Ye Mengyao nodded.

"You are right, then choose one according to what you said!"

The two immediately began to shuttle in the areas of various attributes.

In the end, he stopped in front of a row of shelves where evil-type elf eggs were placed.

【Absol (Evil)】

【Gender: ♀】

[Level: Unhatched]

[Characteristic: Sense of pressure (gives a sense of pressure to the opponent, greatly reducing the PP of his moves.)]

[Character Talent: Hearty (+Speed, -Special Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (26), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: Stare, Lightning Flash, Shadow Clone, Shoot Down, See Through, Sword Dance, Malicious Pursuit, Black Eyes]

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: King of Heaven]

Absol of '5V' Uranus Potential.

An introduction to Absol in the game Ruby 5.8.

Because if Absol appears in front of people, disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis will surely occur, so it is also known as the disaster spirit.

In fact, there are many elves who are suitable to complement Ye Mengyao's team.

Flame chicken, nine-tailed, giant pincer mantis with acceleration characteristics

But along the way, these elves are either not good in talent or have bad characteristics.

In contrast, this Absol is the most suitable elf at present.

Ye Mengyao also looked at Absolu's information at this time.

"Huh? This Absolu turned out to be the elf descendant of Gu Tiansheng, the former president of Yanjing University."

"Gu Yu, what do you think of this one?"

"I think it can be cultivated."

Gu Yu replied.

With the example of Shanaido, Ye Mengyao still believed in Gu Yu's vision.

Immediately select this Elf Egg of Absol.

After registering with the staff, Ye Mengyao said to Gu Yu while holding Absol's elf egg.

"Gu Yu, my mother asked me to take you to Ye's house and have a meal together."

"I'm calling the driver at home now and asking him to pick us up."

Gu Yu didn't say anything but nodded.

He knew very well that meeting the parents would come sooner or later.

This can't be avoided no matter what! .

Chapter 287 The super dream of the dead elves that don't pay for their lives!Empty alleys!

After Ye Mengyao made the call, a car soon arrived at the gate of Yanjing University.

After the two got into the car, they went straight to the suburbs.

When he came to Ye's house, Gu Yu's first impression was that he was big.

That's right, it's big!

It's just a courtyard, at least 5 square kilometers.

5 square kilometers is equivalent to 5 square meters!

It is equivalent to saying that 5 houses of XNUMX square meters are used as courtyards!

And this is just the courtyard in front of the villa.

In the courtyard, there are rockeries, streams, and trees of different colors are faintly visible.

It is May, and everything has woken up from hibernation.

The courtyard is full of scenery, countless unknown blooms.

Several wonderful frog seeds shuttled among the flowers.

It seems to be chasing and playing, and the cries of the seeds keep ringing.

On the low rockery, it seems to have become a gathering place for the Biziao family.

Two Bibi eagles and six Bibi birds occupied the tallest rockery.

There are also many elves such as nonsense trees, flying mantises, vine monsters, etc. shuttle, play, and take a nap in the courtyard.

The harmony between man, nature and elves is vividly reflected in the courtyard of the Ye family.

Eventually, the car stopped in front of a three-storey white villa.

As soon as he got out of the car, Gu Yu saw the enthusiastic Ren Manyun.

"Yaoyao, you are back!"

"Your father is waiting for you in a hurry!"

"Gu Yu! Auntie has long wanted to see you!"


The meal went very well.

Ye Hongyi and Ren Manyun were very satisfied with Gu Yu, the 'son-in-law'.

At the dinner table, Gu Yu was strongly invited to stay at Ye 20's house for a few more days.

But they were all rejected by Gu Yu.

There is still more than half a month left before the wizard anti-terrorist operation.

He will use the last time to improve the strength of the elves again.

Ye Hongyi did not forcibly retain him when he saw this.

"Gu Yu, this year's New Year, come here for the New Year!"

"I'll introduce Mengyao's clansmen and elders to you!"

Ye Hongyi personally invited Gu Yu, and it was really bad not to give him face.

Therefore, agreed.

After a night's rest at Ye's house, Gu Yu and Ye Mengyao joined Xia Pengyu and others and boarded the plane back to Zhejiang University.

The plane is about to land.

Through the window, people in Zhejiang can see the dense crowd at the airport.

The billboards at the airport were once again replaced with the words 'Welcome Champions Home'.

With the experience of winning the championship two years ago, this time everyone is familiar with the road.

Ye Mengyao, holding the Duolong Baruto trophy, was the first to walk out of the cabin door to enjoy the heroic treatment!

Whoa! ! !

In the next instant, thunderous applause sounded, followed by overwhelming cheers, and countless people chanted Ye Mengyao's name!

"Ye Mengyao!!! MVP!!!"

"Ye Mengyao!!! MVP!!!"

"Ye Mengyao!!! MVP!!!"


And this is just the beginning.

On the way back to Zhejiang University, Qin Wenhao, sitting on the bus, looked at the dense crowd on both sides of the street.

Hearing the constant cheers, he subconsciously opened the car window and waved to the crowd.

Xia Pengyu hurriedly said, "Hurry up and close the window!"


Qin Wenhao looked confused and didn't quite understand what Xia Pengyu meant.


Qin Wenhao is out of luck!


"Fuck! Who hit me!"

With a burst of pain, Qin Wenhao's face was instantly distorted, subconsciously directing the quintessence of the country.

Turning his head and looking, he found that it was an apple that was still a little green.

Seeing this apple, Qin Wenhao was stunned for a moment, and then his pupils shrank suddenly!

At this time, Qin Wenhao finally knew what Xia Pengyu meant.

But it's too late!

Apples, oranges, pears and other fruits were thrown into the bus by the crowd.

The first to suffer is Qin Wenhao.

"Don't throw it away! Everyone, don't throw it away!"

"Fuck! Who threw the watermelon!"

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