Urban: Becoming a principal from a junior college!

Chapter 540 Hot all over the world! On sale!

The effect of Xingchen Intelligent Transportation has undoubtedly conquered the citizens of Honggutan.

The effect of those light optimization solutions is perfect.

This makes the citizens of Honggutan look forward to the heavy solution of the intelligent transportation system.

It is believed that it will definitely make traffic smoother.

And the Tianhai Municipal Transportation Bureau is also very powerful.

After discussing with Xingchen Academy, the heavy optimization plan was directly announced on the official website.

"1. The expressway will build two new two-lane exits at Nanjing Road and Didu East Road..."

"2. The expressway will build a new two-lane entrance at Beifeng Road..."

"3. An overpass will be added at the intersection of Fenghe Middle and Fenghe South Avenue..."

"4. An underground pedestrian passage will be added at the intersection of Jiangbei Avenue on the left and right sides..."


"The heavy optimization plan requires construction. This bureau will arrange the construction plan this year and confirm the specific time..."

"It is expected to officially start construction in April this year..."

"By then, there may be congestion due to construction. Please forgive the inconvenience caused to the citizens."

Looking at this heavy optimization plan.

Ordinary netizens naturally couldn't see anything.

But those citizens who have lived in Honggutan for many years were all amazed.

The local community immediately had countless discussions, all with voices of approval.

"Oh my god, we are finally going to open an exit to the bridge on Didu East Road. We have eight communities next to each other, with nearly 60,000 residents. Now we can go directly to the expressway, which is so convenient."

"With the exit on Beifeng Road, I can get home on the expressway and no longer have to go around the city for more than half an hour."

"More exits should have been opened long ago, otherwise everyone would get off the expressway in front of my community, and it would be really difficult to go home."

"Fenghe Middle and Fenghe South Avenue are the transportation hubs of Honggutan District. People who go shopping, go to get off work, go to school, and travel all walk here. There are dozens or even hundreds of people at the intersection at a time, which really affects traffic, especially during peak hours. Traffic police have to maintain order. With the overpass, pedestrians don't have to wait for traffic lights, and traffic is smoother."

"Indeed, I have to wait for a long time on Jiangbei Avenue every time because there are too many pedestrians. It's really great to have an underground passage."

There are almost no doubts from local citizens in Tianhai City.

Because this plan is really designed in their hearts.

It can solve the pain points they encounter in their daily traffic.

This makes them feel that the Xingchen Intelligent Traffic System is really magical.

And netizens across the network, seeing the praise from the citizens of Honggutan, naturally understand the value of this set of heavy optimization solutions.

At this moment, Xingchen Academy also happened to announce the functions and achievements of the Xingchen Intelligent Traffic System.

"After testing..."

"After the installation and operation of the Xingchen Intelligent Traffic System, the congestion rate was reduced by 30%."

"The average speed of the area has increased by 21%."

"The accident rate has been reduced by 6.1%."

"This means that the initial experiment of the Xingchen Intelligent Traffic System has been successful!"

"The Xingchen Intelligent Traffic System has the following functions: by analyzing the overall traffic data, directing traffic in subtle places and guiding traffic flow, and analyzing better optimization and improvement plans based on traffic flow big data, achieving the coordination of virtual and reality, and making traffic smoother..."

"There is still a lot of room for improvement in the Xingchen Intelligent Traffic System."

"Everyone is welcome to make more suggestions."

The data released by the official account of Xingchen Academy made netizens stare in amazement.

Is the effect so exaggerated?

Reduced the congestion rate by 30%?

The average speed has also increased so much?

But no one has questioned the figures listed above.

Because the effect of the Xingchen Intelligent Transportation System can be said to be gradually demonstrated in the eyes of countless people across the country.

Everyone knows whether it has any effect.

The most outrageous thing is that the effect is already so strong.

There are still functions that can be improved?

Outrageous, really outrageous.

And many netizens, self-media, and experts have begun to talk in depth about the benefits of the intelligent transportation system online.

The benefits listed by Xingchen Academy are all in a macro sense.

For individuals, the biggest benefit is to reduce driving time.

After all, cars consume fuel all the time when they are on the road.

Now the waiting and slow time are significantly reduced.

It means that the driving time is reduced, which naturally saves fuel consumption.

In today's high oil prices, many car owners still care about this.

The second is to reduce emissions.

The less time the car is on the road, the less emissions will naturally be.

This is also very beneficial to improving the air quality in the city.

Not to mention the reduction in traffic jams, which will greatly improve the mood of car owners.

It can be said that if Xingchen Intelligent Transportation is popularized, the benefits to ordinary people are really huge.


Netizens across the country are very excited at this moment.

Especially netizens in big cities, they all want to enjoy the convenience brought by the intelligent transportation system like Honggutan.

Of course, the most anxious are the citizens in other areas of Tianhai City.

Although Honggutan District is the most prosperous and is as congested as the old city.

But this does not mean that other districts are not congested.

They also want to improve traffic.

They also want to save more fuel and go home faster.

So for a while, the whole network was full of calls.

I hope the local transportation bureau will introduce it as soon as possible...


And compared to ordinary people's expectations.

Major artificial intelligence companies and Internet giants have serious faces.

They really didn't expect that a group of sophomore students from Star College could develop such a powerful artificial intelligence product.

In their view, the importance of the Xingchen Intelligent Transportation System is far higher than what they see today.

For example, energy conservation and emission reduction are very important to China today.

China is not an oil-producing country to begin with, and it spends huge amounts of foreign currency importing oil every year.

Secondly, energy conservation and emission reduction are also matters of international concern. If the standards cannot be met, they will be restricted in many places.

The Xingchen Intelligent Transportation System can undoubtedly help with these problems.


The technology displayed by the Xingchen Intelligent Transportation System is amazing.

Especially the automatic issuance of optimization plans made their experts rack their brains and couldn't figure out how to do it.

The technical difficulty of this is really too high.

Moreover, the Xingchen Intelligent Transportation System is a perfect match for autonomous driving technology.

The two systems cooperate with each other and exchange data.

Smart cars can automatically adjust their speed to achieve the effect of not waiting for traffic lights.

The intelligent transportation system can also control and guide self-driving vehicles to achieve detours, avoid peak road sections, and alleviate traffic.

Even if a car accident occurs somewhere, the smart car's camera will scan and see it, and it will be transmitted to the intelligent transportation system to adjust the road conditions.

Intelligent transportation systems can use thousands of cameras in smart cars to better distinguish road conditions.

Smart cars can also plan routes better and safer through intelligent transportation systems.

Star Academy, which has developed an intelligent transportation system, will choose to enter autonomous driving technology in the future.

That will definitely bring a dimensionality reduction blow to other related matters.

Other types of AI companies are also shocked by the application effects of Xingchen Intelligent Transportation System.

It can be said.

In the past, the outside world had doubts about the teaching level of Xingchen's artificial intelligence major.

After all, this is considered an emerging field in the world.

Can Star Academy have enough teachers?

But now, this doubt can be said to have been completely dispelled.

As soon as the Xingchen Intelligent Transportation System came out, the Xingchen artificial intelligence profession was immediately elevated to the altar.

And students majoring in Xingchen Artificial Intelligence have become popular.

All major artificial intelligence and Internet companies are eyeing it.

Xingchen Artificial Intelligence major students will have an internship at the end of next semester.

They will definitely not be able to grab anyone who is willing to stay at Xingchen College as an intern.

But for those who didn't stay in Star Academy, they would definitely get them as soon as possible.

Intelligent transportation system of Star Academy.

It’s not just popular in the country.

There is also huge discussion abroad.

Traffic jams are common in big cities in various countries.

After all, they developed earlier and built cities earlier.

It is difficult for this old city to adapt to the modern era with the skyrocketing number of vehicles.

Many foreigners also suffer from traffic jams.

And the magical effect of the Star Intelligent Transportation System.

It is simply too high-tech for them to call Star Academy directly.

This kind of artificial intelligence is what they really need.

Because it can really change their lives.

They called on their countries to either introduce technology or quickly build a similar one themselves.

Star Academy has already made it.

Copying the General Assembly, right?

In addition to the public response, the stock market also experienced shocks due to the Xingchen Intelligent Transportation System.

After all, the influence of Star Academy is really too great.

Capital has now seen that the essence of Xingchen Academy is a business giant disguised as an academy.

They predict that Star Academy will inevitably officially enter the artificial intelligence industry.

The performance of Xingchen students made the entire industry tremble.

After all, it’s just my sophomore year.

After I start working as an intern next year, will it be okay?

Who knows what terrifying products Star Academy will come up with by then.

The artificial intelligence industry is bound to face terrifying opponents.

Under this situation, the stock prices of artificial intelligence companies with high market value in the stock market have plummeted.

After all, their market value is based on expectations.

Now that Star Academy has shown its terrifying strength, everyone’s expectations for these artificial intelligence companies have been lowered, and the stock prices have naturally fallen wildly.

And at the same time.

Crude oil prices also experienced a decline.

Although not as outrageous as last time, this wave of decline has undoubtedly caused many investors to liquidate their positions.

The reason why crude oil also fell.

This is because the energy-saving and emission-reducing effects of intelligent transportation systems will inevitably lead to a reduction in crude oil demand.

So there are a lot of people selling.


The investment market was in chaos for a while.

No one thought that a work by a student majoring in artificial intelligence from Xingchen would have such a big impact on the capital market.

And in this process.

In Xingchen Financial Company, cheers continued.

Because they trusted the college and got the news in advance.

Have first mover advantage.

At this moment, the stock markets of various countries are naturally full of harvests.

The main thing is to make money with blood.

But the outside world obviously doesn't know about this.

Ordinary people only look forward to when they can use such a magical product.

Extremely urgent about this.

And in Xingchen College.

This semester has ended.

Ye Chen and the teachers of artificial intelligence are meeting.

Discussing how to operate the intelligent transportation system.

"Principal, the transportation bureaus in various places have called us all the time, and even the people from the general bureau will visit our college tomorrow."

"Everyone attaches great importance to our technology."

"And abroad, the major powers have not made any moves."

"But some small countries, such as Taiguo, their embassies have contacted us."

"As for the big countries, I heard that they all plan to allocate funds to artificial intelligence transportation..."

The director of the artificial intelligence major spoke about the popularity of his own intelligent transportation system.

He was quite proud.

After all, the project made by the students in their sophomore year can set off such a big heat in the world.

They are all teachers with a bright face.

Ye Chen was also full of smiles when he heard this.

Ye Chen attaches great importance to the artificial intelligence industry.

The students' performance is very good.

The intelligent transportation system has many advantages.

It can save a lot of manpower and material resources to improve the smoothness of traffic.

And the smooth traffic and economic exchanges are also smooth, which is undoubtedly good for economic development.

As for the enthusiasm of small countries and the indifference of big countries.

Ye Chen can understand it.

There are too many data that can be mastered by intelligent transportation systems.

Companies like online car-hailing can analyze a lot of things from the travel data they have.

Not to mention the system that takes a holistic view of the intelligent transportation system.

By analyzing these traffic data.

You can even get most of the secrets of a city.

It doesn't matter for small countries.

Because they really don't need to care about this.

Whether they have these data or not, they should be beaten.

It doesn't matter whether these data are known to others.

But big countries are different.

They must care about these.

Even if they spend more money to do it themselves, they must ensure safety.

After all, this is completely different from the importance of industries such as catering, gyms, health products and weight loss pills.

The other party will only do it themselves like the telecommunications business, even if it costs several times more money, instead of using yours.

Ye Chen and the teacher understand this truth.

So there is no need to dwell on this topic.


What we want to discuss is how to make profits from the intelligent transportation system.

Ye Chen thought for a while and said directly: "Let's authorize it and give the system to the other party directly, and let the other party do it themselves."

"We don't touch any data, nor do we perform any operations. The system is handed over to the other party. The other party is not afraid of us leaving a backdoor in an environment without Internet access."

"And for subsequent updates, maintenance, etc., we just ask the staff to take the USB drive to do it, and leave the USB drive to the other party after finishing it."

"This is not to say that we want to gain the trust of those big countries and get their market, which is impossible."

"This is to let everyone know that we don't have this data."

"To avoid data leakage problems and cause trouble!" (End of this chapter)

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