo Lao’s words.

The two had just nodded before.

Even if it was Lei Haolong, he didn’t necessarily get familiar with Guo Lao.

After all, compared with Guo Lao

Lei Haolong is a trivial little person in the East China Sea.

Think again and again.

Lin Xian decided to take risks with chains and go for tactics!

He pretended to be slightly surprised, and asked with interest:

“Guo, why are you saying this? I haven’t attended a party yet, why do you seem to have guessed my identity?”

Mr. Guo listened.

Smiled confidently.

A confident look!

His eyes were full of “I knew it was your kid!”

Know that the comer is the queen of friends.

Old Guo really relaxed a lot.

He had a long-lost smile with a relaxed smile:

“Hehe, Mr. Lin, don’t forget, which one I am in charge of! [Sports] Ah! The Fuli lottery and the sports lottery are all under my control!”

“That’s it, that’s it. I was always wondering why you would run 5 different lottery shops to buy the same lottery tickets, and they are all the second prizes.”

“Now I understand! Hahaha, it seems that this is also the task [Pride] has given you~”

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