Do the feat of one wear and six! ! !


I don't know who was the first to start applauding, and then the applause of the entire Frozen Bird Arena sounded like a volcanic eruption!

Countless audiences began to cry wildly for Gu Yu, cheering continuously!

"One wears six! The first person in history!"

"MEGA Lucario is awesome! Gu Yu is awesome!"

"I envy Gu Yu! I want a MEGA Lucario too!"


The viewers who were watching the live broadcast directly used the bullet screen to blow up the server again!

"Fantastic! One wears six! The first person in history, Gu Yu!"

"Before the game, which idiot said that Gu Yu couldn't beat Yan Hongfei? I just wanted to ask, what are these people thinking now?"

"Actually, I don't blame these people for thinking this way. Who knew that Gu Yu's Lucario could evolve MEGA?"

"Humph! Didn't he just win against Yan Hongfei? Gu Yu hasn't won the championship yet!"

"Gu Yu is so young and hardworking, and the trainers who are recognized as heroes by the Dragon Kingdom Alliance have black fans. The Internet is really scary!"

"Internet trolls are just a bunch of idiots. Even champions can be said to be won by divine beasts. They don't deserve to be champions. You know they are not normal people at all."


Player channel.

Element Xin, Dong Yushu and others also followed the audience to applaud Gu Yu!

While applauding, Element Heart sighed with emotion.

"Before my grandfather gave Gu Yu the elf egg of Young Kiras, I also suspected that Gu Yu was related to my grandfather by blood!"

"It now seems that Gu Yu should have no blood relationship with my grandfather!"

"After all, my grandfather was not so perverted when he was young!"

Dong Yushu, who was on the side, gave the element a blank look, and then said, "What beautiful things are you guys thinking about?"

"You don't even look at your grandfather's genes, can you give birth to such a perverted offspring?"

Looking at Gu Yu who was cheered by the audience, Dong Yushu's eyes were shocked, emotional, and unbelievable.

"Such a trainer is the only one in the entire history of the Dragon Kingdom!"

"It never happened in the past, and it probably won't happen again in the future!"

at the guest seat.

Ye Hongyi got up at this moment and applauded Gu Yu excitedly.

Originally, Ye Hongyi thought that Gu Yu was destined to become an escort this time.

But he didn't expect Gu Yu to have such a trump card!

"MEGA Lucario!"

"Everyone, including me, probably underestimated Gu Yu!"

"Gu Yu is a player who really has the strength to win the championship!"

"If Gu Yu can win the championship, then I will be the Ye family"

While thinking about it, the curvature of the corner of Ye Hongyi's mouth became even bigger!

Looking at Gu Yu on the field, Ye Chengfeng's eyes showed helplessness.

He knew that it would be very difficult for him to regain face with Gu Yu in his entire life!

Then he sighed: "The young people today are really terrifyingly strong!"

"In the last Heavenly King Challenge, Lin Yan defeated Yan Hongfei only by relying on the quasi-god and fast dragon!"

"Now Gu Yu can actually wear six in one pass!"

"Maybe we are about to see the birth of the youngest king of the Dragon Kingdom!"

As Ye Chengfeng's voice fell, the applause of the entire guest seat stopped instantly!

The youngest king of the Dragon Kingdom!

Yan Hongjing, the head of the Yan family, Lin Lei, the head of the Canglong Taoist Hall, and the others were stunned for a moment, and then their faces showed expressions of shock!

Someone opened his mouth to refute, but didn't know how to refute.

Ye Mengyao looked at Gu Yu on the arena, and while her eyes were full of excitement, there was a hint of fighting intent.

"Gu Yu! I won't keep losing to you!"

Yuan Hanhai sat on the chair expressionlessly.

The eyes that looked at Gu Yu were full of icy coldness.

At this time, Gu Yu in the arena also turned to look at Yuan Hanhai.

The two face each other!

A smile appeared at the corner of Gu Yu's mouth.

Don't be too happy!

Yuan Hanhai also had a smile on his face, and thought to himself at the same time.

"No. XNUMX is indeed the strongest in the last session, but not the strongest in this session!"

"You want to advance, it's not that easy!"

on the field.

Lucario, who had released the MEGA evolution, returned to Gu Yu.

"Nice job! Lucario!"

"Just! (* ̄︶ ̄)"

Lucario also happily responded to Gu Yu.

After the applause stopped, Gu Yu took Lucario off the arena together.

At this time, Yan Hongfei also came over.

"I really didn't expect it! I will lose to my junior one day!"

Saying that, Yan Hongfei showed a bitter smile on his face.

"Senior has given up! I also look forward to the next fight with Senior!" Gu Yu replied politely.

Yan Hongfei shook his head and said, "I don't want to fight with you this pervert again!"


Gu Yu didn't know how to answer.

He just wanted to be polite, and didn't want to play against Yan Hongfei next time.

But I didn't expect Yan Hongfei to be hit so hard by him, and he said that he didn't want to fight Gu Yu again!

"Junior, I'm going to find a place to be quiet!"

"Farewell first!"

After speaking, Yan Hongfei left quickly.

Seeing this, Gu Yu said to himself, "Did I cast a big psychological shadow on my senior?"


Lucario nodded aside.

"Forget it! The champion trainer shouldn't be knocked down just like that. I'll still prepare for the next round!"

With that said, Gu Yu stepped towards the player channel.

Yan Hongfei, who left the arena, originally wanted to find a place to be quiet, and then saw Xia Pengyu and Jing Chuxue.

The three found a corner, and Jing Chuxue looked at Yan Hongfei with a bitter face and spoke first.

"No. XNUMX, don't worry about it!"

"No one thought that the fifth student would be so perverted!"

student? !

Yan Hongfei looked at Xia Pengyu with a confused look, then reacted and asked.

"No. XNUMX, how do you teach students?!"

"Gu Yu is too perverted!"

"Can you teach me too, I'll call you a teacher too!"

Xia Pengyu was also very distressed, he really didn't know how to explain it.

"I said I don't know why Gu Yu is so strong, do you believe it?"

Don't say that Yan Hongfei is Jing Chuxue on the side with the expression that you are making fun of me!

"Normally, it takes about ten years for a trainer to grow up from receiving an elves."

"It took Gu Yu four years to complete the journey that normally takes ten years to complete!"

"I really don't know why Gu Yu became stronger so fast!" Xia Pengyu explained.

Yan Hongfei shook his head.

"It's not just ten years, but there are enough resources. How many champion trainers can be trained in ten years?"

After speaking, Yan Hongfei sighed again.


"Forget it! The growth trajectory of my apprentice can't be replicated!"

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