Chapter 116 Sad Einstein, one more person has seen! Lin Xian’s scalp is tingling!

After a few laps in the playground of Central South University.

Lin Xian returned to the conference room of the laboratory.

Before I went in, I heard the heated discussion inside, it was so lively!

“It’s a waste of sleep and food.”


After pushing the door in.

Lin Xian was blushing when he saw these a dozen academicians arguing.

But when everyone saw Lin Xian coming in, they immediately became quiet, and everyone strode forward!

Da Da Da Da!!!

Teng Teng Teng Teng Teng Teng!!!

More than a dozen academicians walked violently, as if they were going to the battlefield!


Lin Xian couldn’t help taking a step back.

What is this?

Do you want to fight?


Professor Ding Yi held Lin Xian’s hand excitedly:

“Mr. Lin Xian!! Please take this manuscript to participate in the [Human Technology Top Sewing Competition]! Zu country needs you! As long as you have this manuscript, we will definitely win this contest!!

The surrounding academicians surrounded Lin Xian!

An expression that we touch porcelain without nodding your head:

“Yes, Mr. Lin! Since you have such powerful research results, we naturally don’t need to bet on Liu Lu’s research. Don’t look at [Quantum Battery] as advanced. However, in the face of [Controlled Nuclear Fusion], quantum batteries do not Any chance of winning!”

“[Quantum battery] No matter how powerful it is, it is only a structural deformation, and in essence it can only increase the energy density of lithium batteries by 3 or 4 times. But controllable nuclear fusion is different! With this, it is almost equivalent to unlimited energy!”

“If all electric vehicles of the Fuxing Group use controllable nuclear fusion batteries, then I am afraid that when the vehicles are driven to scrap, they will still have 99% of the electricity!”

“It’s not just electric cars! Such as Huawei mobile phones, power stations, voyage ships, space stations, and spacecraft can all use this cross-age technology! Mr. Lin Xian, please! For the sake of our world status and International influence, please play!”

Everyone, with one word of you and one word of mine, is bound to send Lin Xian onto the battlefield.

Lin Xian sat on a chair at the instigation of everyone.

He pointed to the yellowed manuscript on the table and asked:

“Do you understand all these manuscripts?”

Some academicians here shook their heads and some nodded.

Ding Yi explained to Lin Xian:

“Mr. Lin is not convenient to ask where did you get this manuscript? There are some formulas and derivation processes, even Professor Wang Sen and Academician Ye Wenjie are more difficult to understand.

Lin Xian didn’t intend to hide it.

He can never say that he wrote it himself.

That is too fake:

“Let’s tell you, this is Einstein’s relic that I took so hard to get. I don’t know if this manuscript is true or false. I originally planned to show it to Liu Lu’ou for viewing. , Let you try.”

As soon as I heard Einstein’s name.

A group of academicians suddenly realized:

“Let me just say it! I just said something wrong! This manuscript uses a lot of theories in the special theory of relativity, and the derivation process is exactly the same as Einstein’s thinking!”

“Sure enough, you still have to be the person who solves the bell. In the end, the optimal solution equation of controllable nuclear fusion was solved by Einstein, the inventor of the mass-energy formula.”

“Don’t you think it’s weird? Why do Einstein’s manuscripts have to be written in Chinese? Look at these fonts, it’s obvious that he is very difficult to write. If it is written in D language, it will definitely be easier to understand. ”

“Einstein became obsessed with learning Chinese for some reason in his later years. In fact, Einstein was really not 807 talented in language learning. It would be great to be able to learn this way.”

“That is to say, if we want to fully understand this manuscript, we still have to start from the special theory of relativity. After all, this manuscript is too brief. Even our nuclear physics experts cannot understand some formulas.”

At this time.

Liu Lu raised his right hand high:

“I can understand, I understand everything.”

Everyone turned their heads.

Looked at Liu Lu in shock!

Have you never heard of Liu Lu’s achievements in nuclear physics?

Isn’t he a mathematical genius, why can he understand this manuscript?

Liu Lu was a little panicked when everyone stared at him.

He scratched his head.

Talking about academic issues cleverly:

“My research in this laboratory revolves around [Einstein’s constant], which is what Lin Xian calls [cosmological constant]. Therefore, to be humble, my understanding of special relativity should be better than everyone else. Be more solid.”

“Moreover, many formulas and ideas in that manuscript have many similarities with my idea of ​​deriving [cosmological constant]. Therefore, although there are many details of the structure, I still need to consult Academician Wang Sen and Academician Ye Wenjie. However, these pages I fully understand the theory of the manuscript!”

at this time.

Everyone looked at Liu Lu’s eyes like they looked at a god!

Worthy of being the number one prodigy in the Dragon Kingdom!

No matter when, it is shocking enough!

Snapped. Snapped. Snapped.

Lin Xian applauded and smiled.

There is nothing that makes him more happy than Liu Lu understands.

“Liu Lu, let me ask you. You don’t need to tell me detailed theories and ideas, just tell me the answer.”

“I want to ask you, from now on, if you use the power of the country to engage in [Controlled Nuclear Fusion], can you come up with a rough experimental model before July 30?

Liu Lu thought for a while.

I discussed with Ding Yi, Wang Sen, Ye Wenjie and other nuclear physics experts for a while.

Then Shen nodded firmly:

“If you don’t consider the aesthetics, practicality, and miniaturization of a stable experimental model, it can be produced within a week.

“But Lin Xian, I want to remind you that the stability of the experimental machine may be a bit close to not knowing what you intend to use. But I can guarantee you, because these theories are very good, even if you draw a gourd, it is half stable. Hours are absolutely fine!

Um ……

Lin Xian thought for a while.

It’s stable for half an hour.The words “performing magic” are enough.

“Okay, next question.

Lin Xian raised Erlang’s legs and began to ask questions like the construction party:

“If [Controlled Nuclear Fusion] is used to generate electricity, how efficient is it?”

Professor Wang Miao answered:

“The efficiency is much higher than that of traditional thermal power and hydropower!! The super high temperature generated by controllable nuclear fusion will turn everything into a plasma state, and the plasma power generation technology, we have already mastered the Long Science Academy.”

“So how many times the power generation can reach the Three Gorges Power Station?

Faced with Lin Xian’s inquiry.

Professor Wang Miao smiled meaningfully:

“There are too many guarantees. Hundreds of times are definitely okay.”

Professor Wang Miao did not explain too much to Lin Xian.

Interlaced like mountains.

Lin Xian can’t understand things that are too detailed.

Therefore, Wang Miao explained to Lin Xian in a way that ordinary people can understand.

Although in this way of narration, the theory described may not be accurate.

But the conclusion is the same.


After more than a dozen enthusiastic academicians, Lin Xian understood thoroughly.

That is to say one-

Starting today, work overtime.

Collect advanced instruments, resources, and equipment that can be mobilized by the entire Dragon Kingdom.

A crude [controllable nuclear fusion] generator (experimental machine) can be manufactured in time before July 30.

The reason is an experimental machine.

It is because the time is too rush, many things are too late to perfect.

Such as stability, miniaturization, etc.

But these Lin Xian don’t care.

As I said before, as long as this experimental machine can be stable for half an hour and let Lin Xian perform a magic of “lighting up the whole dragon country”.

at this time.

It is already 2 o’clock in the morning.

Although everyone in the room, except Lin Xian, hadn’t eaten dinner yet.

But everyone is very excited.

Not feeling hungry at all!

Lin Xian stretched out his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

“Okay, thank you everyone for giving me the subject. I have roughly understood it.”

The whole meeting room fell silent in an instant.

Liu Lu also put down the small blackboard in his hand

Professor Wang Miao and Ye Wenjie also went to drink a glass of water.

In order to explain the complex principles to Lin Xian, they really took a lot of talking.


It’s all worth it!

Because they all have the same purpose in their hearts–

I hope Lin Xian can agree to take the [Controllable Nuclear Fusion] equipment to the U.S. to participate in the [Human Technology Top Sewing Competition]!

Win glory for the country!

Promote our country!

Professor Ding Yi has light in his eyes.

No one is more eager to win this victory than him!

He really came from the age of bullying, grievance, and discrimination in the Dragon Kingdom.

He walked over and held Lin Xian’s hand tightly:

“Mr. Lin, may I ask your attitude

Lin Xian smiled faintly and nodded.

“Professor Ding Yi, like you, I am a person who can’t look down on Long Guo lose.”

“So for this competition, I will participate!”


In the entire conference room, there was a burst of applause and cheers!

“Great! Mr. Lin Xian finally agreed to participate!”

“With [Controlled Nuclear Fusion], [Quantum Battery] is not suitable for shoes!”

“With the [Controllable Nuclear Fusion] finale, the Dragon Kingdom can be said to have won steadily this time! Why did you have to win the first two games?

“This time there are three matches in total, at least we have won one first!”

Waiting for everyone to cheer.

Lin Xian stretched out three fingers:

“But at the same time, I also have three small requests. I hope you can think about it.”

Those present here are his elders.

Lin Xian was also very sincere.

Everyone is a patriotic person, sitting here with the same patriotism as zhe, there is no need to pretend to be coerced in front of your own people.

Everyone was quiet and wanted to hear what Lin Xian had requested.

“First Request”

Lin Xian looked around, and finally his eyes fell on the two big men sitting upright:

“Everyone knows that all Liu Lu’s research funding is provided by me. I will build a particle collider for him in the future, which requires hundreds of billions of funds.”

“Of course, I will not ask the country for these funds. I also understand the country’s difficulties. This is almost equivalent to our country’s military expenditure for half a year, which is too exaggerated. I intend to earn this money by myself.

“Therefore, my first request is for a product patent for [Controlled Nuclear Fusion]. I would like to ask the country to allow me to temporarily place it in Liu Lu’s [Xianlu Research Institute]. We will expand this research in the future. So, cooperate with Goudong and Fuxing Group to launch a series of epoch-making nuclear battery products to make money.

“After I earn hundreds of billions and enough to build a particle collider. I will donate all the patents of [Controlled Nuclear Fusion] to the country free of charge! Of course, this donation also has some restrictions on external conditions, this We can talk about it later.”

After Lin Xian finished speaking.

All the academicians are in awe!

Although they themselves are people who do not seek fame and fortune, but only for the country.

But I heard that Lin Xian is willing to donate [Controllable Nuclear Fusion] to the country for free!

this moment.

They were deeply shocked!

To know

People who can master the patent of [Controllable Nuclear Fusion], without a doubt, can close their eyes and become the richest man in the world!

Do not

It’s no problem to be the richest man in the solar system!

But Lin Xian, for the sake of the strong and prosperous country of Zu, does not chase fame and profit (cafd) at all.

This is really admirable!

The two big men were equally respected.

They stood up.

Come over.

Shake hands with Lin Xian:

“Mr. Lin, rest assured! This request is not strictly a request, but a selfless dedication to the country and the people. We have no reason to refuse!”

“This wealth belongs to you, and you plan to invest the money you earn into scientific research again. We respect all your decisions!”

Lin Xian smiled and nodded, and shook hands solemnly with the two. This agreement was reached.

actually …

For Lin Xian.

How much money you make is meaningless.

He sometimes air-mailboxes. In this life, he wants to make money, but doesn’t he make it at any time?


If your country is not strong!

Bullied by others everywhere!

Despised by others!

Then what is the use of making more money?

When you go abroad, you are still regarded as the sick man of East Asia?

Lin Xian always thinks.

People have to live an attitude for a lifetime!

And Lin Xian’s attitude is two sentences one-

The great man is for the country and the people!

The country is prosperous and the people are prosperous!

Although he is just a very ordinary people in the Dragon Kingdom.

But everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country.

This is the education he has received since childhood.

It is also the shining red star on the green clothes and medals of father and grandpa.

“Okay, then, below, is my second request.”

This time, Lin Xian looked at Professor Ding Yi.

Among the academicians present here.

Professor Shu Dingyi’s “coffee position” is the largest, and he is also the one who has the final opinion:

“Professor Ding Yi, in this [Human Science and Technology Summit], I don’t intend to take the manuscript to explain the theory to foreigners. That will only let them take advantage of nothing. I hope you can fully assist Liu Lu’s laboratory in Before July 30th, an experimental machine for [Controlled Nuclear Fusion] will be manufactured.”

Professor Ding Yi smiled and nodded.

This is a very reasonable plan.

“Don’t worry, Lin Xian, I think the same as you think. This manuscript is your fortune dedicated to the Dragon Kingdom. Now that the international competition is so fierce, we will not share it with foreigners.”

“I will definitely try my best to make this happen. Today is July 22nd, ah, it’s already in the early morning of July 23rd. I have discussed with you just now, 7 or 8 days are enough for us to build the experiment. Come out, because the equipment and instruments of the Long Kingdom [artificial sun] were all ready-made before, and we can borrow them.”

Lin Xian and Professor Ding Yi exchanged glances.

This second agreement can be considered as reached.

“Then my third request

Lin Xian looked around and smiled:

“The third request is more difficult to handle. I am afraid that the people of the whole country will need to cooperate.

Heard this sentence.

All faces

this …

Why does it involve the people of the whole country?

Lin Xian slowly said:

“That [controllable nuclear fusion] experimental machine, I don’t plan to take it to the United States to compete. As we all know, the United States is a cunning and multi-faceted machine. If we seize our experimental machine for various reasons, wouldn’t it cause a serious technology leak? ?”

“So my plan is like this.

After listening to Lin Xian’s plan.

The people in the entire conference room are full of enthusiasm!

“That’s amazing!! Mr. Lin Xian, your idea is really amazing!”

“No problem! The people of the whole country will definitely cooperate with you!

“ーThe power of people, light up the entire China! What a great pride this will be for our people!”

“It is the dark night of Long Country that lights up, but it is the whole world that is shocking!”

“My blood is boiling! The blood pressure is also high! I won’t sleep tonight! Let’s start to conquer the theory now!”

“Work together! Make sure Mr. Lin Xian’s Century Magic is successful!”

This night.

The Long Academy of Sciences, the Jiuquan Artificial Solar Base, the major advanced equipment research institutes, and the Xianlu laboratory are brightly lit

Everyone is working hard for the great rejuvenation of the Dragon Kingdom!

They must ensure the success of Lin Xian’s magic of the century and bring a miracle belonging to the Dragon Kingdom to this world!!

the next day.

Lin Xian wakes up very early.Today is Friday. According to the usual plan, he is going to school to pick Liu Yiyi home.

But Liu Yiyi sent him WeChat early.

Said “The school celebration is coming soon, I will hurry up and prepare for the show with Sister Chu Chan~~ Husband, I won’t go back to accompany you this weekend! I’m going to have a two-person world with Sister Chu Chan! Hee hee!”

Lin Xian smiled.

Also good.

Next week, Professor Ding Yi will conduct closed management of all contestants in accordance with regulations.

At that time, mobile phones, telephones, and all communication equipment will be confiscated.

This is to ensure that the entries will not be leaked.

Lin Xian didn’t say much…

He has long been used to it.

Bi This is already the second experience for him.

Going home this weekend, he has more important things to do-

“[While Liu Yiyi is not at home, I want to further improve the death insurance! Write the letter in advance!]”

“[In this way, after I am killed by the devil, Liu Yiyi can use the space-time mailbox as scheduled to bring me back to life!]”


Professor Ding Yi didn’t even want to approve it to herself.

Want him to stay in the imperial capital and listen to the country’s instructions.

But after all, Lin Xian contributed a great deal

Therefore, Ding Yi filed a lot of reports and granted Lin Xian two days of leave.

“I have to make good use of these two days off and arrange my funeral!”


Boom ー

The Boeing plane takes off again!

Facing the rising sun, fly towards Donghai City

“Sir, do you want to read a magazine?”

The first-class flight attendant, with a professional smile, handed Lin Xian a newly published “World” impurity.

Lin Xian readily took it.


But the moment he got it.

He was stunned!

On the cover of this magazine

Attached to a photo taken at the special Sla press conference.

An old man with gray hair and loud voice, standing under the spotlight on the stage, raised his arms, and put his body in a V shape!

And on his face…

Wearing the “Sorrowful Einstein” mask.


On the mask, Einstein’s eyes are hollow, godless, and melancholy

But the old man in the mask was excited, excited, and arrogant!

These two very different emotions.

There is a sharp contrast.

Lin Xian scratched his head.

Staring at that weird mask.

“I still don’t understand. I wrote letters to Einstein and turned his mind around.

“”Sorrowful Einstein” has long become “Naughty Einstein”.”

“Then who painted this painting that shouldn’t exist?,


Even Lin Xian, who is a demon, has a clue.

But this is the only painting that shouldn’t appear.

Lin Xian was puzzled.

He was pretty sure.

In this world, in this time and space, he is the only one who knows the existence of this painting!


Lin Xian closed the magazine fiercely.

His face became serious.

“No way…”

He shook his head

Can’t believe this answer!

“No, no, no

In this world, in this time and space

[It’s not just myself, who retains the memory of “Sorrowful Einstein”!]

There is one more person!

There is another person who has seen this painting too!

And also retain the corresponding memory!



The air temperature dropped suddenly.

Lin Xian also doesn’t know whether this coolness comes from the air conditioner or from the heart

He recalled the silver ring with CC at the moment,

Reminiscent of the cheongsam girl holding the red flag in the rice congress field,

Recalling the affectionate one in the Third People’s Hospital of Donghai City,

Recalling the curtain call of “The Wedding in a Dream” on the stage!

“Dai Chuchan

.is it you?”.

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