Chapter 141 Why is Dai Chuchan so important? [Important Decryption Chapter!)

Dai Chuchan?


Lin Xian felt a loud noise in his head.

what happened?

Why did it go around, and finally went around Dai Chuchan again?

Lin Xian can still understand if it comes to himself in the end.

But is Dai Chuchan really so important to the future?

Lin Xian thinks hard.

But soon…

He nodded inwardly, affirming the answer


“For the future, Dai Chuchan is so important!”

Lin Xian only found out after such a memory.

Unconsciously, Dai Chuchan has been guiding and influencing himself!

From the earliest.

If Dai Chuchan hadn’t guided herself,

Then after the commendation meeting, I will leave the back door and go home without going to the front exhibition hall to see the painting exhibition.

If you don’t go to the exhibition, you won’t see “Sorrowful Einstein.”

If you don’t see “Sorrowful Einstein”, you won’t write to Einstein!

If you don’t write to Einstein

The history and the future are completely different!

Lin Xian is unimaginable.

If you didn’t see Einstein’s reminder to yourself[42], what a big mistake would be caused in all subsequent actions!

At the same time, it is precisely because of the [Goldbach Conjecture] given by Einstein that the Dragon Kingdom can surpass the United States in the top technology competition.

In the same way, it is precisely because of the [controllable nuclear fusion equation] given by Einstein that it is guaranteed that the revival of electric vehicles can continue to press the special S rad!

Lin Xian has an epiphany!

“So TMD is like this!!!”

think carefully.

What is the purpose of the Mutual Aid Association?

That is naturally [History Return], let the future return to its original state, that is, [Original Future],

Back to that, the U.S. is strong and prosperous! Hegemonic world! The world is invincible! The original future of the big killing!

But precisely because 820 wrote to Einstein himself, and Einstein wrote back to himself, the United States lost its world hegemony, and it also lost the global market.


You can say that–

[The culprit who derailed the original future is Einstein’s reply!][The reason why I can receive Einstein’s reply is because I sent a letter to Einstein!][So, the final decryption is here–Why is Dai Chuchan so important to the future and to the Regret Mutual Aid Association?][That’s because! Without the existence of Dai Chuchan, Lin Xian would not have seen the painting “Sorrowful Einstein” and would naturally not write to Einstein!]

“So it seems that everything makes sense.”

Lin Xian recalled the sad Einstein on the background of the [Regret Mutual Aid Association] website.

Recalling the sad Einstein on the mask of [arrogance]

He understands a bit.

[Regret Mutual Aid Society] What I want is the world where “Sorrowful Einstein” exists!

Instead of the current world where “Naughty Einstein” exists!


[Pride] The ability to predict the future is far too weak compared to Lin Xian’s ability to write to the past!

Therefore, he can only try from some [established facts] and try his best to restore the deviated future to its original state.


[Arrogance] Can’t change the past that has happened.

Therefore, 80% of his efforts were in vain in the end.

But [Arrogance] I’m definitely not giving up!

No one will give up on whoever has the [original future] template!

It can be seen that [Arrogance] has also put a lot of effort into trying to make what should happen in [Original Future] happen again.

No one knows if this is useful.

But at least, you should try it.


Tian Miaomiao’s narration continues:

“Later, I went to the MX bar to wait every day, and I also found a few puns, and took them to drink and play every day, and if necessary, I would let them kidnap Dai Chuchan!”

“I also learned to be smart. Why should I do it myself for this kind of dirty hand? [Arrogance] can save me the first time, not necessarily the second time. Therefore, this time against Dai Chuchan’s kidnapping, I don’t plan to do it myself.”

“It’s a pity that the kidnapping still failed this time. It’s weird. How could there be a bus rushing over at that point in time? I really don’t understand.”

“After that, I waited at the MX bar for a few days. Obviously, I missed that opportunity. Dai Chuchan estimated that I would never come to the MX bar again in my life. So, I went back to my prostitute and just waited. At this gathering, I will report to [Pride]”

“Then that was it, and you saw it too. I don’t know what happened. The inspection arrested us.”

Lin Xian listened.

Nodded subtly.

Did not show any expressions.


Lin Xian knows.

Although [arrogance] still does not understand, who is disturbing history.

But he was very close to finding the correct answer (Lin Xian).

It can be said that it is only one step away!

And the secret of this one step away is in the hands of Lei Haolong!


Lin Xian couldn’t help taking a breath.

Fortunately, Lei Haolong was killed.

If he doesn’t kill him, he will show the video to 【Arrogance】

Any fool can see that something is wrong!


The same is the entrance of the MX bar.

There were also people who kidnapped Dai Chuchan.

The same is Lin Xian (the driver can’t see clearly from the side, but is very similar to Lin Xian) rescued Dai Chuchan!

This is a coincidence!

By all coincidences, 【Arrogance】will definitely doubt himself.

Until then

Perhaps his identity will inevitably be exposed!


Lin Xian breathed a sigh of relief again.

Look like this

The future middle-aged Lin Xian may not be as “not smart” as he thinks.

Although Lei Haolong may not be a demon.

But this person must be killed!

Lin Xian even had some doubts.

Will the future middle-aged Lin Xian also discover the [Regret Mutual Aid Association]?

In the 42 bus Sang, middle-aged Lin Xian did not tell himself this.


It is he who has ruled out the possibility that [Regret Mutual Aid Association] is [Devil]!


Lin Xian nodded.

Maybe it really is like this

At present, the purpose of the [Regret Mutual Aid Association] is simply to bring history back to its place.

The purpose of [Demon] is to destroy the world.

The two are simply “different ways, do not seek each other!”

Could it be that

Did you really go in the wrong direction?

“No! I still don’t want to give up this possibility!”

Lin Xian also said before.

[Regret Mutual Aid Association] and [Devil] have nothing to do with the probability, about 99.99%!


Lin Xian is still unwilling to give up the last 0.01%!

Even if it is one in ten thousand possibility!

It can’t be ruled out easily!

“Forget it, let’s not talk about it now.

Lin Xian debated in his heart for so long, and quickly returned his attention to reality.

Tian Miaomiao’s story is over.

I have to respond somehow.

Lin Xian was expressionless and put down his pen:

“That’s it? That’s it?”

Tian Miaomiao nodded:

“Well, that’s it. I have already explained it in great detail.

Lin Xian also smiled affirmatively.


It’s detailed enough and impeccable.

I also helped myself understand a lot of problems.

This woman

There is no use value anymore.

According to the order of the seven deadly sins.

[Color Gamut] Taken at the end.

The status in the organization is lower than Wang Hao’s [Gluttony], and it must be impossible to know any important secrets.

Lin Xian decided to try it last.

He spread his hands, pretending to be incomprehensible:

“But why do you have to chase Dai Chuchan? Don’t you think it’s weird? Is there any need to kidnap her? [Arrogance] Have you ever said it?”

Tian Miaomiao shook his head helplessly:

“I don’t even think about it, and [Arrogant]’s instructions have no follow-up content. They just asked me to kidnap Dai Chuchan again. I didn’t explain the purpose, ransom, and handling method.”

“I feel that what [Arrogance] needs is like the fact that [Dai Chuchan was kidnapped] is nothing else, he doesn’t care at all.

“All right.”

Lin Xian closed the folder.

This woman, can’t ask her any more questions.

Asked too much.

I really want to expose my identity.

Can’t make her suspicious here

Lin Xian packed everything up, stood up, and prepared to leave.

“Wait, wait!”

Tian Miaomiao looked flustered, and the iron torture clinked.

“When are you going to rescue me? Since they have notified Dai Shuangcheng, then you have to hurry and save me!!”

Lin Xian has walked to the door.

He turned his head and smiled slightly:

“Don’t worry, I will.”


The heavy soundproof door closed.

Isolate the voices of the two worlds.


Lin Xian said silently…

Goodbye in Chinese is much slower than goodbye in Japanese and goodbye in English.

Goodbye in Chinese means wishing to see each other again.

And goodbye in English.

Although translated, it also means goodbye and goodbye.

But in fact, goodbye in English does not mean seeing each other again, but literally–

bid farewell.

See you again.

“How about Mr. Lin, is there any progress for this woman?”

Liu Xuncha saw Lin Xian come out.

Come up quickly.

This time.

Lin Xian didn’t disappoint Liu Inspection, he smiled and nodded:

“It has been very rewarding. I got some useful clues. The last two people will definitely be able to examine the big problems for you.”

“And this woman actually has a case.”

Inspection Liu scratched his head:

“Yes? We didn’t find out Wang Na’s case!”

Lin Xian shook his head:

“Her real identity is Tian Miaomiao. Inspection Liu, regarding this woman, if you contact President Dai Shuangcheng tomorrow, there will be surprises.,

“Surprise? What do you mean by surprise?”

Lin Xian smiled, did not speak any more, just told Liu to inspect, don’t forget this.

He believes

The daughter of the underground emperor Dai Shuangcheng…

He will definitely handle this Tian Miaomiao.

No need to worry about it.

This time

Dai Shuangcheng guessed it would be difficult to soften his hands anymore!

“Then Mr. Lin, who do you want to interrogate next? That foreign old man? Or that big man.”

Lin Xian answered without hesitation:

“Arrange for me that big man.


it’s time to!

Reveal the true face of [greedy]!.

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