Chapter 117 There is still a person hidden behind the curtains!

Lin Xian shuddered at his thoughts.

It’s impossible to think about it.

But there is only one correct answer~

That’s right.

In the time and space before the change of history, I visited the Cultural Exhibition Center with Dai Chuchan.

Both of them saw the painting “Sorrowful Ein Stein”.

Faced with this painting at that time, the two also discussed nuclear deterrence and peace.

It is precisely because of these discussions.

This inspired Lin Xian’s plan to write to Einstein.


After I send the letter back to the past.

History has changed, and reality has also changed.

“Sorrowful Einstein” became “Naughty Einstein”.

It is impossible for everyone in the world to have seen “Sorrowful Einstein”.

Because this picture does not exist at all.


There are only two people


And Dai Chuchan.

Only the two of them still retain the memories of the previous time and space

Lin Xian picked up the magazine again.

Looking at the old man with white hair on the cover and the mask on his face.

The painting on the mask.

It is “Sorrowful Einstein”.

“How can this be explained?”

Lin Xian feels.

I’m falling into a deeper and deeper pit

Ever since I stumbled upon [Regret Mutual Aid Association], everything around me has become more and more mysterious and confusing.

Not only Einstein is suspected to be resurrected.

What’s more ridiculous!

The few people who have a relationship with him are all members of the [Regret Mutual Aid Association]!

“Is it possible that Dai Chuchan is also a member of the [Regret Mutual Aid Association]? It was she who gave the painting “Sorrowful Einstein” to [Pride]?”


Lin Xian still shook his head.

Although this speculation makes sense in theory.

But there is one detail that doesn’t make sense.

That is one-

Although Dai Chuchan is an art student, she is only an art student in dance and does not know how to paint.

Even if she did see the painting, she would never copy it.

Not to mention

The painting is still vivid, just like the photo.

Besides, there is a paradox.

In the future, Dai Chuchan has a husband-and-wife relationship with himself.

She is even willing to sacrifice her life to become a messenger for herself, crossing to kill Lei Haolong in 2021.

The purpose of doing this is just to prevent his hands from being stained with murderous blood.

I love a person who loves myself so much that moths fight the fire.

How could it be a demon?

“Don’t think so much!”

Lin Xian shook his head.

Get rid of your distracting thoughts.

At present, the best way to uncover the [devil] and smash the [Regret Mutual Aid Association].

According to the original plan:

1. First go to the [Human Technology Summit] to bet on your life, use your own death to prove your guess.

2. Participate in the [Regret Mutual Aid Society] gathering and figure out the secrets of all members.

3. Close the net! Lock the [Demon] identity! Use causal weapons to obliterate it!

“Well, just follow the original plan.

I slept too late last night.

Lin Xian prepares to sleep on the plane.

Before putting on the blindfold, Lin Xian glanced at the phone screen one last time.

July 23

It’s about to enter August.

This August.

Although there is no gunpowder.

But the dark waves are surging.

Because it came early.

So when Lin Xian returned home, it was not yet 6 pm.

After ordering a simple takeaway.

Lin Xian walked into the study, ready to do a big thing–

Re-establish [Death Insurance]!

“I participated in the [Human Technology Top Sewing Competition] with such a high profile, just to bet on my life. As long as I die after the game, it proves that Einstein must be alive! And [the devil] has an 80% chance of being him!’

“So, we must ensure that [death insurance] is foolproof. Only in this way can I come back from the dead.”

Lin Xian walked to the black safe in the study room and pressed the code.

June 8, 2015 (only numbers)

There are eight numbers in total.


The black safe opened.

There are two letters in it.

One is a letter written by Liu Yiyi, the purpose is to let Liu Yiyi see it, so a very conspicuous word is written on it with a marker.

After reading this letter, Liu Yiyi would understand the function of the space-time postbox, and 80% would believe that using this postbox can save herself.

And another letter.

It’s so full of tape that it’s hard to take it apart.

It is a letter written by Lin Xian in advance and sent to me in the past. According to the plan, Liu Yiyi only needs to drop this letter into the mailbox.

“But this letter is no longer usable now, it’s out of date.”

This letter is addressed to myself before attending the commendation meeting.

At that time, Lin Xian was afraid of accidents during the commendation meeting, or Lei Haolong would kill himself, so he set up the [Death Insurance] in advance.

Facts have proved that my prediction is indeed correct!

The few hours of the commendation meeting were really exciting! A lot of big things happened!

It’s just that it’s not himself who died in the end, but Lei Haolong


Lin Xian lit the envelope with a lighter.

Let it burn to ashes in an ashtray.

“Puff, it’s really hard!”

The burning smell of plastic tape is very pungent.

Lin Xian glanced at the window behind the curtain, ready to open it for ventilation


If you think about it, forget it.

Lin Xian remembered the cold wind that came in suddenly before. It was really scary.

Now the sky is completely dark.

In order not to scare himself, Lin Xian decided to keep the windows closed to prevent the wind from coming in.

He took the burning ashtray to the bathroom and turned on the exhaust fan.

After everything is burned.

Brushed the ashtray and took it back into the study.

Isn’t this solved?

Can people be suffocated to death by urine?

“Okay, start writing to yourself!”

Yesterday Lin Xian had already said to Professor Ding Yi: [Controllable Nuclear Fusion] I am determined to participate, but whether he will show it in person or not, he needs two days to consider.

This is the hole card Lin Xian left for himself.

“So, today is July 23, Friday, so let’s use this morning as the archive point!”

Lin Xian picked up the pen and paper and began to write a letter.

[My dear me in the past]


[Now, it should be Friday, July 23rd on your side. When you read this letter, you should have just returned from the imperial capital, ready to re-establish the death insurance, and determine the identity of the devil by betting on life. 】

[Then, congratulations! You have succeeded! When you read this letter, it means that the future you (that is, me) is dead, so the death insurance is activated, and this letter will be sent to you. 】

[As smart as you and me, I will definitely understand what this letter means. It means-the people who killed us, eight achievements are Einstein!][Because only Einstein himself knows that controllable nuclear fusion is a gift he gave us. When the controllable nuclear fusion shows up, it represents the exposure of our identity! He will definitely find a way to kill me immediately, with Prevent me from killing him early!][This is the law of the dark forest, a hide-and-seek of gods and demons. Whoever reveals his identity first loses. But the devil must have never thought, we still have a back hand! Now, the moment you see the letter, it means that we are going to win!)

[Next, please listen well-call Professor Ding Yi now and tell him that the controllable nuclear fusion project will be displayed by someone else, and you have to retreat behind the scenes. It is not difficult, Professor Ding Yi will definitely understand you. 】

[Then, it is the moment when you start to fight back. Since I’m dead, it means that the person who killed me must be related to this human technology summit and the Regret Mutual Aid Association. 】

[The first target of suspicion is Einstein, who lived 140 years old. Secondly, I regret the members of the Mutual Aid Society, the seven people named after the seven deadly sins. 】

[Through my death, the scope of the devil has been narrowed to between seven or eight people. I believe that with your ingenuity, it will not take long for the real demon to be screened out! Then kill it without revealing your identity Devil! In this way, we, and us in the future, will be saved!][Please protect yourself, don’t be killed by the devil, see you!][Signature: You who died after the high-tech competition]

Lin Xian picked up the letter paper and reviewed it again.

“Well, it’s okay to write it like this. After all, it’s writing to myself, and everyone is tacit understanding. In fact, there is no need to be so shivering.”

Although Lin Xian also thinks the letter is a bit wordy.

But after all, it is a matter of life.

It’s better to be cautious.

He folded the letter paper, put it in an envelope, and stuck a stamp.

Then write on the front of the envelope:

[Recipient: Lin Xian. 】

[Address: Unit 802, Unit 4, Building 3, Binhuwan Community, Donghai City. 】

[Delivery time: July 23, 2021. 】


Lin Xian peeled off the wide tape.

Seal this letter completely!

This is to prevent Liu Yiyi from opening this letter by mistake.

The tape is entangled so hard that most people will not open this letter first.

“Next, it’s time to set the timed mail of the QQ mailbox.

…0 Seeking flowers………

Lin Xian turned on the laptop.

Log in to the QQ mailbox.

In the email to be sent, find the timed email with the subject [To my favorite Yiyi].

The content of this email is:

“Yiyi, the password for the safe in the study is the most important day of your life. There is a letter I wrote to you in it. This matter is very important. Don’t let the second person know.”

Then Lin Xian modified the scheduled sending date to–

12:00 noon on July 31, 2021.

This is the noon of the second day of the [Human Technology Summit].

If he didn’t intervene manually, this email would be sent to Liu Yiyi’s QQ mailbox on time at noon on the second day of the game.

“Okay! Everything is over!”

Lin Xian moved his wrist.

Lie on your back in a chair.

He closed his eyes and began to simulate what is about to happen in the future

if everything goes well:

By July 30th, I will be in front of the whole world, announcing the conquering [Controlled Nuclear Fusion] in a high-profile manner. At the same time, [Demon] will definitely find out his identity (if the devil really exists)!

Then, according to the [Dark Forest Law], exposure means death, discovery means destruction!

Therefore, [Devil] will definitely try his best to kill himself as soon as possible!

After he died, the time came to the next day, at 12 noon on July 31.


Liu Yiyi’s cell phone rang.

She saw that it was a push from the QQ mailbox, and the sender was Lin Xian!!

Seeing this email, Liu Yiyi, who knew he was dead, would surely rush to his home quickly.

Since Lin Xian said this matter is very important, don’t let the second person know, she will definitely not tell it to others.

.. .0……

After entering, it is easy to find the black safe.

Password is the most important day in life

Liu Yiyi didn’t need to think about this answer at all.Pincha!

The safe opened.

There are two letters in it.

After reading the first letter.

Whether Liu Yiyixiang doesn’t believe in things like time-space mailboxes, she will at least try to recover Lin Xian.

after all

This is the man I love the most, the [suicide note] left to her!

Then Liu Yiyi followed the letter’s instructions and threw the tape-wrapped letter into the space-time mailbox.

“So far, Liu Yiyi’s mission is over. The rest is my home court in the past!”

Lin Xian began to deduce his behavior on paper–

The letter Liu Yiyi put in will be sent to the desk in the study on July 23.

On the same day, Lin Xian will arrive home at about 6 pm after getting off the plane.

When the past self saw the tape-wrapped letter on the desk, he understood everything–

[Death insurance has been activated! The future self will definitely die before and after the human technology summit!][And my own death just proved that all my guesses are correct!][The devil is among Einstein and the members of [Regret Mutual Aid Association]!]

The scope was suddenly reduced to between seven or eight people!

With your own ingenuity, you can definitely hide behind the scenes and finally find the correct answer!

Kill the demon!

Save yourself and save the world!


Lin Xian is very emotional!


It’s finally time for the final battle!

After fighting for so long in a confused battle, I don’t know who the enemy is.

This is just great.

After this [Human Technology Summit], the identity of the devil is basically clear to me!


Lin Xian breathed out, blowing off the rubber foam on the table.

This time he has experience.

When blowing, put the pencil in the pen holder a long time ago, so the 42 phenomenon will never appear.

Lin Xian picked up the two written letters.



Aligned, knocked on the table.

“Okay, next, just put these two letters in the safe and just–”



A biting cold wind blew by, blowing up the curtains behind him

The light gauze under the curtains swept across Lin Xian’s neck, it felt like nails were scratching on the skin.

Sharp and penetrating

Lin Xian’s eyes widened.

Hold your breath!

Don’t dare to move!


This is absolutely impossible!

He is very sure, he has just confirmed several times, the only window in the study is definitely closed!


Where did such a big cool breeze come in from?

Not good!

Lin Xian moved his wrist with the smallest possible movement to hold the paper knife on the desktop!

He thought of the only possibility!

Since the window is closed, it means

In this small study room.

except him

There is still a second person hidden!

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