Chapter 133 Liu Yiyi’s weird speech! Lin Xian dropped his chin in shock! What kind of rhetoric!

Lin Xian couldn’t help frowning.

It’s really getting bigger and bigger


Today, since I appeared at 00:42, I seem to have fallen into the 42 vortex again, and everything has become weird…

for example:

Why did Li Jing call at 00:42?

Why does the strange noise in the room ring at 00:42?

Why is it that the meeting time of the Mutual Aid Society is accurate at 00:42?

Long-lost 42

Long-lost spine chills

42 appeared.

There must be weird things happen!

Reminiscing, the advice of the future self to yourself–

“42, it is not necessarily correct.

Lin Xian got it.

In this series of things, there must be something “wrong”.

If it’s not that I am wrong.

Just 42 is wrong.

After hanging up the phone for a while, you must think about it!

“Liu Xuncha, can you tell me who the people caught are?”

Over there, Liu inspects a bit embarrassed:

“Mr. Lin, I am really embarrassed. According to our regulations, I cannot disclose it to you for the time being, and it will be tomorrow at the earliest.”

“After all, how do you say it, please understand. I respect you and thank you very much, but you are not our internal staff, and I have to follow the rules.

Lin Xian nodded.

Liu Xuncha is indeed a man who enforces the law impartially.

Because of this, Lin Xianオ has always trusted him.

People who have principles and can abide by them are generally self-disciplined people.

“Okay, Inspection Liu, I won’t make you embarrassed.”

“But you” must understand that, after all, the information I got is five people. I just want to make sure who is missing.”

“Why? You don’t need to tell me who they are. Can you describe their physical characteristics to me? This should not violate the regulations.

Liu Xuncha smiled.


Mr. Lin is really a smart man.

However, if one person is really missed, it would be a good thing to find out who that person is as soon as possible.

So he described to Lin Xian:

“There is an old American man, you must know who it is. The other is a big man in Donghai City, you may also know. There is also a fat young man in his twenties, and a woman.

“There is only so much I can say, Mr. Lin. We are still the same. After I go back tonight, I will expedite the interrogation. When my interrogation is completed and the case is reported, I can spare you an hour or two. Interrogation time.

“Tomorrow I will call to inform you in advance. At that time, you can still communicate with them as a lawyer like last time. Presumably by then, you will naturally know their identities.”

Lin Xian nodded.

Liu Xuncha is also very busy over there.

Estimated to be working overtime all night.

So Lin Xian quickly hung up the phone.


After hanging up.

Lin Xian breathed a sigh of relief.

“Anyway, it is always a good thing to capture the members of [Regret Mutual Aid Association]. If you have any details, I can ask them in person tomorrow.”

Lin Xian has already thought about it.

now that

The gathering of [Regret Mutual Aid Association] was arrested by inspectors Liu before even saying a word.

That means

[Jealousy] It’s the identity, it hasn’t been exposed yet!

When they interrogate them tomorrow, Lin Xian can still pretend to be [Jealous] and confuse them!

“First of all, I have to think about who did not come to the party!

Lin Xian took out a piece of A4 paper and a pencil.

“Forehead ”

Lin Xian looked at the printed side of the yellow pencil, which had a long string of numbers in English and 4200.

Too unlucky!

The frequent appearance of 42 today makes Lin Xian a little bit responsive.

“Forget it, I don’t need a pencil, let’s use a pen!”

Lin Xian put the pencil in the drawer.Take out the fountain pen.

Begin to sort out the information just obtained.

“Inspector Liu has arrested a total of 4 people. Based on the characteristics he said, it is easy to screen them out.”

American Old Man–[Arrogance] George Bill

Big shot of Donghai City–[Greedy] name unknown

Fat Youth–【Gluttony】Wang Hao

Woman–[Seyu] The name is unknown

Lin Xian turns the fountain pen.

It is easy to see who is absent from the party.

Since [jealous] and [lazy] are dead

Then it can only be one by one


“It’s [Rage] who didn’t come to the party! So I escaped!”

Lin Xian breathed out from his nose.


All the time.

Among the members of the Seven Deadly Sins, [Rage] is the most mysterious one.

Lin Xian’s only clue to him is the words of the trafficker–

“Except for [Rage], everyone else is familiar to me! No way. [Rage] never speaks, just like a dumb!”


[Rage] = dumb?

For now, Lin Xian can only guess like this.

“It’s not an intelligence error. I just guessed that all of them would come. I didn’t expect someone to be absent.”

Lin Xian recalled what the trafficker [lazy] said

“It’s going to be a party soon. If I don’t go there, it will be very troublesome! If I don’t go to the party once, I will be regarded as death and expelled! I am sorry!”

Once absent.

Will be treated as death and expulsion from membership

Under such strict rules.

[Rage] Why didn’t you come to the party?

Lin Xian shook his head.

Guess this matter is a no-brainer, just wait for tomorrow to be announced through the “trivial”.

“Yes, I should prepare in advance the questions I want to talk about tomorrow.”

Lin Xian took out another piece of paper.

Begin to write down the key points of tomorrow’s “argument”:

[Question I want to understand]

1. [Pride] How to predict the future? How to obtain the quantum battery?

2. [Regret Mutual Aid Association] What are the criteria for selecting members?

3. Who is [Rage]? Why didn’t you come to the party?

4. Why, the real meeting time is 00:42?

The above four questions are the things that Lin Xian desperately wants to know and will understand in tomorrow’s interrogation.

Da da.

Lin Xian touched the fourth question with the tip of a pen.

Especially the fourth question

This is the existence that makes Lin Xian the most disturbed.

“Why does the party time happen to be 00:42?”

Is this a coincidence?

Obviously not!

Is it…

[Regret Mutual Aid Association] Do you also know the existence of 42?


Know the secret of 42?


Lin Xian sighed.

It’s really a headache.

It seems that all members of [Regret Mutual Aid Association] have been arrested.

The results are good.

There are more and more secrets in them!

Lin Xian tried to recall the conversation between himself and the human trafficker [Lazy].

Um, ……

It seems that the trafficker only told him the date and location of the meeting, but did not say the exact meeting time.

This is indeed my own negligence.

On that mysterious webpage, the content written is one-

[The next gathering will be held on the rooftop of the Empire State Building at 23:00 on August 4, 2021-Albert Einstein is waiting for your arrival. 】

There are cipher words everywhere in it, and password conversion is required.

August 4th corresponds to August 1st.

The Empire State Building actually corresponds to the Pearl of East Defense.


One can imagine.

It is very likely that this 23:00 is also a secret sign!

It’s also fake!

The real party time also needs to be converted!

“I’m going to be too cautious!”

Lin Xian couldn’t help sighing.

Don’t look at the members of this organization, what they can’t do, but cryptography alone does something like that!

Lin Xian can only guess without responsibility–

[23:00, the corresponding password is 00:42]

This conclusion is not necessarily correct.

I can only wait for tomorrow to investigate.

“Well, today’s reasoning, let’s stop here.”

It’s late.

Lin Xian decided to wash and sleep. There is still a lot of work to do tomorrow, so he must be energetic.

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell–

the next day.

Lin Xian was woken up by the alarm clock at 06:43 on time.

The jet lag has completely reversed.

Lin Xian got up to wash, and then went to the morning jog to exercise.

“It is estimated that it will be almost afternoon when Liu Xuncha calls me and asks me to go for interrogation.”

“During this time, go to the company to kill time!”

After finishing everything.

Lin Xian lit all of the unburnt papers last night, “Destroy the corpses.”

The paper with [Question I want to understand] was also burned.

Lin Xian has all the above four questions in mind.

Around ten o’clock in the morning.

Lin Xian arrives at the unit.

As expected, it caused another sensation!

“Group leader Lin Xian!! When did you quietly invest in such an amazing research institute! Controllable nuclear fusion has been developed!”

“The magic you have turned is so handsome! Your own power lights up the Dragon Kingdom! Wow! Thinking about it now, my shocked goose bumps are all up!’

“When can controllable nuclear fusion be put into practical use? Will it be reduced to 1 cent per degree when it is really lit? Or do you have to pay for electricity?”

“Leader Lin! You are the rhythm of becoming the world’s richest man!!

Lin Xian has long been accustomed to this feeling of being surrounded.

When I jogged this morning…

If it weren’t for wearing a mask…0

I guess I can’t run a meter of road.

no way.

After all, controllable nuclear fusion is really amazing.

This day time.

Lin Xian was processing the approval work that was squeezed before, and then arranged the next task.

At present, his team still undertakes the design drawings of the Shuangcheng Group.

have to say

Dai Shuangcheng is really a loyal person.

The design drawings of all branches across the country were handed over to Lao Zhang, a small company, which forced the company’s owners to more than double their salaries.

But this is also good.

If you cooperate for a long time, you will naturally be familiar with Party A’s ideas and needs. In the long run, it will be beneficial to both parties.

actually …

Lin Xian thought about it before.

Should I resign?

But think about it, what should I do if I resigned?

People have to do something!

The daily life of eating, drinking, playing and jumping to Die is not in line with Lin Xian’s values.

Go to Liu Lu’s laboratory and be a researcher? I don’t know how

Go to Chen Qing’s Fuxing Group, do you become president? I don’t know it myself

As the saying goes.

Industry specializing in surgery.Just keep this team leader’s hat, and it’s okay to pass the time.

Lin Xian also felt in this paragraph that there is a reason why Kangxi always likes microservices private visits!

The feeling of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger

It’s really cool!

Until the end of work, Liu inspected the phone without coming.

It seems.

As expected, Liu Xuncha found some “big problem”.

Lin Xian returned home.

Cooked it myself.

After eating, I went to the study and opened a video chat with Liu Yiyi.

“Husband~~ Can you see clearly? Hehe, this old phone is a bit stuck!”

Liu Yiyi’s mobile phone was confiscated by his parents.

So I made up my card.

Plug it into the standby machine for use.

“It’s okay, let’s use it for a few days now. When I pick you up this weekend, I will buy you the best iPhone!”

“No! I don’t want apples!

Liu Yiyi shook his head:

“I want to use Huawei’s phone!

“Good, good, then use Huawei’s!”

Lin Xian couldn’t help laughing.

This is called national self-confidence.

Patriotism is not just shouting slogans, but also supporting domestic products in practical actions.

It’s really idle and boring.

The two chatted for a long time.

Liu Yiyi told Lin Xian that because of being “jailed” last week, the school celebration was also missed and the program was a waste of practice, which is a pity.

However, it is worth it to go to the United States to cheer for the beloved boy!

At the same time, she said a lot of Dai Chuchan’s good things.

Said that I was very lucky to be able to meet this little sister!

“Husband~~ I had a very strange idea when I was locked at home by my parents.

“Huh? You said.

Lin Xian took a bite of the apple.

Want to hear what strange thoughts Liu Yiyi has.

“Hehe, forget it, don’t say it anymore.”

Liu Yiyi smiled:

“I’m going to say, you should float again!”

Lin Xian leaned to the phone:

“Don’t sell it! What a bad habit of you! Let’s talk about it, let’s talk about 5.3!

“Furthermore, my current achievements are not enough for me to float?”

Lin Xian’s joke made both of them amused.

Liu Yiyi himself is a person who can’t keep secrets.

So she could not help but tell her after three persuasion and two persuasion.

When speaking

She also blushed a little:

“Do you know what I was thinking when I was locked at home by my parents?”

“I thought, maybe I’ve been in a stalemate with my parents like this. They put me under house arrest for the rest of my life, and I might not see you for the rest of my life!”

“I don’t care, after all, it’s my parents, and I can’t help it. But I can’t delay you! Your parents are too young and always want to hug their grandchildren. I can’t delay you because of my family problems. Let the Lin family have no queen!”

Lin Xian was delighted to hear this.

He is not stupid.

Naturally, I understood what Liu Yiyi wanted to say.

“Stop it! Yiyi, I understand what you mean. You just want to say, let me not wait for you, and then find a woman to marry and have children?”

“You are too silly to think how can I do this kind of thing? I will save you aside even if I don’t save you, if you are willing to wait for me, then I will naturally wait for you! What about waiting for a lifetime?,

“Remember what I said to you that day? You promised me a lifetime, and I will return you a glorious life! In this life, we will never be separated again.

On the phone screen.

Liu Yiyi smiled as sweet as a flower.

But still waved his hand in disgust:

“Negative review! How come you turn over and over again just this kind of love sentence! Can you change the sentence!”

“Oh, you have misunderstood what I mean. My idea is not to let you find a woman at random! I have chosen all for you!”

Liu Yiyi paused and said with a smile:

“[If we can’t see each other again in our lifetime, for various reasons, I hope you can marry Sister Chu Chan and let her take care of you for the rest of your life.]”


The apple in Lin Xian’s hand slipped!

drop on the floor!.

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