With the last scream, Qin Wenhao realized what despair is!

After much effort, Qin Wenhao closed the car window.

The body was already full of red watermelon juice, and the person was also dizzy.

Seeing this scene, Xia Pengyu sighed with emotion: "Human! After all, I have to pay for my youth!"


I don't know who laughed first, and then the whole bus was filled with joyful atmosphere.

Gu Yu and Ye Mengyao smiled when they saw Qin Wenhao's tragic state.

The speed of the bus was very slow due to the huge crowd.

By the time Ye Mengyao, Gu Yu and the others returned to Zhejiang University, the sun was about to set.

After returning to the school, the principal Wan Qianfeng delivered a speech as usual.

Then wait for Ye Mengyao to put the Duolong Baruto trophy in the display cabinet of Qingshan Gymnasium.

The National College Elf League is officially over!

After having a meal with Ye Mengyao and others, Gu Yu returned to Villa 23 again.

As soon as I entered the door, I guess I saw Wang Chaomeng, the inner volume, cooking!

That's right, it's cooking.

Wearing a white apron, he controls shovels and pots through mind power.

Seeing Gu Yu coming back, Chaomeng turned to look at Gu Yu, and then continued to stare at the pot.



When Little Lugia and Pokkis saw Gu Yu's return, they both flew to Gu Yu's side and began to say hello to Gu Yu.

Gu Yu touched the small heads of the two elves with his left and right hands, and asked curiously.

"Super dream, what are you doing in the pot?"

Chaomeng replied: "I think the taste of the tree fruit directly is a little worse. I just squeezed the tree fruit with a juicer, and then prepared to boil it to make a drink."

"After it's done, put it in the refrigerator to chill, so that it can be used as a drink when training tomorrow."

What is the gap? !

This is the difference!

Mewtwo had already begun to enjoy life while the general elves were training.

Gu Yu also had to say.


It is indeed the king of involution in the wizard world!

Don't leave a way for other elves at all!

At this time, Chao Meng's voice sounded again.

"By the way, Gu Yu, how much money do you have now?"

"I still have more than one billion left in my pocket!"

Gu Yu had already shot the top-grade evolution stone sent by Candice.

Gu Yu has not purchased the treasures that Solgaleo and Chaomeng carried.

Therefore, the funds are still sufficient.

"What do you want the money for?"

"I recently researched how to develop my body and found that my current body is too weak among divine beasts."

"Whether it is anti-strike, reaction speed, strength, speed, etc. are all lower than Solgaleo."

"So, I want to buy some elf equipment to exercise my body."

Gu Yu has a deeper understanding of Chaomeng's involution.

"Money is okay, mainly because there is no suitable place at the moment."

The villa is so big, and now Gu Yu and the elves are a little crowded.

There is simply no place for extra equipment.

"It's the little things, I've taught myself architecture when you're not at home."

"Under the courtyard in front of the villa, since there is no foundation, it is very suitable to build a training room."

"I simply designed it myself and used Bangira and Wind Speed ​​Dog to dig holes."

"As long as the funds are in place, it's not a big problem to build a three-story underground training room of about 2 square meters in a week."


Recall that Mewtwo built a high-tech castle in the anime.

Gu Yu felt that just building a training room was really not a big problem.

However, Gu Yu felt that his sense of existence as a trainer was reduced again.

After agreeing to Chaomeng, Gu Yu simply washed up before entering into dreamland.

5 month 12 day.

In the early morning, the golden sunlight illuminates the campus of Zhejiang University.

Affected by the scroll king Chaomeng, Gu Yu felt that his elves could work harder.

So, I brought the elves to the secret realm of Qiandao Lake early to start the morning exercise.


"Sauce sauce!"

The fairy elf and the monarch snake fought fiercely under Gu Yu's arrangement.

High speed stars!

A star-shaped attack went straight to the monarch snake.

hold on!

A huge white shield emerged in front of the monarch snake, blocking the high-speed stars.

On the other hand, Kirbymon and Bangira started running around the island without any weight.

Time passed day by day, and time came to May 5 in a flash.

After a period of observation, Gu Yu determined that the time was ripe for Ibrahimovic to become stronger again.

After taking out a XNUMX-centimeter-long rectangular yellow fragment, call the fairy elf over.

"Fairy Elf! Come here!"


The 560 fairy elf shouted, and then stopped training with Pokkis.

Quickly ran to Gu Yu.

"Fairy elf! Absorb the energy in it and become stronger!"


The fairy elf nodded, and took the shard of Kapu Mingming from Gu Yu's hand with her ribbon-like tentacles.

In the next instant, pink fairy energy poured out from the fragments and wrapped the fairy spirit all over.

【Ding!The fairy spirit absorbs Kapu. Mingming's fragments and gains a lot of experience points! 】

【Ding!Fairy Elf has been upgraded to level 68! 】

【Ding!Fairy Elf has been upgraded to level 69! 】


【Ding!Fairy Elf has been upgraded to level 73! 】


After all the energy of the fairy system was absorbed by the fairy elf, the fairy elf cried happily.

Then the fairy elf put down the fragments of Kapu Mingming and wrapped Gu Yu's arm with a tentacle like a ribbon.

The body kept rubbing against Gu Yu's calf.

While stroking the fairy elf, looking at the fairy elf who has risen to level 73, a smile appeared on the corner of Gu Yu's mouth.

He has basically completed all the preparations for participating in the elf anti-terrorist operation.

Gu Yu's training continued until May 5.

The meeting place for this operation is in Modu, on May 5st.

After explaining to Super Dream.

On the morning of May 5st.

Gu Yu took Solgaleo, Lucario, Zeraora, Wind Speed ​​Dog, Pokkis, Bangira, Minas and Fairy Spirit on the plane to Modu.

Leave Little Lugia, Kirby Beast, Monarch Snake, Gengar, and Nian Meilong to Mewtwo to take care of.

Chao Meng's learning ability can only be described as horror.

At present, the breeding capacity has reached the top level in the country.

Therefore, Gu Yu is also very relieved to leave the elves to Chaomeng to take care of them.

As for why not take it with you

This time there are many people in action, and it is easy to be noticed by carrying too many elves.

Gu Yu has no plans to expose Chao Meng and Little Lugia yet.

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