Watching Lie Kongzai fly away, the entire headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance breathed a sigh of relief!

"Blessed by the Bodhisattva! Fortunately, there was no war, otherwise this time it would have been seriously damaged!"

"The elves may be able to fight, but the trainers are just ordinary people. As long as the spacesuit is damaged, there will be danger to life. It is the best result not to fight now!"

"It's over! This time things have finally come to an end!"


Seeing this scene, Lin Yan was also relieved.

No casualties, that's the best outcome.

Immediately ordered: "Hurry up and prepare!"

"We want to welcome back the heroes who saved the world!"

"Okay, King Lin."

Zhejiang University.

Xia Pengyu looked at the back of Lie Kong sitting away on the TV screen, and then looked at the majestic Solgaleo.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said to himself, "Is this your trump card? Gu Yu!"

"No wonder you knew that No. XNUMX might conquer Zekrom, and he was still so calm and calm."

"Now it seems that I really think too much!"

Saying that, Xia Pengyu laughed at himself.

"I really want to see what No. XNUMX's expression looks like now!"

"When I learned that I had been chasing the top divine beast for half my life, I was now subdued by a 757-year-old young trainer."

"This kind of feeling should be very uncomfortable for No. XNUMX!"

Just as Xia Pengyu thought.

Yuan Hanhai in space looked at Solgaleo on the satellite, and his face instantly turned ugly.

Because the joy that appeared in saving the earth also disappeared without a trace at this time.

There is unwillingness, confusion, and helplessness in the eyes

"Why was Gu Yu able to subdue such a top-level divine beast like Solgaleo?!"

"And I spent half my life just getting a promise from Zekrom!"

"Why does God treat me so unfairly!" Yuan Hanhai thought to himself.

At this time, Fang Jianming's voice came from the communicator in the space suit.

"Let's go celebrate our great hero together!"

"Okay! Let's go celebrate Gu Yu together!"

"If it wasn't for Gu Yu and Solgaleo this time, the consequences would be unimaginable!"

"Gu Tianwang is indeed the strongest genius in the history of the Dragon Kingdom!"


Fang Jianming rode a frozen bird and took the lead in flying towards Gu Yu.

Although the two are actually incompatible, they still look peaceful and harmonious.

Even if Yuan Hanhai was upset at this time, he had to ride a MEGA to bite Lu Shark to congratulate Gu Yu.

Gu Yu, Solgaleo and Zeraora, who were standing on the satellite, were surrounded by everyone.

Everyone did not stingy with their own words of praise, and kept expressing gratitude to Gu Yu through the communicator, sending blessings, and cheering for Gu Yu's performance at the same time!

Gu Yu also responded humbly one by one.

Looking at the two divine beasts beside Gu Yu, especially Solgaleo, Fang Jianming's eyes were full of surprise, but at the same time there was a hint of disbelief!

"No matter how many times I watch it, it's hard to believe that the top divine beast will be subdued by the trainer!"

At this moment, Fang Jianming suddenly remembered something.

"Right! Gu Yu! Isn't there three Deoxys? Where is the other one?"

When Gu Yu subdued Deoxys, Fang Jianming and others were on their way to space, so naturally they didn't know about it.

Chapter 358 The Confused Champion King!A grand welcome ceremony!

Hearing Fang Jianming's question, Gu Yu replied: "That Deoxys has been temporarily captured by me."


Hearing Gu Yu's calm reply, the scene instantly fell into a dead silence!

The only sound Gu Yu could hear was the rapid breathing from the spacesuit communicator.


Everyone froze in place, looking at Gu Yu with either surprise, curiosity, or disbelief

Fang Jianming confirmed with Gu Yu again: "Gu Yu, did I hear it right?"

"You said that Deoxys was captured by you?"

Gu Yu nodded and affirmed Fang Jianming's words.

"Yes, that Deoxys was indeed temporarily captured by me."

With that said, Gu Yu took out the spacesuit, which contained the God Ball of Deoxys.

"This Orb of God was obtained when I killed Anubis."

"It's also suitable for temporarily subduing Deoxys now."

"However, I have no intention of completely subduing Deoxys."

"Just to quell the battle, temporarily trap Deoxys with the ball of God."

"If I get a chance, I'll be ready to let Deoxys go."

After all, not all elves, after being brutally beaten, still act as if they were fine, and don't hold any grudges at all.

Monarch Snake: ? ? ?

When Gu Yu subdued the monarch snake, the monarch snake was still a rattan snake and was relatively young.

Therefore, at that time, I could barely fool around.

It was replaced by Deoxys who was a mythical beast.

Gu Yu didn't think that he could fool himself.

What's the difference between a elf who doesn't listen to commands and not having this elf?

One more mouth to dry rice?

Gu Yu said his true thoughts, and then everyone at the scene was stunned.

The mouth is wide open, the eyes are wide, and the face is full of disbelief!

The trainers present can be said to be the top trainers in the world.

The matter of subduing the divine beast was a bit surprising to everyone.

After all, there are a lot of trainers of divine beasts and divine beast-level elves on the scene.

But after conquering the divine beast,

Although everyone also understands that if the divine beast does not obey the command, it is no different from not subduing it.

But this is a beast! ! !

Ye Hongyi was the first to react and immediately discouraged: "Gu Yu! Don't do stupid things!"

"If you are worried that Deoxys won't obey your command, you can take it slow!"

"If Deoxys is released, I don't know when the next time I will capture the divine beast will be!"

Lin Hongji, Yan Nianyan and others also began to discourage them.

"Gu Tianwang! There's no need to let go! This is also a great battle!"

"Indeed! This is a divine beast anyway!"

"Let's keep Deoxys! If he is subdued, it will greatly improve Gu Tianwang's strength."


Gu Yu was not shaken by the people's words.

"I really don't plan to spend too much energy on taking Deoxys!"

Human energy is limited.

After all, there are only 24 hours in a day.

After becoming the queen of heaven, Gu Yu felt that he was very busy every day.

Even the training time for elves began to decrease.

He himself has a lot of elves to train, and there are also many divine beasts.

Zeraora, Lugia, Solgaleo, Mewtwo, Reshiram who is about to be conquered, and Ritsukuza who is about to hatch.

In this case, it took a lot of time to subdue a Deoxys who didn't obey the command.

Not to mention waste and energy, to some extent it's almost the same!

Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance: ? ? ?

Lighthouse Elf Alliance: ? ? ?

Everyone looked at Gu Yu in confusion!

Don't plan to spend too much effort!

For this reason? !

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