
With the sound of the collision, both elves felt the tremendous power coming from each other.

With a click, cracks appeared on the ground of the green grass field.

Mental Blade!

[Spiritual Blade: Use the materialized blade of the heart to split the opponent, and it is easy to hit the key point. 】

Spiritual strength!

A blade made of spiritual power appeared on MEGA Lucario's head.

Slashed towards MEGA Lucario.

At the same time, an invisible thought force went straight to the MEGA Giant Claw Mantis!


A huge collision sounded, and the MEGA Giant Claw Mantis was instantly knocked off.


The screams of MEGA Lucario rang out at the same time.

Spiritual Blades and Spiritual Strong Minds both hit each other.

In contrast, MEGA Lucario suffered a small loss.

Due to attribute restraint, super power skills can only inflict half the damage to MEGA Giant Claw Mantis.

Gu Yu's voice sounded again: "Lucario! Bodybuilding!"


MEGA Lucario's muscles instantly tightened, and his attack and defense improved.

The MEGA Giant Claw Mantis, which was knocked into the air, had just landed at this time.

"Lucario! Fire Kick!"

As soon as Gu Yu's voice fell, MEGA Lucari instantly disappeared in place.

not good!

Lin Hongji instantly realized that something was wrong, and just as he was about to give the order MEGA Lucario appeared beside MEGA Giant Claw Mantis.

His right foot was covered in red flames, and he kicked towards the MEGA Giant Claw Mantis.

Move at high speed!

The MEGA Claw Mantis turned into a red welcome, dodging MEGA Lucario's flame kick.

"Giant pliers mantis! Shadow clone! Then cast tile split!"

As soon as Lin Hongji's voice fell, dozens of MEGA mantises instantly appeared on the green grass field.

Then dozens of giant pincer mantises, the jagged giant pincers covered by white light, vibrated their wings at the same time, and killed MEGA Lucario! .

Chapter 333 Yan Nianyan: After becoming the Queen of the Four Heavens, it was the first time I was so panic!


Facing the attack of dozens of giant pincer mantises, MEGA Lucario roared and used the Iron Wall skill.

The body was instantly covered with metallic color.

The giant pincer mantis evolved by MEGA, under the blessing of high-speed movement.

The speed is similar to that of MEGA Lucario, which is more than five times the speed of sound.

Even if MEGA Lucario has the power of a waveguide, it's too late to tell.

clang! ! !

A huge metal collision sounded, and MEGA Lucario was directly knocked into the air.

With a bang, MEGA Lucario fell heavily to the ground.

The Bodybuilding skill increases defense, coupled with the impact of the Iron Wall skill.

Although MEGA Lucario fights twice as weak, he doesn't actually take much damage.

"Giant pliers mantis! Cast to ask for rain!"

[Seeking Rain: Rainfall within a certain period of time, thereby increasing the power of water attribute moves.The power of fire attribute moves is reduced. 】


Hearing Lin Hongji's order, the Mega Claw Mantis roared loudly, and the green grass field was instantly covered with rain.

Just as MEGA Lucario got up from the ground, it was pouring rain.

Hearing the sound of the heavy rain, Gu Yu had to say that Lin Hongji was indeed an old man.

MEGA Giant Claw Mantis has been injured after being hit by a strong mental idea.

Coupled with the blessing of bodybuilding skills, MEGA Lucario is likely to rely on Flaming Fist or Flaming Fist to instantly kill the MEGA Giant Claw Mantis, which is four times weaker.

However, it was weakened by the rain-seeking skill.

It is impossible for MEGA Lucario to kill the MEGA Giant Claw Mantis in one blow.

"Lucario! The sharp stone attack!"

As soon as Gu Yu's voice fell, a fist-sized white light group appeared on the surface of MEGA Lucario's body.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a slap-sized rock that was as sharp as a blade.


With the sound of MEGA Lucario's voice, the overwhelming rock rain flew towards the MEGA Giant Claw Mantis.

Move at high speed!

The body of MEGA's giant pincer mantis turned into a red phantom in mid-air, constantly avoiding the rock rain formed by the sharp stone attack.


Just when MEGA Giant Claw Mantis just avoided the last rock rain, MEGA Lucario's voice sounded again.

In the next instant, he appeared in front of the MEGA Giant Claw Mantis.

Fire fist!

Red flames appeared on MEGA Lucario's claws, but it was only due to the influence of the rain-seeking skill.

The flames above the claws were noticeably smaller.

hold on!

A huge white shield appeared in front of MEGA Giant Claw Mantis.


A huge collision sounded, and the flame fist was blocked by a white shield.

MEGA Lucario was not reluctant to fight, he stomped his right foot on the white shield, and with the help of the reaction force, his body dropped rapidly.

good chance!

Seeing this scene, Lin Hongji showed a smile on the corner of his mouth and immediately gave an order.

"Giant Claw Mantis! Catch up!"

As soon as the words fell, the MEGA Giant Claw Mantis turned into a red phantom and went straight to the grounded MEGA Lucario.

Before MEGA Lucario hits the ground, let's go down the next step.

Split tiles!

The jagged giant pincers of the MEGA Giant Claw Mantis were once again covered in white light.

"just!!〃"! "

With the roar of MEGA Lucario, water energy gathered in his mouth.

Waves of water!

Just as MEGA Lucario was about to land, a blue light went straight to the MEGA Giant Claw Mantis.

At this time, the two elves were less than two meters apart.

MEGA Giant Claw Mantis has no time to escape.


The blue light directly bombarded the MEGA Giant Claw Mantis into the green grass field.

For a time, smoke and dust mixed with soil and rocks splashed.

And MEGA Lucario's offensive isn't over yet.

MEGA Lucario, who had just landed, suddenly raised his right foot and stomped heavily towards the green grass field.


Boom! ! !

The ground of the green grass field cracked instantly, causing violent shaking at the same time.

One after another cracks appeared immediately, and at the same time continued to spread around.

Just hit by the wave of water, the MEGA Giant Claw Mantis, who has not got up yet, bears the brunt of being hit by the earthquake skill!


The painful roar of MEGA's giant pincer mantis sounded, and then a red phantom quickly flew from the ground into the air.

Wait until the red phantom stops.

The scarred MEGA giant pincer mantis appeared in the eyes of all the audience.

The excited voice of the live commentary sounded again!

"After a series of battles just now, both MEGA Lucario and MEGA Giant Claw Mantis have shown terrifying strength!"

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