"Lie Kongzai is too strong! It's like invincible!"

"This is the strongest record in the battle of the beasts discovered by humans so far!"

"With one enemy and three against the odds! There should be no divine beast stronger than Lie Kongzai?!"


As the main force is the Dragon King Lin Yan, looking at Lie Kongzai's invincible figure, his eyes are full of enthusiasm and excitement!

"Is this the terrible thing standing at the top of the dragon-type elves?!"

Ye Hongyi estimated the strength of his ace MEGA and Lie Kongzai after evolving.

Then he shook his head helplessly.

"Sure enough! MEGA evolution can only smooth the gap between elves and ordinary mythical beasts like frozen birds!"

"The gap with the top divine beasts is still a world of difference!"

Fang Jianming echoed: "If Lie Kongzai can finally win this battle, perhaps the strongest divine beast will no longer need to argue!"

Gu Yu may be the calmest among the top leaders of the Dragon Kingdom Elves Alliance.

As a traveler, he is very clear.

The current Lie Kong Sitting is not full strength Li Kong Sitting.

Lie Kongzai can also perform MEGA evolution!

It looks like Deoxys is currently on the back foot.

But in fact, the war situation is not optimistic.

Lie Kongzai is indeed strong, but only one!

As far as the battle situation is concerned, it is indeed possible for Lie Kongzai to defeat Deoxys in one fight and three.

But there is a premise that it cannot be dragged into a protracted war!

The longer the time, the lower the fault tolerance rate of Lie Kongzai in the face of Deoxys who can teleport.

Once Lie Kongzai is hit by the Freezing Beam and freezes.

The situation may be completely different!

At this time, on the big screen, the picture changed again.

Deoxys in defensive form that was blasted away appeared in the eyes of all the audience.

Deoxys in defensive form had his left arm completely shattered.

But as a burst of light emerged, Deoxys' left arm in defensive form grew back at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, an intact defensive form, Deoxys, appeared in the eyes of all the audience!

European Union of Wizards headquarters.

Seeing the rapid recovery of Deoxys, the staff began to exclaim!

"How is this possible?! Even the repair speed of divine beasts shouldn't be so fast!"

"This should be the elf with the fastest recovery speed among the known divine beasts?!"

"This is simply immortal! I don't know if it's unique to Deoxys!"

"There isn't much information about the last battle of gods, but there shouldn't be so many god beasts with such a terrifying regeneration rate, otherwise there won't be so many god beasts falling!"


The European Elf League champion Mark Gobert looked at the scene on the big screen with a look of surprise in his eyes!

"Such a terrifying regeneration speed! Coupled with the transformation of multiple forms!"

"Although Deoxys can't compare to such divine beasts as Lie Kongzai, among divine beasts, he is definitely stronger than Frozen Bird and Emperor Yan!"

"Although Lie Kongzai is very strong, but Deoxys has such a terrifying regeneration speed, it may not be able to consume the dead Lie Kongzai alive!"

hum! ! !

hum! ! !

hum! ! !

At this moment, a harsh humming sound sounded!

The headquarters of the European Union of Spirits was instantly covered with flashing red lights.

This is an early warning of a major disaster!

Mark Gobert suddenly shrank his pupils and asked loudly, "What happened?!"


"It's a meteorite!"

"Just now, the frozen beam of Deoxys pushed a huge meteorite towards the earth."

"This meteorite is falling fast!"

"The landing place is the English Channel!"

As soon as the voice of the staff fell, the big screen on the scene had already switched to the sky over the English Channel.

The huge meteorite burned with red flames and fell directly, like a big sun falling into the ocean!

Boom! ! !

With a huge roar, a huge tsunami emerged out of thin air from the English Channel!

Huge waves covered the sky and slammed toward both sides of the strait!

Seeing this scene, Mark Gobert's face was full of horror!

This is the power of the real Scourge!

It is a force that human beings cannot compete with!

The staff at the scene only felt horrified, and countless people began to swallow their saliva involuntarily.

"This is not true, is it?!"

"Natural disaster! This is the power of a real natural disaster!"

"If such meteorites continue to fall, the whole world will be destroyed!"


Mark Gobert took a deep breath, suppressed the panic in his heart, and issued an order.

"The tsunami level is red!"

"Activate the red alert immediately!"

"Quickly evacuate the crowd!"

"Yes champion!"

After the staff at the headquarters of the European Spirit Union agreed, they immediately began to issue a red tsunami warning!

Then the big screen of the scene cuts back to the sky again.

Ritsukuza and the three Deoxys fight again!Of.

Chapter 351 The disaster that destroys the world!Humanity's hope!

Deoxys, who cast a freezing beam on Ritsukuza, turned into a speed form.

The tentacles on the arms have become streamlined, and the legs are also covered in metallic colors.

Freezing Beam!

Endless chills gathered in front of Deoxys in attack form.

In the next instant, a blue light beam passed through the layers of meteorites and went straight to Lie Kong to sit.

Dragon Wave!

The purple shock wave spit out from Lie Kong's mouth and went straight to the frozen beam.


At the moment when the two attacks collided, the explosion of fire, like fireworks, bloomed in the dark universe!

The aftermath of the explosion pushed the surrounding meteorites into the distance.


Deoxys in speed form suddenly appeared in front of Lie Kong.

The ends of the streamlined tentacles are covered with white cold air.

Frozen Fist!

Seeing the frozen fist waving towards him, Lie Kongzai's reaction was also very quick.

Dragon Claw!

The dragon energy wraps Lie Kongzai's two claws and turns it into a pair of three-fingered energy claws.

Meet the Frozen Fist of Speed ​​Form Deoxys.

At the moment when the fists and claws intersected, Deoxys was directly shot away.

Lie Kongzai opened his bloody mouth, and a purple shock wave went straight to Deoxys in the speed form that was shot away.


Deoxys in defensive form appears on the path of the Dragon Wave.

hold on!

A huge white shield appeared out of nowhere.


The flames of the explosion mixed with the thick smoke reappeared, and the attack of Lie Kongzai was blocked.

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