"Non-stop offensive and defensive battles, rapid duels!"

"Such a high-level competition is worthy of the finals of the King Challenge!"

The audience in front of the TV and watching the live broadcast online also cheered for the showdown between the two elves!

"Too strong! Offense and defense transition in an instant! MEGA Lucario is so strong!"

"Fantastic! Just now I thought that MEGA Lucario was going to lose, but I didn't expect to be able to make waves of water!"

"Is this the real top match? It fully explains what is called the ever-changing battle situation!"


Yan Hongfei, who was sitting in the first row of the auditorium, looked at the scarred giant mantis in mid-air, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"MEGA Lucario's response was really quick!"

"The distance just now is exactly the distance that MEGA Giant Claw Mantis can't avoid!"

"If the distance is longer, MEGA Giant Claw Mantis can dodge, if it is shorter, MEGA Lucario will also be hit by the tile splitting skill!"

"Just such a fleeting opportunity was seized by MEGA Lucario, and now the situation is completely different!"

Yan Hongfei's voice was full of emotion, and at the same time there was a hint of surprise!

Xia Pengyu on the side continued: "From the perspective of the battle situation, Gu Yu has already fallen!"

"MEGA Giant Claw Mantis was hit by three skills: Spiritual Intent, Water Fluctuation and Earthquake, especially the latter two skills were blessed with rain and wood building skills."

"If I expected it well, at the last moment, the giant pincer mantis may have used the hold up skill."

"It seems that the end is doomed! As expected of No. XNUMX!" Jing Chuxue said with emotion.

Naturally, the three of them were not clear about the agreement between Gu Yu and Lin Hongji.

But the giant pincer mantis has been severely damaged by this time, even if it can defeat the flightless MEGA Lucario next.

What are the odds of winning against Zeraora?

Therefore, Jing Chuxue will say that the ending is doomed!

at the guest seat.

Fang Jianming watched the confrontation between MEGA Giant Claw Mantis and MEGA Lucario, and the fiery fighting spirit appeared in his eyes!

"What a great showdown!"

"The two elves not only have the strength comparable to the beasts, but also the response and the trainer's control of the battle situation are top-notch!"

"In an instant, the battle will be completely reversed."

"I really want to go down and fight with Gu Yu and Lin Hongji!"

Hearing Fang Jianming's words, Ye Hongyi, Lin Yan and others nodded.

The game on the field is already Dragon Country.


It should be said that it is the most peak-level duel in the entire world!

Yan Nianyan looked at MEGA Lucario on the field with admiration and a trace of worry in her eyes.

"This kind of competition, even after my Shanaido MEGA evolves, it is impossible to take advantage of it!"

"Not to mention that Gu Yu still has a Zeraora!"

"If I really do fight, I will most likely be defeated by Gu Yu. Now I can only expect Gu Yu to choose Lin Yan!"

While thinking about it, Yan Nianyan turned to look at Lin Yan beside him.

Lin Yan frowned at this time.

Although Yan Nianyan is the only king in the Dragon Kingdom who does not have a quasi-god elf, Lin Yan is the only ace in the Dragon Kingdom who cannot evolve with MEGA.

Although he has other elves that can evolve with MEGA, his strength is comparable to that of divine beasts.

But in the end it's not an ace, it's a little bit worse.

At this moment, Gu Yu's voice sounded again on the arena.

"¨'Lucario! Wave missiles!"


MEGA Lucario roared, and the blue waveguide energy gathered between the claws!

In the blink of an eye, a wave missile the size of a human head appeared.

Then MEGA Lucario raised his claws above his head.


The blue wave missile begins to inflate rapidly!

A three-meter-high wave missile appeared in the eyes of all the audience!

There is an example of confrontation with MEGA Elleido, and all the viewers know it.

It's time to win!

At this time, Lin Hongji also realized that it was not good, and hurriedly ordered: "Giant Claw Mantis! Smash the wave missile!"


The MEGA giant pincer mantis roared and gathered the jagged giant pincers to perform air slash.

At the same time that the three-meter-high Bo missile flew towards the MEGA Giant Claw Mantis, a ten-meter-long air blade went straight to the Bo missile.


A huge crash sounded, but after the two skills stalemate for a moment, the wave missile shattered the air blade and continued to go straight to the MEGA giant pincer mantis.

Cannon Cannon!

MEGA giant pincer mantis, open the jagged giant pincers, and the steel energy begins to converge.

Just as the wave missile was about to hit, a gleam of metallic brilliance shot out from the jagged giant pincers of MEGA's giant mantis.

At the moment when the cannon hits the wave missile.

Boom! ! !

A deafening explosion sounded in mid-air, and an extremely dazzling white light filled the entire Frozen Bird Arena!

The aftermath of the explosion not only dissipated the dark clouds formed by the rain-seeking skills, but also blew the clothes of countless spectators at the scene!

In order not to be enveloped by the aftermath of the explosion, the MEGA Giant Claw Mantis moved at a high speed, turning into a phantom and falling towards the ground.


At this moment, MEGA Lucario's voice sounded again.

The wave missile is actually just a feint, the real attack is MEGA Lucario himself.

Lucario, who has the power of the waveguide, can know where his opponent is even without his eyes.

Affected by the dazzling light, ordinary elves have been shaken to the point of being unable to open their eyes.

But under the perception of the power of the waveguide, MEGA Lucario will not be affected in any way.

MEGA Lucario used his speedy skills to come to the MEGA Giant Claw Mantis, who was about to land.

Fire Fist is approaching!

Red flames emerged from MEGA Lucario's claws and swung towards MEGA Giant Claw Mantis.

MEGA Giant Claw Mantis didn't expect that MEGA Lucario could still attack him under the dazzling light from the explosion.

For a time, it was too late to defend and was directly hit by the flame fist! .

Chapter 334 Champion of the Heavenly King Challenge! ! !Gu Yu! ! !

【Ding! MEGA Lucario defeated the MEGA Claw Mantis and gained 83 experience points! 】

Hearing the sound of the system prompt beside his ear, Gu Yu knew that the overall situation was settled.

After a while, the dazzling white light dissipated.

The situation on the field appeared in the eyes of all the spectators.

MEGA Lucario stood majestically on the green grass field.

Beside it was a giant pincer mantis, which was charred black and fell to the ground.

The results speak for themselves!

The entire Frozen Bird Arena fell into a dead silence in an instant, and countless audience members were instantly dumbfounded, their faces full of disbelief!

"The giant pliers mantis can't afford to fall to the ground! Please Lin Hongji player to replace the elves!"

The referee's voice sounded, breaking the dead silence of the Frozen Bird Arena, and the applause and cheers sounded like a volcanic eruption!

The on-site commentary even shouted hoarsely!

"MEGA Lucario defeated the MEGA Claw Mantis!"

"I think we can congratulate Gu Yu in advance for winning the Tianwang Challenge Championship!"

The audience who were watching the live broadcast in front of the TV and on the Internet began to cheer when they heard the voice of the commentary!

"MEGA Lucario is awesome! Gu Yu is awesome!"

"It is unprecedented to win the King of Heaven Challenge at the age of 24!"

"Gu Yu's becoming the king of heaven this time is already a XNUMX out of XNUMX! King Yan must be panicking!"



Melbourne Mining Building.

Listening to the commentary, Candice looked at MEGA Lucario on the TV screen with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"It seems that Gu Yu's becoming a Heavenly King is already a matter of XNUMX percent!"

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