At this time, MEGA Lucario appeared in front of the big steel snake.

In front of the giant steel snake's ten-meter-long body, MEGA Lucario seemed a little small.

The big steel snake also noticed MEGA Lucario in front of him.

The huge head suddenly bit down towards MEGA Lucario.


The ground of the green grass field cracked instantly.

MEGA Lucario appeared on the side of the big steel snake after dodging the attack of the big steel snake.

Split tiles!

The claws covered by the white light slashed directly towards the big steel snake.

bump! ! !

A huge collision sounded, and the audience at the scene covered their ears involuntarily.

In the unbelievable gaze of the audience on the spot and in front of the TV.


With the painful roar of the big steel snake, the huge body like a hill was directly knocked off by MEGA Lucario!


MEGA Lucario's voice sounded again, and then appeared in mid-air.

Fire fist!

The red flames appeared on the claws of MEGA Lucario, and swung down directly towards the big steel snake in midair.

bump! ! !

The big steel snake fell on the green grass field like a huge meteorite, and a big pit appeared in the grass field instantly, and countless smoke and dust mixed with soil and stones splashed out!

The big steel snake with twice the weak fire type and fighting type has eaten the two skills of MEGA Lucario, and naturally it is impossible to continue fighting.

【Ding! MEGA Lucario defeated the big steel snake and gained 36 experience points! 】

"The big steel snake can't afford to fall to the ground! Ask Yan Hongfei to replace the sprite!"

The referee's voice fell, and the entire Frozen Bird Arena only burst into applause.

All eyes were on MEGA Lucario.

In the Tianwang Challenge, there has never been a situation where one wears six!

After all, to be able to participate in the Heavenly King Challenge, at least he is a Heavenly King-level trainer.

And it's still a one-to-one situation, that is, if the quasi-god spirit wears three times, it is the limit.

A record like six in one wear!

No elves have ever been able to do it!

But now MEGA Lucario is about to do it!

All the audience, including Ye Hongyi and others, were also full of expectations.

Looking forward to MEGA Lucario making new history!

on the field.

After Yan Hongfei took back the big steel snake, the smile on his face was even more bitter.

He is not a fool, and he naturally understands what the audience is expecting.

"I really didn't expect it!"

"I even have a day to become someone else's background board!"

While thinking about it, Yan Hongfei dispatched his trump card.

Level 93 Kirby!

Gu Yu's cold voice sounded again: "Lucario! Resolve the Kirby beast!"

MEGA Lucario instantly disappeared in place.


Kirbymon instantly realized that something was wrong, and red flames appeared on its claws.


With the sound, MEGA Lucario appeared in front of Kirby.


Kirbymon let out a loud cry, and the flame fist moved towards MEGA Lucario's subordinates.

But MEGA Lucario is one step faster!

Kick down!

Being hit by the Kick Down skill, Kirbymon lost his balance instantly.


Kirby's huge body fell heavily to the ground, smashing the ground into a two-meter-deep pit. .

It fell to the ground and realized the bad Kirbymon, and it used its defending skills, and a huge white shield appeared in front of it.

But still can't stop MEGA Lucario!

Split tiles!

The claws of MEGA Lucario, covered with white light, fell towards the Kirby beast, and the white shield was torn to shreds.


With the screams of Kirby beasts, this battle also came to an end!

Kirbymon, which is twice as weak as fighting, was hit by two fighting skills, and naturally it was impossible to continue fighting.

【Ding! MEGA Lucario defeated Kabimon and gained 4 experience points! 】

"The Kirby beast can't afford to fall to the ground! Ask Yan Hongfei to replace the elf!"

The referee's voice sounded again, and this time the Frozen Bird Arena fell into a dead silence!

Everyone knows it!

From Gu Yu to create a new history!

There is only one step left, no, it should be said that it is the last half step away!

After Yan Hongfei took back the Kabi beast, he shook his head helplessly, and then appointed General to send his last elf.

A 90-level wonderful frog flower!

"Lucario! Godly speed!"


MEGA Lucario just finished speaking, and disappeared directly in place.

The next moment, he appeared in front of the wonderful frog flower.


The wonderful frog flower shouted, and directly used the flying leaf knife.

The blade, like a blade, headed straight for MEGA Lucario.

Fire fist!

The red flames wrapped MEGA Lucario's claws and slammed into the Frog Flower.

At the moment of contact with the red flame, the blade-like blade was directly penetrated.

Then he went straight to the wonderful frog flower without losing his momentum.


Miao Frog's screams sounded, and red flames instantly enveloped Miao Frog's half body.

Spiritual strength!

Then an invisible thought force went straight to the wonderful frog flower.


A huge collision sounded, and the wonderful frog flower was directly knocked into the air!

With a bang, the huge body of the wonderful frog flower smashed a big hole in the grass field, and then passed out directly.

The Frog Flower has twice the weak fire element and twice the weak super energy element.

Being hit by the two skills of Flame Fist and Spiritual Power, it is naturally impossible to fight.

【Ding! MEGA Lucari defeated Frog Flower and gained 38 experience points! 】

The referee announced the result of the game immediately after checking the wonderful frog flower.

"Miaohuahua fell to the ground!"

"Congratulations to Gu Yu for advancing to the top sixteen!".

Chapter 325 Gu Yu is No. XNUMX?Ask for the psychological shadow area that was hit!

"Miaohuahua fell to the ground!"

"Congratulations to Gu Yu for advancing to the top sixteen!"

As soon as the referee's voice fell, the entire Frozen Bird Arena fell into a dead silence!

Countless spectators froze in place for a moment, their mouths wide open, and their eyes stared blankly at the center of the arena!

Even if you are mentally prepared, when this moment really comes, you can't help but be shocked!

After all, this is the first time that there are players in the Tianwang Challenge.

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