At this moment, the Psychic Earth Puppet suddenly displayed teleportation and appeared behind MEGA Fire-breathing Dragon X.

The next moment, the two elves instantly disappeared in place.

When it appeared, it was already ten meters above Lucario and the wind speed dog.

And this time, the target of MEGA Fire-breathing Dragon X has been changed to Gu Yu!

Throw flames!

The blue flames turned into a sea of ​​flames and rushed towards Gu Yu who was riding on Pokkis' back.


Pokkis used his hold skills to block the jet flame.

Gu Yu's cold voice sounded again.

"Pokkis! Predict the future!"

"Lucario! Fairy spirit! Minas! Attack the fire-breathing dragon!"

"Wind-speed dog! Send Midgart on the road!"


Pokkis shouted, and a mass of super energy system energy gathered in front of him, and then disappeared instantly.

Wave missiles!

Fairy Wind!


The skills of the three elves went straight to the MEGA Fire-breathing Dragon X in mid-air.

The wave missile is the fastest, and there is no way to avoid it.


MEGA Fire-breathing Dragon X roared and used the hold skill.

A huge white shield appeared in front of him.


A huge collision sounded, and the wave missile was blocked.

However, several cracks have appeared on the huge white shield.


Although the fairy wind of the fairy spirit was also blocked, the white shield was completely shattered.


Minas' water cannon directly hit MEGA Fire-breathing Dragon X, and then a painful roar sounded!

At the same time, the wind speed dog moved at a high speed, turning into a phantom and rushing towards Midgart.

Midgart's face was instantly pale, and he hurriedly shouted: "Mind power earth puppet! Block the wind speed dog!"

"Mind power!"

Psychic soil puppets cast momentary movement, blocking the only way for the wind speed dog.

Just when Nianli Tudou was about to attack.

Suddenly, an invisible attack hit the Psychic Puppet directly.

In an instant, the Psychic Earth Puppet was directly knocked into the air!

This attack is the future prediction that Pokkis performed before!


The wonderful frog flower roared and used the flying leaf knife.

The blade like a blade, went straight to the wind speed dog.


The figure of the wind speed dog disappeared instantly.

When he appeared, he had already come to Midgart.

not good!

Feel the terrifying aura coming from the wind speed dog.

Midgard's pupils shrank suddenly, and cold sweat dripped down his forehead.

But it was too late to escape.


With the screaming sound, Midgart was directly hit by the wind speed dog!

Seeing Midgard being defeated, countless viewers all over the world who were watching the live broadcast took a deep breath!

From Gu Yu and Midgart meeting the fire-breathing dragon MEGA, the evolution was completed, and now Midgart was hit by the wind speed dog.

That's 5 minutes in total!

At this time, the two sides are still fighting!

Some of the trainers of the World Tree are still running out of the base.

And Gu Yu has already solved one of the nine leaders of the World Tree!

Audiences all over the world are talking about Gu Yu's performance!

"This is too strong! Are you sure that Gu Yu is not pretending to be the Dragon King?"

"I was looking forward to the power of the black fire-breathing dragon just now, but Midgard was defeated like that!"

"My God! Gu Yu is too awesome! He directly won one of the nine leaders of the World Tree!"

"Brilliant! As expected of the genius of our Dragon Kingdom! It really brings glory to our Dragon Kingdom!"


The headquarters of the Lighthouse Spirit Alliance.

Seeing Gu Yu defeating Midgart, the entire headquarters of the Lighthouse Spirit Alliance was instantly fried, and countless discussions rang out!

"God! Is this true?!"

"A 23-year-old trainer who has not graduated from university, defeated one of the nine chiefs of the World Tree!"

"I defeated Midgart with such ease, I feel that the Four Heavenly Kings of the Lighthouse Kingdom are nothing more than this!"

Larry List, the champion of the Lighthouse Country, listened to everyone's discussion and looked at Gu Yu on the big screen.

There was shock in his eyes, and there was a hint of disbelief!

"Such an age!"

"Such strength!"

"Such a record!"

"If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it's really hard to believe that there are such talented trainers in the world!"

Hearing Larry Lister's words, the surrounding staff instantly froze in place.

Mouth wide open and face full of unbelievable expressions!

They couldn't believe that Larry Lister, the champion of the Lighthouse Nation, gave such a high rating to a Dragon Nation trainer!

Everyone wanted to refute, but they opened their mouths, but they didn't know how to speak!

Meanwhile, on the other side of the battlefield.

Kevin Gasol, the leader of the World Tree, is being besieged by young trainers from the Lighthouse Country led by Wallis Ed.

Hearing the screams of MEGA Fire-breathing Dragon X, Kevin Gasol instantly realized that Midgard was in danger!

"Boy! You forced me!"

Kevin Gasol let out a loud roar, and then no longer kept it, directly activating the energy of the keystone.


The Qixi Blue Bird at the foot of Kevin Gasol roared, and immediately activated the energy of the MEGA Evolution Stone.

MEGA Evolution Stone and Key Stone instantly resonate!

"Not good! Hurry up and attack!"

Wallis Ed's reaction was quick, and he ordered an attack when he realized the bad moment.

But still one step too late!

Tanabata Blue Bird has evolved into MEGA Tanabata Blue Bird!

"Qixi Blue Bird! The voice of charm!"


An incomparably charming voice came from the Qixi Qingniao's mouth.

The moment they heard the voice, all the elves present showed pain in their faces.

Move at high speed!

The MEGA Tanabata Blue Bird turned into a phantom and took Kevin Gasol straight to Midgart's position.

"Come up!"

When Wallis Ed saw Kevin Gasol leave, he chose to pursue him decisively.

Then Kevin Gasol saw Midgart who was hit by the wind speed dog.

Chapter 293 Domineering! ! !Shock the world! MEGA Bangira first battle!


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