Chapter 121 The opening of the top technology competition! Lin Xian faces Einstein!

Hearing Liu Yiyi’s cry for help, Dai Chuchan was startled!

Is she in danger?

He also said that her parents lied to her, what is going on?

“Sister Yiyi! What’s wrong with you!”

Over the phone!

Liu Yiyi is very flustered!

“My mother is not sick at all!! This is the excuse they both want to lie to me to come back!”

“And they still don’t let me go out of the house! They don’t let me go to school! I have to break up with Lin Xian!”

Dai Chuchan’s heart was cold.

Living in a harmonious and happy family like her, she never thought that Liu Yiyi would be treated like this!

Tiger poison still doesn’t eat seeds!


Liu Yiyi’s parents can be so cruel to Liu Yiyi!?

This is their biological daughter!

Could it be.

A girl in her twenties.

Don’t you even have the right to fall in love and marry someone you like!?

“Yiyi, give me the phone!

There was a majestic voice from a woman over the phone.

Needless to say, this must be Liu Yiyi’s mother.

Some snatch.

Liu Yiyi’s mother snatched the phone back.

She saw the words “Chu Chan Xuemei” on the screen of her mobile phone, and she naturally knew the identity of the other party.

“Miss Chu, hello, I am Liu Yiyi’s mother.”

After all, Liu Yiyi’s mother is also a well-known figure in Hangzhou. After so many years of business ups and downs, the most basic qualities and courtesy are still there.


Dai Chuchan doesn’t have it!

She grew up spoiled and spoiled, and Dai Shuangcheng was even regarded as a jewel in her palm. Li Ruoying often said that she was not big or young.


Dai Chu Chan オ no matter what etiquette and quality.

If she has any thoughts, she will definitely say it!

“Auntie! You can’t do this to your daughter! She is already an adult, and she has the right to pursue her love! You are like this. It is illegal for you to restrict her freedom like this!”

“Besides, Senior Lin Xian is so good! He and Senior Sister Yiyi are totally made in heaven and made for each other! Why can’t you agree to them, Auntie? Do you know?”

Speaking of which.

Dai Chuchan couldn’t help but choke in his heart.

“Do you know, Auntie, in this world, how many girls dream of marrying Lin Xian, but they can’t be seen?”

“Auntie, can you and uncle throw away the tinted glasses and take a formal look at Lin Xian? He has become very good, very responsible, and very responsible. Have you watched TV? Just now, Lin Xian is a good senior. Instead of Dragon Country, go to participate in the [Human Technology Top Sewing Competition]!

* Such a great knight, a great hero for the country and the people. Isn’t that enough to satisfy you? I beg you, please fulfill the love between Senior Lin Xian and Senior Sister Yiyi!”

Talking and talking.

Dai Chuchan’s disappointed tears fell again.

Before meeting Lin Xian

What a cheerful and lively girl who loves to laugh!

She never knew 807

I actually have so many tears to shed!

The emperor of the East China Sea, Dai Shuangcheng, never allowed Dai Chuchan to be aggrieved at all since he was a child!

If Dai Chuchan could shed a tear.

He absolutely wants to rain the entire Donghai City!


Every girl has to go through this period

Met someone,

Like someone,

Fall in love with someone,

No matter if it is married or not in love, there will always be such an unforgettable love to teach her to grow.

For Dai Chuchan.

This person is not only Lin Xian, but also Liu Yiyi!

Facing Liu Yiyi, Dai Chuchan willingly gave in.

She knew very well that Liu Yiyi’s love for Lin Xian would only be above herself, never below herself.

so …

If one’s love for Lin Xian can only be love, not just a beautiful one.

Then, she sincerely hopes that Lin Xian can marry Liu Yiyi.

There is only Liu Yiyi!

There are so many women in this world.

Dai Chuchan believes that only Liu Yiyi is worthy of Lin Xian!


In Dai Chuchan’s eyes, Lin Xian was a great hero who stepped on colorful clouds to save the common people.

But in the eyes of Liu Yiyi’s mother

This is not necessarily the case.The voice over there is still harsh:

“Miss Chu, this is our housework, and please don’t be nosy.”

“I accepted your kindness, but for our kind of family. There are many children like Lin Xian in Quan Long. But the daughter of the richest man in Hangzhou is only Liu Yiyi.”

“The ugliness of the family cannot be publicized. I also hope that Miss Chu will keep this matter secret and keep quiet. After we have handled the housework, Yiyi will naturally go to school.”




“Hello?? hello hello???”

I just hung up the phone over there!

Dai Chuchan hurriedly dialed–

“The user you are calling has been turned off, please

Dai Chuchan is really speechless!

Oh my!

How can there be such unreasonable parents in the world!?

“Children are not your tool!”

Dai Chuchan gritted his teeth!

“Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!! What should I do now!!!”

Dai Chuchan never thought about it.

She is a small and thin girl, she is actually in so many vortexes at this moment!!

It really made her scratch her hair!

“No way, no way, calm down! If it is Lin Xian senior, this time will definitely be very calm!”



Dai Chuchan took two deep breaths to stabilize his heartbeat.


Start thinking–

[If it was Lin Xian’s senior at this time, what would he do?]

Dai Chuchan reached the desk.

Take out a pencil and a notepad:

“If it is Lin Xian senior (cafd), he is so rigorous and smart. At this time, he will definitely take out a piece of paper and pen, and then seriously think about countermeasures!”

Dai Chuchan didn’t know whether she was right or wrong.

But her instinct told her that Senior Lin Xian would definitely do this!


Put the pencil in the electric pencil sharpener.

There was a buzzing sound.

The pencil is sharpened very sharply.

Then you can write normally.

“No hurry, no hurry, I want to sort out my thinking first!”

Dai Chuchan bit the pencil.

Use the rubber band on your wrist to stand up your hair.

At this time, Senior Lin Xian couldn’t get in touch, and she didn’t know the situation of Senior Sister Yiyi.

Senior Sister Liu Yiyi was also restricted in her freedom, and she also didn’t know what Lin Xian was going to participate in.

The only one who knows all the information and can help them.

only myself!

“Good memory is not as good as bad writing, let me quickly list the current situation!”

Dai Chuchan began to write in his notebook:

【1. Senior Lin Xian is going to the United States to participate in the competition. If what I dreamed about in my dreams is real, then all the people in the venue will be Americans, and there will be no one cheering Lin Xian! And will be despicable His boos!][2. Senior sister Liu Yiyi is under house arrest at home. Although there is no danger, there is no way to go to the United States to cheer for Senior Lin Xian. Senior Lin Xian will definitely be bullied!)

【3, Senior Lin Xian and Senior Sister Liu Yiyi both had their mobile phones confiscated, they were unable to contact each other, and they did not understand each other’s situation. ]

After writing

Dai Chuchan looked at these three “status quo.”


“Oh my God!! That means that only I can cheer for Senior Lin Xian!”

Think left and right.

There seems to be only this kind of answer!

“This, this, isn’t this exactly the same as the scene in my dream?!”

“If things go on like this, I must have gone to the U.S. by myself, then wore a cheongsam and waved the red flag for senior Lin Xian!”

Dai Chuchan blinked.

Can’t believe this answer!

She always thought that dreams are dreams after all

Since it is a dream, it is unreal


Let’s see now!

My own dream!

It’s not only real! It’s really incomparable!!

It’s like a video tape, dreaming all the details clearly!

What does this show?

“That said!!”


Dai Chuchan slapped it on the table!

The eyes are firm!

Clear thinking!

“this means

“[The dream I had is not a dream at all!! The content of the dream, all happened in reality!!]”

This conclusion is absurd.

But Dai Chuchan was convinced at this moment!

She is neither a three-year-old nor a fool who believes in messy marketing.

“Dreams are prophecies” and “people can dream of the future”, she firmly doesn’t believe them!

Dai Chuchan is a staunch atheist who grew up under the red banner of materialism, so one-if dreams can be real to this extent.

That can only explain!

This is not a dream!

This is indeed [the life I have experienced!]

Dai Chuchan turned his pencil.

She can’t figure out why things are like this.

If you can’t figure it out, it doesn’t mean it’s incorrect!

In this world, Dai Chuchan can’t understand many things, but she now understands one thing–

“If I don’t cheer for senior Lin Xian, he will be overwhelmed by the boos of Americans. He will be scared! Americans like bullying too much!”

Dai Chuchan clenched his fists!


She would never allow this kind of thing!

I can’t even love it.

But her beloved boy, just can’t be aggrieved at all!

Not at all!

She opened the drawer and began to churn.


She found it!

It is a small brown book.

Dai Chuchan opened it and let out a sigh of relief:

“It’s great, there is still a one-year validity period.”

This is a passport.

When the passport was first applied for, she was not an adult, so the validity period was only 5 years.

If it is a long-term passport issued by an adult.

The validity period is 10 years.

“Then, I stole my mother’s red cheongsam, bought a red flag, and booked a ticket

Dai Chuchan planned.

While thinking about the memories in the dream

“Wait, wait a minute”

Dai Chuchan’s eyes widened.

In that very real dream, I followed this plan to leave the country without telling everyone

As a result, not only encountered a lot of trouble on the road, but also fainted in the venue at that time, which must have caused a lot of trouble to the entourage of Longguo.


In the dream, after I returned home with the national team’s special plane, my parents also had a quarrel with myself!

Hearing from my father, my mother’s face turned pale at the time!

Even the dad, who had always spoiled himself the most, cursed himself at the time.

It was the first time my father scolded himself in so many years.

“No way, no way, this plan won’t work

Dai Chuchan shook his head.

She wants to study like Lin Xian senior.

She is to be a woman who is successful, steady, brave, and wise!

“Moreover, the person who raised the red flag for Lin Xian should be Yiyi-senpai. I can’t take her place!

“Otherwise, this is not fair to Senior Sister Yiyi!”

Dai Chuchan is a girl with clear boundaries.

Just like back then, when my aunt Li Susu reprimanded her as a junior, she stubbornly refuted that she was not a junior! And she wouldn’t be a junior!


This character who raised the red flag for Lin Xian can only be Liu Yiyi!

Dai Chuchan made up his mind.

Walk out of the room with your passport

In the living room, the news explanation on the TV continued.

Dai Chuchan walked over and turned off the TV directly.

call out–

The TV screen is directly black.

Dai Shuangcheng and Li Ruoying looked at Dai Chuchan with doubts.


Dai Chuchan said softly.

Waist in.

Look at my parents!

“Dad! Mom!”

“Now I have a very important thing to discuss with you! I hope you will definitely support me!!”One week passed.

U.S. time, July 30, 9:30 am.

The largest outdoor venue in the country, Madison Square Garden, is full of people!

In the venue that can accommodate tens of thousands of people, there are no empty seats!

The cheers of tens of thousands of Chinese people seemed to burst the entire venue!

This battle, on the surface, is a display of scientific and technological achievements, but in the world, it is indeed a battle between the Dragon Kingdom and the United States in the world!

After this game.

The world pattern is bound to have brand-new changes!

There is no doubt that the victorious party will shake the world with powerful scientific and technological achievements.

Powerful technology represents a powerful economy, powerful weapons, and powerful combat effectiveness.

More than 200 countries and regions in the world

Will choose the direction of their team based on the result of this game


Whether it is for the Dragon Kingdom, the United States, or the whole world.

This is an important event no less than a world war and reshaping the world pattern!

“Ooo Ooo Ooo Ooo Ooo Ooo Ooo!”

“Eula Eula Eula Eula Eula Eula!”

“Come on! Emery cut it! Come on! Emery cut it!”


English cheers from the audience.

As if to submerge this venue

at the same time.

In the Longguo time zone.

It is 21:30 on the evening of July 30th.

Every house is brightly lit, and the streets are sparsely populated.

Everyone gathered in front of the TV and in front of the computer to watch this very important game for the Dragon Kingdom!

In the previous week, nearly all TV stations and all columns were educating the public about the importance of this competition.

If you can win this game.

The international status, influence, and right of speech of the Dragon Kingdom will rapidly increase, even directly surpassing the United States!

Science and technology are the primary productive forces.

And the contest tonight’s game.

The comparison is the top seam technology of the two countries!

In the Weibo, Tieba, and webcast rooms, netizens are also enthusiastic:

“Charge!! The Dragon Kingdom!! It’s time to prove to the world that we are strong! The days of falling behind and being beaten are over, and now the Dragon Kingdom is so powerful that you don’t dare to look directly at it!

“The country has power! We have faith! The ancient lion has risen! Now in the Dragon Kingdom, no one can bully us anymore!”

“I think that since Lin Xian appeared as the finale, he must show the most cutting-edge technology products in our country! I guess it should be related to the research of the Fuxing Group. Do you remember? The previous press conference of the Fuxing Group, the father of electric cars, Chen Chen Qing, must give this name to Lin Xian.

“No matter what achievements Lin Xian wants to show for the country, all this must be agreed by the country! Let us believe in the country! Believe in Lin Xian! Believe in everything that Lin Xian represents!”

The people of Long Country, the emotions that have been suppressed for many years have all exploded!

This night!

Doomed to sleepless!!

In the courtyard of an alley in Qinghe County, Hangzhou.

Father Lin and Mother Lin gathered around the TV anxiously.

“What about Lin Xian? Why hasn’t Lin Xian appeared yet! This hall has been cheering for a long time, why haven’t people come out?”

“Hey, kid! Why did you go to the secret training camp, why did you go to the U.S. to participate in the competition? It still went on behalf of the country! I didn’t explain it to us, how worried we are!”

Dad Lin was pacing with a fan, hehe with a smile:

“This competition, whether it’s the contestants or the content, is definitely a state secret! How could a child tell you? Just your big loudspeaker, I told you in the morning, and in the evening when you went to the square dance, it spread all over the county. !”

“Oh! Don’t block the TV!”

Mother Lin slapped Dad Lin onto the sofa.

The two stopped talking.

All staring at the screen


The appearance of their proud son

At this moment.

In the Binhuwan community of Donghai City, every household has lights on and televisions turned on.

But this household 802, Unit 4, Building 3

But it’s rare that the lights in the whole house are off.

Obviously, no one is at home.

In the study of this family.

For unknown reasons, the curtains were taken down and thrown on the wall.

There is no shade from the curtains.

Bright moonlight shone into the room from the window.

Alone appears to be generally desolate



Two unnoticeable blue light spots fell from the sky.

During the descent, it shattered into countless tiny particles




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