here we go! .

Chapter 350 The terrifying strength of Lie Kongzai!Horror world!


Gu Yu's new villa.

In front of the 3-square-meter villa is a huge courtyard covered with green grass.

The monarch snake is resting in the courtyard at this time.

Along with the monarch snake are Bangira and Ka-bimon.

The swimming pool is on the second floor of the villa.

This is the resting place of Minas and Nyomilong.

Gu Yu was resting in the bedroom on the second floor at this time.

The fairy elf continued to occupy Gu Yu's bedside position.

The tentacles like ribbons, even when sleeping, are wrapped around Gu Yu's arms.

As usual, Zeraora habitually rested beside Gu Yu.

Gengar is sleeping floating on the table in the bedroom.

The wind speed dog was still lying beside Gu Yu's bed.

Solgaleo, Mewtwo, Lucario, Pokkis, Lugia and other elves were resting in their respective rooms.

Everything seemed so quiet and peaceful!

Boom! ! !

A loud voice sounded, breaking everything.

Gu Yu was awakened from his sleep and instantly understood what had happened.

The war of gods broke out!

Immediately start dressing and prepare to go to the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance.

When riding Pokkis to the headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom Spirit Alliance.

Fang Jianming and Yan Nianyan have arrived.

Then came Ye Hongyi and Lin Yan.

The five first came to the lobby on the tenth floor of the headquarters building.

What caught my eye was a huge LCD screen hanging in mid-air.

Below the screen are busy figures sitting in front of the computer.

"Hurry up and adjust the satellite angle!"

"Satellite No. XNUMX captured Lie Kongzai's figure!"

"They're too fast!"


With the sound of hurried conversations, the big screen now finally shows the figures of both sides of the war.

In the dark universe, there are many meteorites floating.

Lie empty seat!

Three Deoxys!

The four elves fought fiercely among the meteorites.

Dragon Wave!

Lie Kong sat with his bloody mouth open, and a purple shock wave went straight to a Deoxys.

Defensive Form!

The orange-red part of the body quickly grew larger and longer, like a suit of armor covering Deoxys.

Deoxys has four forms.

In addition to the original form, there are three forms of attack, defense and speed.

hold on!

A huge white shield appeared in front of Deoxys.


The smoke of the explosion was scattered, and Deoxys was intact behind the white shield.

Just when Lie Kongzai wanted to continue his attack.

One of them, Deoxys, appeared in front of Lie Kong.

Freezing Beam!

Endless chills gathered on Deoxys' chest.

In the next instant, a blue beam of light went straight to Lie Kong and sat away.

Lie Kong sits on four times weaker ice. If he is hit by the freezing beam, he will definitely be hit hard.


Lie Kong sat on a huge body and disappeared directly in place.

The freezing beam directly hit the meteorite behind Lie Kongzai.

The resulting huge thrust pushes the meteorite toward the Earth.

The figure of Ritsukuza appeared in front of Deoxys who had turned into a defensive form.

Dragon Claw!

The dragon energy wraps Lie Kongzai's two claws and turns it into a pair of three-fingered energy claws.

Like three sharp blades, it fell towards Deoxys in defensive form.

hold on!

The huge white shield reappeared, helping Deoxys in defensive form to resist the dragon claws of Ryakuza.


On the white shield, cracks appeared, but they barely blocked Lie Kongsi's dragon claws.


At this time, the last Deoxys appeared behind Lie Kongzai.

This Deoxys has turned into an attacking form.

The original tentacles turned into weapons like whips.

Spiritual strength!

An invisible force of thought moved towards Lie Kong, who was attacking with dragon claws.

Wide area destruction!

Lie Kongzai immediately fought back, the cyan giant tail turned into a streamer, and went straight to Deoxys in attack form.

In the next instant, Deoxys in his attack form was knocked into the air like a cannonball.

It smashed the meteorites one by one and flew out dozens of kilometers away.

Dragon Wave!

After knocking Deoxys in the attacking form, Liekong opened his mouth wide and continued to attack Deoxys in the defensive form in front of him.


Along with the explosion of fire and smoke, Deoxys in defensive form was also knocked into the air.

Three to one!

Deoxys in attack form was knocked into the air!

Deoxys in defensive form was blasted away!

Such a scene deeply shocked all the audiences around the world who were watching the game!

The headquarters of the Lighthouse Spirit Alliance.

Countless staff members were stunned when they saw Lie Kongzai who showed great power, and then exclaimed loudly!

"How is that possible?! Lie Kongzai has the upper hand in a pair of three!"

"Is this the strength of the top divine beast?! It's terrifying!"

"Deoxys are all divine beasts! It can't be so weak!"


Lighthouse champion Larry Lister, King James and other high-level executives also gathered at this time.

Listening to everyone's discussion, looking at the cyan figure on the screen, they all showed shock!

"Is this the horror of the real top beasts?!" James's voice was full of disbelief.

Larry Lister looked at the figure on the big screen with surprise, surprise, and a hint of fanaticism in his eyes!

"This is the real beast!"

The headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance.

With Lie Kong sitting on one against three, suppressing and knocking Deochisis, the entire headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance fell into a dead silence!

Countless staff members have their mouths wide open and their eyes are full of disbelief!

Although it is satellite video, there is no sound coming.

But just watching the battle scene on the big screen is enough to shock all the audience!

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