Chapter 134 The third messenger appears! [Last Letter]!


The apple that fell on the ground bounced and slowly rolled towards the window.

Finally, I ran into the curtains folded in the corner and stopped there


Seeing the apple fall to Lin Xian’s mouth.

Liu Yiyi was amused by this funny scene:

“Hahaha, what are you doing, husband, do you have to be so surprised?


Lin Xian scratched his head.

Don’t know what to say.

Is it a guilty conscience?


But what made him flustered the most was Liu Yiyi’s instinct as a woman!

How does it feel that her intuition is very accurate every time?

As she said.

In the future world, he is indeed married to Dai Chuchan

That pair of wedding rings is proof!


Lin Xian coughed twice, placed the phone on the table, and stood up against the pen holder:

“Yiyi, why did you say that suddenly.

Liu Yiyi didn’t take it seriously.

After all, she just said a word casually, how can Lin Xian have so much heart teasing:

“I’m not just being stuck at home and couldn’t get out, so I just thought about it!”

“Oh, it’s not 20 foolish thoughts! I’m telling you the truth, if we two keep on doing well, then it will definitely be fine! But in case we will never see it because of something, or if I die, it is important that someone comes to accompany me. Do you live your life?”

“If I really die, I don’t want you to be single forever! You are so lazy and don’t know how to do housework, someone must take care of you!”

“But with so many girls in the world, I can only accept that Sister Chu Chan married you and got along for so long and encountered so many things. Now I can confirm with you that in this world, except for me and your mother, Chu Sister Cicada must be the woman who loves you most.”

Lin Xian didn’t know whether to shake his head or nod at the moment.

Dai Chuchan knew better than Liu Yiyi about his single-mindedness and moths fighting the fire.

Especially this time that Liu Yiyi was rescued from home and brought a group of children to the United States to cheer for himself, which moved not only Lin Xian, but also Liu Yiyi.

Dai Chuchan could have come by herself.

Both Liu Yiyi and Lin Xian knew how much Dai Chuchan liked Lin Xian.


This time to go to the United States to cheer on Lin Xian, Dai Chuchan had every reason to go on his own, rather than rescue Liu Yiyi and take her with her.

Liu Yiyi once said.

Women are selfish when it comes to love. No woman is willing to share her love with other women.

“Yes, I said this before.

Facing Lin Xian’s question, Liu Yiyi explained in the video:

“But our current hypothesis is not the kind of life and death situation?”

“If I live, I am also very selfish about love. I have no reason to share you with Dai Chuchan.”

“But if I die, I only want to leave you to her alone, no one can change it!!

Lin Xian smiled slightly.

Said gently:

“Don’t worry, I won’t let you die.”

Lin Xian has this confidence.

In the original time and space, Liu Yiyi has been dead for six years, but he has resurrected her.

He won’t let Liu Yiyi die a second time.


Liu Yiyi came to the camera with a mua~

After chatting for a while, the two hung up the video call.


Lin Xian stretched.

Look at the clock on the desktop.

It’s already past 7 o’clock, almost 8 o’clock!!

“What’s the situation! Liu Xuncha didn’t forget our agreement, right?”

Lin Xian waited for a day.

Didn’t wait for Liu Xun’s call.

He shook his head.

Liu inspects such a rigorous person, what he said, he will certainly not forget.

can only say …

Maybe something went wrong with their interrogation.

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell–

Lin Xian sat up fiercely!

Look at the phone screen!

I really mean Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be here!

The name of the caller ID is exactly Liu Xun!

Lin Xian quickly took the call.

I’m sorry for the tone over there:

“Mr. Lin, I’m sorry to keep you waiting for so long, so I made time for you so late.”

Lin Xian smiled politely.

After all, it is a violation of the rules to let yourself be an outsider to interrogate the suspect. Lin Xian is embarrassed to blame others:

“Liu Inspection, you are polite. How about it, did your interrogation go smoothly?”

Liu Xuncha shook his head and sighed:

“Hey, let’s tell the truth, the interrogation was quite unsuccessful, otherwise it would not have been delayed for such a long time.”

“At present, they can only be characterized as one [Slanted Church Gathering] at most. There is really no stain on them! I showed them the pictures of the traffickers, and they all admitted that the person is indeed one of the members.”

“But here is the problem! They are very honest and very cooperative, which makes us find nothing. And although they know the trafficker, at most they meet at the party, and there is no communication at all. Communication is not an accomplice.”

“That old man committed the crime of illegal gun possession, but he is a foreign national after all. Moreover, he did not shoot and wound anyone, and he did not resist when he was arrested. If it is just a gun crime, even if it is sentenced, it will be a probation for several months, which is nothing. Great sin.”

“That woman also honestly confessed that she is an old man doing skin and meat business abroad. But we can’t control foreign affairs. If she doesn’t violate the law on the territory of the Dragon Kingdom and does not infringe the rights and interests of the people of the Dragon Kingdom, our law cannot sanction her. ”

“As for the big man and the young fat man, these two have no record at all, they are very clean…”

Lin Xian heard that Inspection Liu was worried.


After all, it made such a big move to arrest this gang.

Last instance

They are innocent and have nothing to do!

Let the people go in two days!

It must be laughed at!

It is an exaggeration to say that the reputation is discredited.

But currently Liu Xuncha has been praised too high. If such a work error occurs, someone will definitely fall into trouble.

Lin Xian comforted him:

“Liu inspects, don’t panic. Let me try them, and I will surely find out the big problems for you!

Lin Xian is very confident.

Maybe that woman and Wang Hao are really fine.

But the big guys [greedy] and George [arrogant], there must be something wrong with these two people!

“Okay, then I’ll wait for you in the game.

Liu Xuncha also pinned his hopes on Lin Xian and hung up the phone.

“Ha ha.

Lin Xian smiled slightly and fisted.

“It’s finally time for me to play!

All day long, he was thinking about how to make words out of the mouths of these four suspects.

Nowadays, a detailed plan is already in place.

First of all, the person he wants to interrogate is one-

[Gluttony] Wang Hao!

Wang Hao was honest and saw that he joined the [Regret Mutual Aid Association] without knowing it.

Plus the two are iron buddies.

At the step behind bars, Wang Hao definitely can’t care about the confidentiality agreement (although he has no sense of confidentiality at first), he will definitely tell Lin Xian all he knows!

As long as you have a more comprehensive understanding of the rules in the [Regret Mutual Aid Association].

Lin Xian can continue to pretend to be [Jealous] and use the identity of Lei Hao 820 Dragon to talk to [Color Space] and [Greed] to get the final information.

As for the final [arrogance].

This is a hard bone!

It can only be put at the end… Slowly gnaw!

“Okay, let’s go!

After packing everything, Lin Xian installed the key and mobile phone, turned off the light, and walked out of the study door.


He closed the study door directly.

This time.

The wind from the door did not blow the curtains.


Lin Xian, who had the foresight, had already taken down the curtains to save himself.

There was a noble roar in the underground parking lot, and Rolls-Royce Huiying drove onto the ground, facing the blood-red sunset, toward the Donghai City Inspection Bureau.

In the sunset.

The fire in the sky burned the clouds and dyed the vast land red.

The warm orange light spills into Lin Xian’s study through the window without curtains

This scene

There is a trace of apocalyptic desolation




Two large groups of blue light suddenly appeared!

Flicker in the air! Flicker! Slowly fall in the visible and invisible state!

There are so many blue light spots this time!

Falling on the ground, scattered into one piece!



The apple that fell by the curtain rolled sideways twice.


A woman sigh suddenly appeared in the air.

“It seems that I can’t make it to the 16th.”

“I can only give him the letter tonight!”.

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