"I thought that these two Deoxys would continue to fight Lie Kongzai and Solgaleo to the death. It seems that I overestimated these two mythical beasts!"

"The shame of the divine beast in the future will be Deoxys! I will not accept any refutation!"


In less than three minutes, titles such as 'Shame of the Divine Beast', 'The Escaped Deoxys', and 'No Loyalty' were on the Internet hot search lists in various countries!

Not only has it sparked heated discussions among netizens all over the world.

The escaped Deoxys was also made into various pictures.

Two fleeing Deoxys paired with 'Slip away!slipped away! ' lettering.

Teleportation to withdraw from the battlefield is matched with 'The situation is not good! ' lettering.

Deoxys, who was held in the mouth by Solgaleo, was given the words 'Don't be reckless! ' lettering.

In a word, Deoxys is on fire!

The headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance.

Looking at the two Deoxys escaping on the big screen, countless staff members were instantly dumbfounded, looking at each other and seeing the surprise and doubt in each other's eyes!

"These two Deoxys really know how to judge the situation!"

"If you want me to say, the worst one is the one that was subdued by Gu Tianwang!"

"That's right! It's estimated that the Deoxys should think that his teammates will save him now! I didn't expect his teammates to be so unreliable!"

"Sure enough! Selling teammates is not exclusive to humans, and beasts can also sell teammates!"

Lin Yan, who stayed at the headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance, saw this scene, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Shaking helplessly, he said gratefully, "Although it is not very good to sell teammates, in this case, this may be the best choice."

due to the difference in strength.

The two Deoxys faced Solgaleo and Reikoza, and they were already at a disadvantage.

It may be an exaggeration to say that there is no fighting back, but it is not too different.

In this case, continue to fight to the death.

The only result was that he was knocked unconscious by Lie Kongzai and Solgaleo.

Compared to annihilation, the retreat of two Deoxys should be the best outcome.


Melbourne Mining Building.

Looking at the TV screen, the retreating two Deoxys.

The corner of Candice's mouth showed a smile, but it was quickly replaced by solemnity!

"Deoxys leave! Earth is saved!"

"This may be the best result, but it should also be the prelude to the battle of gods!"

"The three divine beasts attacked Lie Kongzai together, which is more premeditated than the conflict between the two sides."

"The wisdom of many elves is no worse than that of humans. This time, it is estimated that a top-level divine beast is behind it."

"It's just a divine beast that can plan Lie Kongzai"

While thinking, Candice's face became more solemn.

in space.

Seeing two Deoxys turned and left.

Fang Jianming, Larry Lister, Yuan Hanhai and the others were all stunned for a moment, and then there was a look of surprise in their eyes.

In the communicator in the spacesuit, exclamations continued to come out.

"Fuck! Just ran away like that?!"

"Almost destroying the earth, I wanted to beat Deoxys out of anger, but I ran away like this?"

"Where's the face of the beast? What are you running for!"


Gu Yu, who was standing on the satellite, was not surprised to see this scene.

After all, in the setting of the game, Deokhis is an elf with a high IQ.

Seeing that the situation is not right, running away is the right choice.

If you stay and continue to fight to the death, it is not the performance of high IQ but low IQ!


Seeing the backs of the two Deoxys leaving, Solgaleo let out a low growl and did not continue to pursue.


The next moment, Solgaleo returned to Gu Yu.

Gu Yu stroked Solgaleo's sun-shaped mane and praised, "Nice job! Solgaleo!"


Solgaleo also growled in response, and then started to rub his head against Gu Yu's spacesuit.


At this moment, another voice sounded, and a blue figure appeared in front of Gu Yu and Solgaleo.

It's Lie Kong Sitting!


Seemingly sensing that the visitor was not good, Solgaleo roared, blocked Gu Yu behind him, and sat directly in front of Lie Kong!


The gap was such that Gu Yu was in danger, and Zeraora also turned into a golden flash and fell in front of Gu Yu.

The joyful atmosphere brought by the repelling of two Deoxys suddenly became tense!

The audience who are watching the live broadcast also showed their anticipation when they saw this scene!

"Solgaleo vs. Lie Kongzai! This is a true duel between top-level divine beasts!"

"Come on Solgaleo! Defeat Reekusat!"

"It's so exciting! The top divine beasts are about to fight!"


European Union of Wizards headquarters.

Looking at the huge bodies of Lie Kongzai and Solgaleo on the screen, countless staff members only felt a sense of oppression rushing towards them!

"They are all top-level divine beasts. Who is stronger, Lie Kongzai or Solgaleo?"

"I think it's Lie Kongzai! After all, the previous performance of one against three was too strong!"

"Why do I feel that Solgaleo is stronger?"


Mark Gobert looked at the big screen, Solgaleo and Lie Kong sat facing each other, and immediately issued an order!

"Turn on the supercomputer! Adjust to max power!"

"Be sure to analyze this battle carefully!"

"Understood, champion."

in space.

Looking at Lie Kong sitting on his huge body, he felt the terrifying aura on his body.

Many trainers swallowed their saliva involuntarily with their Adam's apple throbbing.

For some timid trainers, the foreheads are already dripping with cold sweat.

After all, Lie Kongzai's record is known to everyone!

If Lie Kongzai really starts to attack.

Although everyone present is not to say that the entire army is wiped out, at least half of them will be corpse in the universe!

Gu Yu, who was standing on the satellite, looked at Lie Kong sitting calmly.

Although Lie Kongzai's aura was terrifying, through the power of the waveguide, Gu Yu felt that Lie Kongzai had no intention of attacking.


Lie Kongzai roared loudly, and then roared twice in a row.



"What is Lie Kongzai trying to say?"

Gu Yu probably guessed that Lie Kongzai should have something to tell himself.

"Is it a thank you, or is there another purpose?"

"It will be the finishing touch, proving that Lie Kongzai can evolve MEGA."

"But in the face of three Deoxys, I didn't use MEGA evolution, do you want to use it, or"

Gu Yu already had an idea about what Lie Kongzai wanted to say.

Although Gu Yu couldn't understand Lie Kongzai's words, Zeraora and Solgaleo would definitely understand.

After returning to the villa, let Chaomeng translate it.

After talking to Gu Yu, Lie Kongzai immediately flew away from the satellite.

Looking at the figure of Lie Kongzai flying away, some viewers felt very pity, and some began to rejoice!

The headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance.

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