Although Zeraora is not weak, in fact, the biggest flaw is that it will not be mysteriously guarded.

This is the same as the super power elves who cannot learn to teleport.

All are outrageous!

In the game versions of "Sword and Shield" and "Ultimate Day", Zeraora could not learn mysterious guardianship.

It doesn't look like it's deadly, but it's actually after a fight.

That's Zeraora's biggest flaw.

Without the mysterious guardian, the representative may be affected by skills such as staring and ghost face.

In addition, Zeraora itself is also biased towards high attack and blood thin assassins.

It can be said that Zeraora is the only divine beast that has been captured by the divine organization.

But a beast is a beast after all.

Today's Zeraora, in a one-on-one situation, is enough to crush all elves under the XNUMXth level!

Zeraora broke through to the back of the beast.

Gu Yu now has three divine beasts in his hands.

Solgaleo, Mewtwo, Zeraora.

There are four champion and leader-level elves.

Lucario, Nymion, Wind Speed ​​Dog, Pokkis.

Five Heavenly King-level elves.

Monarch Snake, Fairy Elf, Kabi Beast, Bangira, Minas.

There are only two quasi-king-level elves left.

Gengar and Little Lugia.

For Geng Gui, Gu Yu doesn't hold out much hope for now.

Mainly because it's too late to join the team.

Gu Yu also didn't have many props that could help Geng Gui level up.

It's only a matter of time before Little Lugia gets an upgrade.

It's just that Gu Yu doesn't want to help the seedlings grow.

Otherwise, relying on the props in his hand, Little Lugia will become a divine beast in a few months.

Gu Yu's next focus is on exercise, Fairy Elf, Bangira, Minas and Little Lugia.

Try to train all four elves to champion level with the cooperation of props.

At present, although Zhejiang University has a holiday, it does not affect Gu Yu's training.

Training sprites, modifying sprite training plans, rest, video calls with parents, girlfriends

These few things took up almost all of Gu Yu's time.

Fast forward to the end of July.

It has been 50 days since Gu Yu returned to Zhejiang University.

At this time, the outside world still did not stop because of the Chaos Dream.

Artificial mythical beasts and MEGA evolution are still the most frequently mentioned words.

Many listed companies have used the gimmick of researching artificial elves to set up shell companies and start making money.

It has attracted a lot of money from many investors and companies.

Gu Yu also specifically asked Candice whether it was really possible for the artificial beasts to walk all over the place.

After all, there are quite a few divine beast genes mastered by human society.

It can be seen from the colorful potions and other items that Gu Yu got.

Candice's answer to Gu Yu was that it was unlikely that a second artificial divine beast would appear.

"Candice: I asked the newly returned researcher that Mewtwo was born by accident in some way."

"Candice: With the help of the Neon Elves Alliance, they have obtained more than fifteen different divine beast genes."

"Candice: After trying thousands of times of cultivation and creation, in the end, only an elf like Chao Meng was born!"

"Candice: To a certain extent, the birth of Mewtwo was accidental, and only one was born after thousands of experiments."

"Candice: Even a country may not be able to afford such human, material and financial investment."

"Candice: Even if a new mythical beast is really born, who can guarantee that it can be controlled?"

Gu Yu understood what Candice meant.

To put it bluntly, it is too much investment.

And it is really to cultivate an artificial beast again.

Who can guarantee that it will be able to be reined in.

Therefore, many countries are not necessarily willing to spend such a large investment to create an artificial mythical beast.

7 month 31 day.


The golden afterglow of the sunset dyes the clear water of Qiandao Lake into a golden color.

On uninhabited islands in undeveloped areas.

Gu Yu was standing on the beach, recording the training progress of the elves.

Next to him are Fairy Elf and Nian Meilong.

Not far away is Mewtwo floating in mid-air.

Kabimon, Solgaleo, Zeraora, Monarch Snake, Wind Speed ​​Dog, and Bangira buried their bodies in the lake because of the heat.

Pokkis and Lucario are still doing speed training.

And there is no time to appreciate this battle.


Little Lugia performed Air Slash in midair.

With the flapping of the wings, a three-meter-long air blade went straight to Minas in the lake.

Minas swam quickly, dodging Little Lugia's air blade.


Accompanied by the cry of Minas.

Menas in the lake suddenly protruded his head from the lake, and endless cold air began to gather in his mouth.

In the next instant, a blue beam of light went straight to Little Lugia in mid-air.


Little Lugia flapped her wings to avoid the attack, while calling for support from her teammates.


Just then, Gengar came not far from Minas.

Shadow Ball!

Spectral energy gathered in front of Gengar.

Then a shadow ball the size of a bowling ball headed straight for Minas.

Gengar and Little Lugia are both quasi-king-level elves.

Therefore, under the arrangement of Gu Yu, he and Minas adopted a two-on-one method for combat training.

Tail of the water!

Minas' huge tail carried the turbulent waves and shot it directly at Gengar.


The shadow ball was directly smashed, and the tail of the water continued to fall towards Gengar without any lessening.

Boom! ! !

Like a boulder falling into the lake, countless waves splashed in an instant!



Kabimon, Zeraora and other elves instantly experienced a chilling feeling, and expressed their dissatisfaction towards Minas.

While watching the battle of Minas, Gu Yu took out a branch of the baby's arm from his backpack and handed it to the fairy elf at his feet.

"Fairy elf! Absorb the power in it and become stronger!" 607


The fairy elf nodded, and then took the branches of the tree of life with ribbon-like tentacles.

After 50 days of training, the fairy elf has been upgraded to level 75.

After Gu Yu sorted out the information, he felt that it was time for the fairy elf to break through to the championship level!

The next moment, under Gu Yu's gaze.

Pink fairy energy gushed from the branches of the tree of life, wrapping the fairy spirit!

【Ding!The fairy spirit absorbs the branches of the tree of life and gains a lot of experience points! 】

【Ding!Fairy Elf has been upgraded to level 76! 】

【Ding!Fairy Elf has been upgraded to level 77! 】


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