Gu Yu returned to Villa 23.

Looking at the mess, his face was full of helplessness.

Chao Meng is not at home during this time.

In Villa 23.

Only the Monarch Snake, Kirby, Little Lugia, Gengar, and Slimy Dragon were left.

There is no Mewtwo constraints.

Monarch Snake obviously can't control Little Lugia and Gengar.


When Gu Yu came back, he saw a mess.

Torn sofa, shattered floor, shattered glass

I know it was caused by the elf fighting.

I don't know if I thought there were robbers in Villa 23!



Seemingly aware of their own mistakes, Little Lugia and Geng Gui saw Gu Yu's return and took the initiative to come to Gu Yu to admit their mistakes.


Looking at Little Lugia and Gengar, who had a good attitude of admitting their mistakes, they sighed helplessly.

"Forget it! You two pay attention next time, we won't punish you this time!"



As soon as the two elves heard that they would not be punished, they nodded frantically, and then they were about to leave.

"Don't be in a hurry! Come and do the housework for me!"

Little Lugia: ? ? ?

Gengar: ? ? ?

Don't you mean no punishment?

Looking at the confused eyes of the two elves, Gu Yu replied, "Doing housework is not punishment! Elves who work are the most honorable!"

The laboring spirit is the most glorious

Little Lugia and Gengar looked at each other.

They both saw the meaning in each other's eyes.

Do not believe!

At this moment, Gu Yu's voice sounded again.

"Super dream! You come to supervise their work!"

"If the broken glass and the garbage on the ground are not disposed of, they will not be given food!"

"I see!"

As soon as Chao Meng's voice fell, Little Lugia and Geng Ghost put on masks of pain instantly.



Under the reluctant voices of the two elves and the watchful eyes of the overseer Mewtwo, the two elves started the cleaning mode.

Before Gu Yu could sit down and rest, he was entangled by Nian Meilong.


Gu Yu left for more than ten days, making Nian Meilong miss Gu Yu very much.

At this moment, he hugged Gu Yu and didn't let go.

While using his smooth head, he rubbed Gu Yu's cheek.

The sticky 5.8 fluid on the body began to secrete continuously.

After getting rid of the sticky beauty dragon, Gu Yu took a brief shower.

Gu Yu asked Solgaleo to bring himself and Zeraora to the unexplored island of Qiandao Lake.

Then, under the excited gaze of Zeraora, Gu Yu took out two props.

A fist-sized yellow crystal and a twenty centimeter-long rectangular yellow fragment.

It was Reggie Elecchi's broken energy core and Kapu. Mingming's fragments.

"Zeraora! It's time for you to become a real beast!"


Zeraola nodded excitedly, and then took two props from Gu Yu.


Accompanied by the whistling sound of lightning, yellow lightning surged from the two props at the same time and poured into Zeraora's body!

Breaking through level XNUMX is extremely difficult even for divine beasts.

Therefore, Gu Yu will let Zeraora absorb the power of two props at the same time!

【Ding!Zeraora absorbs Reggie Elech's broken energy core and gains a lot of experience points! 】

[Ding Jeraora absorbs Kapu. Mingming's fragments and gains a lot of experience points! 】

【Ding!Zeraora has been upgraded to level 97! 】

【Ding!Zeraora has been upgraded to level 98! 】


【Ding!Zeraora has been upgraded to level 101! ].

Chapter 307 Champion Fairy Elf!The secret realm of Qiandao Lake that was affected!

The Secret Realm of Qiandao Lake.

The sun hangs high above the sky.

The scorching sun is baking the entire secret realm.

Flying elves, such as Bibi Bird, Lie Que and others, all hid under the shade of trees.

Even the horned goldfish, king carp and other elves in the lake swim quietly under the water.

It made the entire Qiandao Lake secret realm seem a little dead!

Boom! ! !

At this moment, a golden lightning beam appeared out of thin air!

As if it was a thunder gun, it shot straight into the sky from bottom to top!

With the emergence of the thunder beam, a violent and vast momentum began to pervade the entire Qiandao Lake secretly.





Countless elves made terrified sounds, and then began to flee frantically.

The trainers who were exploring in the secret realm exclaimed when they saw this scene!

"What's the situation?! Are these elves crazy?!"

"What is that thunder beam?! Why are my electric monsters scared like ordinary elves!"

"What happened? Who can answer me!"


And the source of all this is now crowding around Gu Yu and shouting happily.

"Ola! (* ̄︶ ̄)"

After breaking through to become a divine beast, Zeraora was also very excited.

After hugging Gu Yu, his head kept rubbing against Gu Yu's chest.

"Finally become a divine beast! Zeraora!"


While touching Zeraora's small head, Gu Yu's eyes also showed Zeraora's information.

2 [Zeraora (electricity)]

【Gender: ♀】

[Level: LV101 (God)]

[Characteristic: Electricity storage (When attacked by a move with an electric attribute, it will not take damage, but will recover.)]

[Character Talent: Hearty (+Speed, -Special Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: Grab, Lightning Flash, Lightning, High-Five Attack, Loud Roar, Enhanced Fist, Grab, Volt Replacement, Charge, Lightning Fist, High Speed ​​Movement, XNUMX Volts, Electromagnetic Wave, Thunder, Plasma Lightning Fist, Bodybuilding, Iron Tail , come back to life, sleep, snoring, sleep talk, hold on, revenge, split, claws, electric ball, grid, close combat, electric field, crazy volt, hold, power up, volt replacement, megaton punch, wave Missile, Shadow Clone, Reverse Scale, Flame Fist, Infuriating Bomb, Kick Down, Provocation, Flame Kick, Megaton Kick, Straw Knot, Hell Thrust, Tile Cleave, Brute Force, Snatch, Double Cleave, Provocation, Ghost Face, Malicious Pursuit, Discharge, Awakened Power, Quick Defense]

【Carrying item: Magnet】

[Potential: God]

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