Kevin Gasol roared, and the MEGA Tanabata Blue Bird just wanted to pounce towards the position where Midgart landed.

A blue light blocked the way of one person and one elf.

It is the frozen beam of Minas!

The wind speed dog also came to the side of Midgart who landed.

A sharp claw firmly pressed the fallen Midgart.

"Cough! Cough!"

Now Midgart can be said to be very miserable. He was hit by the wind speed dog and broke his ribs. With every cough, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.


Pokkis also carried Gu Yu to the front of Kevin Gasol not far away.

Wallis Ed and many trainers from the Lighthouse Nation also followed Kevin Gasol.

Seeing that the person on Pokkis was Gu Yu, Wallis Ed immediately signaled everyone to stop.

"Don't do it yet! Watch the situation change!"

Kevin Gasol looked at Midgart, who fell to the ground, and then at Gu Yu, who was riding on Pokkis' back.

"Wind Dog! Minas! Pokkis!"

"You can't be wrong! You are Gu Yu, the genius trainer of the Dragon Kingdom!"

"Being able to defeat Midgard is worthy of the name of a genius, but you met me!"

"My name is Kevin Gasol, the leader of the World Tree. If you don't want to die, keep your wind speed dog away from Midgart!"

Speaking of the end, the killing intent in Kevin Gasol's voice has not been concealed!

Hearing the killing intent in Kevin Gasol's words, a cold light flashed in Gu Yu's eyes, and a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Kevin Gasol, I don't like being ordered, and I don't like being threatened!"

"You have chosen the wrong person now! The consequence is the death of Midgart!"


The wind speed dog screamed and pressed its paws directly.


With the last scream, Midgard's five internal organs were shattered, and the dead couldn't die any longer!

Silence! ! !

In an instant, the entire scene fell into a dead silence!

Wallis Ed and many trainers from the Lighthouse Nation were also stunned at the same time, looking at Gu Yu in disbelief!

overbearing! ! !

They never thought of it!

Gu Yu is so domineering and crazy!

Facing Kevin Gasol's warning, a championship-level trainer's warning!

Not only turn a blind eye!

Just because he didn't like being threatened and ordered, he killed Midgart directly!

Realizing that something was wrong, Wallis Ed yelled at his companions: "Rewind! Rewind! Don't get involved in the battle of these two lunatics!"

Although the audience who was broadcasting live online could not hear the conversation between the two of them, they could also guess at this time through the commentary of the live broadcast!

"Gu Yu and Kevin Gasol don't know what they said."

"Gu Yu let the wind speed dog kill Midgart!"

"We can see Wallis Ed and the trainers from the Lighthouse country trying to stay away from the battlefield."

"If there is no accident, there should be a war about to break out!"

As soon as the voice of the live broadcast fell, the audience instantly paralyzed the server with a barrage!

"I guess it must be this Kevin Gasol who threatened Gu Yu! Gu Yu directly killed Midgard!" "

"Upstairs! You feel the same as me! I have to say, in the face of a threat from a champion trainer, Gu Yu dared to attack! It's really awesome!"

"Too majestic! Too domineering! Ignore the words of the leader of the World Tree and kill Midgart directly!"


Ye Hongyi, who was in front of the TV, saw Midgart die, and his face instantly turned ugly.

"Not good! Gu Yu is still young!"

"Kevin Gasol is a champion trainer!"

"Although it's not the strongest among the champion trainers, it's difficult for Gu Yu to deal with it now!"

The headquarters of the Lighthouse Spirit Alliance.

Larry Lister saw Midgart die, a light flashed in his eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It's still too young after all!"

"Midgart is Kevin Gasol's most trusted subordinate. His death will inevitably drive Kevin Gasol into madness!"

"Facing Kevin Gasol with all his strength, Gu Yu may be in danger!"

"However, that's fine, the dead Dragon Country genius is the best genius!"

City of Venice.

Kevin Gasol looked at the dead Midgart, his eyes were blood red, and his voice was full of icy killing intent!

"Gu Yu!"

"Immediately! I'll let you go to hell with Midgart right away!"

Having said that, Kevin Gasol released all his elves.

Except for the 94-level MEGA Tanabata Blue Bird.

A level 84 electric shock monster.

A level 85 Bosco Dora.

A level 87 Elleido.

A level 83 Emperor Naboo.

A level 86 Yanwu King.

Looking at Kevin Gasol's elf information, Gu Yu thought to himself.

"Although Kevin Gasol is just average among champion trainers."

"But being an opponent is enough!"

While thinking about it, Gu Yu said to Pokkis, "Pokkis! Descend!"

Then he reached out to his waist and released Zeraora and Bangira.

"Minas! Come here!"


Minas floated to Gu Yu's side, and Gu Yu got off Pokkis and rode on Minas.

The six elves of Zeraora, Bangira, Fairy Elf, Wind Speed ​​Dog, Lucario, and Pokkis, against the six elves of Kevin Gasol!


With the order of Kevin Gasol, the two sides instantly began to fight.

"Ai Lu!"

Elleido's voice has not yet fallen, and instantly disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he was already three meters in front of Gu Yu.


The blade at Elleido's elbow was covered with a layer of white light.

Slash directly towards Gu Yu!

Minas's reaction was a step slower, just as he was attacking Gu Yu, who was about to hit.

A smile appeared on Gu Yu's mouth.

In the next instant, a blue figure appeared in front of Gu Yu.


The sound of metal colliding sounded, and Elleido's split was blocked.

Lucario appeared in front of Gu Yu and used the Iron Wall skill, his arms were covered with metallic color, blocking Elluedo's splitting skill.


Lucario shouted and unleashed a fire kick.

His right foot was covered in red flames, and he kicked Elleido directly.


Elleido cast teleportation and appeared fifteen meters behind to avoid Lucario's attack.


Lucario then appeared in front of Elleido.

Split tiles!

Thunder Fist!

The two elves fought fiercely, and with a bang, the two skills collided.

And this is just a microcosm of the battlefield.

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