Chapter 122 Professor Ding Yi’s life moments! I won’t regret it if I won glory for the country!

At this moment.

People in all time zones and countries in the world are watching this game on TV and the Internet.

Amidst the cheers of the crowd, members of the teams from both sides began to enter the arena.

The first entry is the US national team.

The leader is Dr. Max, the authority of American mathematicians, Zhenshanshi!

As soon as Dr. Max appeared, he won warm applause from the audience!

“It’s Dr. Max! He is leading the battle this time, and he must have brought a new breakthrough in mathematics!

“Max takes the lead. It is conceivable that the research of the two people after Mian has succeeded~ the results must be even more powerful!”

“It’s Dr. Max! The first person in mathematics!”

“Win the first game!!!!”

Afterwards, a female researcher with glasses appeared on the scene.

She represents the U.S. MASA space department.

Obviously, she will act as a representative to publish masa’s latest research results.

And at the end of the three-person team–

As the finale–

It’s an old man with white hair, a loud figure, and a walking stick!

No one can see his face clearly.


At this moment.

He is wearing a mask with “Sorrowful Einstein” printed on his face!

He is standing on the stage.

Raise your arms!

Put it in a V shape!

Declare his confidence to tens of thousands of American audiences!

The whole venue is completely boiling!

There was a louder cheer than when Max just appeared on the stage!

The whole venue is shaking!!

“Einstein!! Einstein!! Einstein is here! The inventor of the quantum battery!”

“The invincible Einstein! The eternal god!! He will lead us into the quantum age! Let the U.S. become the super overlord of the world!!”

“make-american-great-again! !!! Albert Einstein!! Please lead the United States to regain world hegemony! Defeat the Dragon Kingdom! Let them understand who is the real technological hegemon!”

“Einstein the eternal god!! The eternal god!!!”

The cheers on the scene endure for a long time!

All the audience knows that the person wearing the Einstein mask is definitely not Einstein himself.

This is too obvious.

After all, the real Einstein died decades ago.

This one is just a pretender wearing an Einstein mask.


At this moment.

In the hearts of all Americans.

He is Einstein!!

They are willing to call this mysterious masked man Einstein!!

After all, people talked about their strength and invented the “quantum battery”, a product that crossed the ages.

This is completely comparable to Einstein’s achievement.



He is the Einstein of all Americans!

When the US team is in place.

It’s time for the Dragon Kingdom team to play.

When Professor Ding Yi took the lead and Wang Lei and Lin Xian followed him in the stage, the noisy venue of tens of thousands of people instantly became silent.

It’s like

Someone is commanding the same.


Professor Ding Yi and Academician Wang Lei were expressionless.

They have long been accustomed to the face of the Americans.

The two are about the same age.

They have all come from that era of humiliation, so it’s no surprise to see this kind of thing.

And Lin Xian

For him, this is the second time he has come to this venue to participate in the same game.

“I have watched this story twice.”

For Lin Xian, who has watched the plot twice, it is naturally not surprising.

But the Netizens of Longguo who watched the game via live webcast.

The mentality burst directly!

They have published barrage to vent their anger!

“What are the qualities of the Americans?? As the host, why is there no morality at all? Is it necessary to achieve this?”

“I am in the U.S., and I planned to go to the site to cheer. But! U.S. officials are too cunning! If you want to buy tickets for the auditorium, you must show your U.S. ID card! They don’t buy tickets for foreigners at all! It’s too mean! NS!”

“Indeed, this has already been exposed on the Internet! In order to give them an absolute home court advantage, the United States did not sell tickets to the Long Kingdom people at all! They just want this embarrassing effect!”

“On this point, you dare to call yourself the lighthouse country? It’s really a joke! Our Dragon Kingdom doesn’t need to do these things at all, use practical skills to kill them!”

“It’s okay! Although there is no way to cheer on the scene, we can shout for the three players through the Internet! I believe this spirit will definitely be conveyed!

After Ding Yi and the other three came out, they didn’t make much movement.

Sit directly on the players’ bench in order.

According to the seating arrangements of both parties.

The order of the battle is already clear.

The first battle, the field of mathematics: Dr. Max vs. Professor Ding Yi!

The second battle, practical field: Researcher Michel VS Dean Wang Lei!

The third battle, the crack free battle: Einstein mask man VS Lin Xian!

After the host read the opening remarks, he began to explain the rules of the [Human Technology Top Sewing Competition].

“Dear viewers at the scene and in front of the TV, the two sides competed in three games in this top-of-the-art technology competition! The country that wins the first two games will win the final victory!”

“Before me, there are more than 300 famous scientists from all over the world! Before the competition, they have taken an oath, will swear by their belief in science, and will ensure fairness and justice in the competition tonight!”

“Then, now the captains of the two countries’ representative teams come to me to draw lots, which will determine the order of playing in today’s game!”


Ding Yi nodded to Lin Xian and Wang Lei, and moved forward to draw lots.

Dr. Max of the United States won the first move.

In other words, in the first game, the US team showed off first.

In the second game, the Long Guo team showed off first.

In the third game, the US team showed up first.

See this very familiar rule

Lin Xianquan is unwell.

He feels

Like a chess piece, he was thrown into the historical vortex of constant rebirth.

in the end

How can I jump out?


With the host’s order, the audience burst out with unprecedented cheers!

Dr. Max comes out!

According to the previous lottery sequence, this round will be displayed by the American team first.

The U.S. team is on the field with the ceiling-level figure of their country’s mathematics-Dr. Max!

Even the international influence is greater than Ding Yi.

His appearance made the American audience see Dinghai Shenzhen!


As if victory is already in hand!

Max appeared in a high-profile amidst applause and cheers!

After bowing to the audience, he picked up the microphone and began to talk about his topic:

“Today, the topic I want to prove is one of the cases of [Riemann Hypothesis], which is hailed as one of the Seventh Century Mathematical Problems!”

As soon as this remark came out.

More than 300 judges chanted God!!

“Unimaginable! Since the [Poincaré Conjecture] was proved in 2006, it has been 15 years, and there has been absolutely no progress on the road of conquering the remaining six centuries of mathematical problems!”

“This is a king bomb!!! With Dr. Max and Einstein’s [Quantum Battery] sitting in town, the United States has won two games steadily!

“I originally thought that human mathematics had come to an end and there would be no more breakthroughs. But I did not expect that Max actually proved one of the conditions of [Riemann Hypothesis]! This is already a super breakthrough in the mathematical milestone! ”

“[Riemann Hypothesis] was put forward in 1860. No one has conquered it for more than 160 years, but it has been proved by many mathematicians in 13 situations. No one knows how many situations [Riemann Hypothesis] There are, but Professor Max proved After that, the distance has completely lifted its veil, and it is not far away!”

Not only are more than 300 judges excited!

Even the cheers on the scene were higher than the waves!

The host waved his hand!

A high-tech electronic blackboard was pushed into the middle of the stage.

The content written above will be simultaneously transmitted to the large screen at the top of the venue, as well as the live webcast rooms and TV sets all over the world.

…0 Seeking flowers…

Max explained the formula while deriving the formula on the blackboard.

In the end, after writing 4 layouts, Max finished his pen in a cool manner:

“This way! The 14th case of [Riemann Hypothesis], I have proved that it is completed! Before humans can completely conquer [Riemann Hypothesis], I have taken another big step!”




The audience burst into applause.

More than 300 judges whispered to each other.

Among the achievements in mathematics, the one that is related to the Seven Century Problems is the highest achievement.

In their eyes, Max undoubtedly won the game!

As for Professor Ding Yi…

They all think there is no hope.

Professor Ding Yi is also a famous mathematician in the world.

Therefore, his research topics are very transparent.

It’s just a theoretical calculation involving extreme calculations.

In peacetime, it is undoubtedly a discovery that shocked the whole world.

But in the face of the [Riemann Conjecture] this century problem, the grade is still a bit worse.

More than 300 judges.

Many people began to look for blue cards.


On the blue one, the English of the United States is written. Raising the blue card means that the United States has won the vote.

from their perspective.

The victory or defeat of this game is determined.

Just wait for a while to vote with a placard.


at this time.

Even in Longguo’s webcast room, morale has dropped a lot.

“Oh my God, Dr. Max from the United States has solved a century of conjecture! This is too abnormal!”

“This is the king of mathematics! Professor Ding Yi’s problem in the world of tda mathematics, which is useless no matter what results he produces, is itself the ceiling of mathematics.

“Hey, both Shengyu and He Shengliang, Professor Ding Yi is also untimely. I have listened to Professor Ding Yi’s lectures in China. As long as his current research topic is a theory of derivation of the limit, it is only a theory. But Professor Max has solved the [Riemann’s conjecture] very well.”

“It’s over, Dragon Kingdom is going to lose this game.

Inside the venue of tens of thousands of people in the United States.

When the cheers and applause finally stopped.

The host motioned for the Dragon Kingdom team to appear on the stage.

Professor Ding Yi smiled calmly.

Then he lightly forehead facing Lin Xian:

“Mr. Lin. Here, I would like to express my gratitude to you on behalf of all researchers in Longguo.”

Lin Xian waved his hand:

“They are all fighting for the country, Professor Ding, you don’t have to be polite.”

Ding Yi straightened up.

The striding meteor walked towards the middle of the stage.

Tens of thousands of Chinese people have long since uniformly turned on the quiet mode.

But they were still puzzled.

Dr. Max has already come up with one of the cases of [Riemann Hypothesis].

Why is this gray-haired old man of Long Country so determined and confident?

Who gave him the courage?

The stage is straight ahead.

More than 300 judges also whispered at this time, shocked by Professor Ding Yi’s confidence!

Could it be that

What killer copper does he really hold?

Under the suspicion of the eyes.

Professor Ding Yi’s face is red!

Proud and unruly!

Swallow the river with anger!

He at this time.

Like a dragon flying in the clouds!

It’s like a shining meteor in the universe!

He thought of his mentor!

Thinking of the unsung heroes in the desert!

“Comrades, the prosperous age you dream of is now!!”

Professor Ding Yi looked down on the entire venue!

It seems to be dozens of years younger!

He is holding the microphone.

Shout loudly without fear of the silence of tens of thousands of people!

“Weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival! Pride is!”

“Hegemony, no real respect! Oppression, no real obedience! Today’s Dragon Kingdom is far more prosperous and powerful than you think!”

“Now, on behalf of the people of Quanlong Kingdom, the topic I want to prove to the whole world is–”

“Goldbach’s guess!!!”

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