It was on the sixth day that Morven returned home.

Only then did I feel something was different.

On the way home from get off work, for some reason, Mo Wen felt that there seemed to be fewer cars on the road today.

And luck seems to be good too.

Encountering four green lights in a row, the journey was smooth.

I can only say that everyone understands how great it is to encounter green lights continuously while driving.

When he got home, Mo Wen looked at the time, seven fifty.

It only took fifty minutes to get home today, ten minutes earlier than usual.

Is the Xingchen Intelligent Transportation System officially operational?

Or was it just that I was lucky today and came back earlier because of the green light?

Mo Wen didn't understand.

But wait until tomorrow to see if it's still like this, and you'll know if you're lucky.

So he lit a cigarette in the car and finished smoking before going upstairs to go home.

Early the next morning, Mo Wen drove to work as usual.

Honggutan during the morning rush hour is no worse than during the evening rush hour.

Even because I go to school at the same time as my students.

On the contrary, it is more congested.

So Mo Wen usually leaves the house an hour and a half early.

But when Mo Wen arrived at the company, he was shocked when he looked at the time.

He actually arrived twenty minutes early.

Recall the road to Honggutan.

It doesn't seem to be much different from usual days, there are still cars everywhere.

But I don’t know why, it just feels much smoother.

Although the speed cannot increase, it keeps moving forward.

Unlike usual times, there is always a traffic jam and it takes a long time to cross an intersection.

Now Mo Wen is really sure.

It must be the Xingchen Intelligent Transportation System, which is working.

When he entered the company, Mo Wen happened to meet his boss.

The boss was a little surprised when he saw Mo Wen: "Are you here so early?"

Mo Wen immediately said with a smile: "I have nothing to do at home, so why not come to the company in advance to handle the work? I just have a big order recently!"

When the boss heard this, he smiled broadly and patted Mo Wen on the shoulder several times to express his appreciation.

And Mo Wen didn't expect that something unexpected happened today.

I actually got into the boss' favor, and I felt even happier.

When he came to his seat and turned on his computer, Mo Wen immediately started fishing.


When Mo Wen opened the community group chat, he found that his neighbors were already chatting in the group.

"Sending my children to school today, I feel that the traffic jam is much better than before. It used to take at least 20 minutes to get stuck on the street in front of the No. 2 Middle School, but today I was stuck in a jam for ten minutes and got out."

"At the main intersection where I work, almost no one turns left. Today, the green light for going straight has been extended by half a minute. The time for turning left is reduced, and the straight road is obviously much smoother."

"I'm different. I never pass through the center of Honggutan, but on the fringe roads, and there are no traffic jams on weekdays. But last night and this morning, I barely encountered a few red lights, and I didn't even need to step on the brakes. It feels so good..."

"I arrived at the company fifteen minutes earlier than usual today. If this happened every day, I would be able to sleep for fifteen more minutes."

"Star Academy is indeed the eternal god. This must be the result of the intelligent transportation system. The effect is amazing."

"I decided to observe it for a few more days. If I can keep it up, I can sleep a little longer before going out every day."

The neighbors in the group were undoubtedly very excited.

After all, everyone's time is precious now.

If the time spent in traffic can be reduced, there will undoubtedly be more rest time.

This is absolutely the best thing.

And when the Internet is opened, discussions about the effects of the Xingchen Intelligent Transportation System have become noisy.

After Honggutan netizens shared their commuting experience.

More and more netizens are paying attention.

Star Intelligent Transportation System, the effect is really good?

Although the traffic jam problem has not been completely solved.

But so many netizens in Tianhai City said that their driving time to and from get off work has been shortened by more than ten minutes than usual.

Isn’t this so cool?

I can only say that everyone understands how uncomfortable it is to be stuck in traffic.

Especially when you are already exhausted after get off work and are in a hurry to go home, but you are still stuck on the road and don't know when you will get home, which will only make you more irritated.

Therefore, anything that can solve traffic jams is highly sought after by netizens.

If the Xingchen Intelligent Transportation System is really that effective.

Then they have only one request.

Even in their cities, this system is installed.

Netizens are discussing it with great enthusiasm.

I am very curious about everything about Xingchen Intelligent Transportation System.

Want to know how it is done and what the effect is?

Is this the best effect now?

Is there room for improvement?

With the huge attention, many self-media came to Honggutan District to experience driving.

Some professional self-media have even begun to observe patterns.

And within a few days.

The citizens of Honggutan were surprised to find out.

The Xingchen Intelligent Transportation System actually has room for improvement.

The LED light sign at the intersection had been off before.

The light finally came on today.

But not all lights up.

And most of the time, the lights are off.

Only during the morning and evening peak hours will most LED light signs begin to display large characters.

"Drivers heading to Chaoyang Road can turn left at the intersection ahead and take Chengwang Road, which is expected to save seven minutes of driving time."

"Drivers heading to Luxi Street can turn right at the intersection ahead and take a detour, which is expected to save four minutes of driving time."

"Drivers heading to the expressway are advised to turn around ahead and take the third entrance to the elevated road, which will save six minutes of driving time."


Looking at the prompts at some intersections, the car owners finally understood.

These signboards actually indicate the driving route for them to take a detour.

Taking a detour can save time, but it also requires running a longer distance.

Some car owners are reluctant to do so, after all, it costs fuel.

But there are also car owners who don't care about these at all.

For example, electric car owners only pay a few cents per kilometer, and spending a few more cents can get home earlier.

This is simply too cool.

There is no need to consider it at all.

And the same is true for some fuel car owners.

Although it costs one or two yuan more for gas.

But you can get home earlier, be with your family, and get out of the irritating environment of congestion.

This is simply too worthwhile.

Therefore, many car owners followed the instructions of the LED signboards and began to detour.

When they got home, they were surprised to find that they had indeed arrived home ahead of time as the prompt said.

The effect of the Xingchen Intelligent Traffic System is really amazing.

The roads after that were basically smooth all the way, and there was no need to wait for red lights.

They got home in a flash.

The car owners who stayed in the original place also had fewer cars waiting.

The intersection was not so congested, and they got home faster.

This is an absolute win-win situation.

The traffic light control of the Xingchen Intelligent Traffic System, plus the LED guidance of traffic diversion, the effect of the combination of the two is simply amazing.

The streets that were once the most congested in Tianhai City have become much smoother.

The citizens of Honggutan have a deep understanding of this.

Because since the LED diversion information began to be displayed.

Their commuting time has been saved a lot more than before.

Many car owners have saved at least one-third of their driving time during peak hours.

This makes the citizens feel incredible.

Xingchen Intelligent Transportation System is simply amazing.

Especially a certain up master, who has long been ready to take advantage of this popularity.

When the Xingchen Intelligent Transportation System was installed, several commuting routes in Honggutan were filmed, as well as the time required.

Then now, at the same time, walk again.

The time required to reach the destination is greatly reduced.

One route even saves half the time.

This has shocked netizens.

This intelligent transportation system is really amazing.

Is this the power of artificial intelligence?

Many netizens hear about various artificial intelligence concepts every day, but have never experienced it personally.

But today, watching the video, watching the changes in the traffic situation in Honggutan District, Tianhai City.

They are all amazed.

The previous doubts have completely dissipated at this moment.

Now there is only amazement and expectation in the hearts of netizens.

Especially many netizens in big cities, they have more serious traffic jams.

After all, Honggutan is still one of the new districts, and it has only been built for more than ten or twenty years.

The traffic planning is okay.

Some big cities are expanded on the basis of the old city.

That's the real congestion.

But they are used to the congestion, after all, there is no way to change it.

But now the emergence of the Xingchen Intelligent Transportation System and its magical effect have given them hope.

If their city can also use it.

Even if it can't be as immediate as Honggutan, it can be better and it can reduce the congestion for a few minutes during commuting.

So at this moment.

A large number of netizens have begun to call on their cities to introduce the Xingchen Intelligent Transportation System as soon as possible.

However, what netizens didn't expect was.

And the transportation bureaus in various places, even the whole country, have obviously paid attention to all this.

They are a little impatient.

But what no one expected was.

The limit of Xingchen Intelligent Transportation has not yet arrived.

There is still room for improvement.


Just when the whole network was hotly discussing and praising the Xingchen Intelligent Transportation System.

Feeling that Xingchen College is really awesome.

When students majoring in artificial intelligence are only sophomores, they can come up with such a powerful product.

The Transportation Bureau of Tianhai City issued another announcement.

"Honggutan will optimize the intersections in the next week..."

"The optimization information comes from the summary and analysis of the Xingchen Intelligent Transportation System..."

"Sixteen intersections will be optimized in the first week."

"The optimization will be carried out at night or during non-peak hours. Please pay attention to road prompts and avoid in advance..."

Because of the Xingchen Intelligent Transportation System.

This time, the announcement of the Tianhai Municipal Transportation Bureau did not fall into the embarrassing situation of no one paying attention.

It was noticed as soon as it was released and reprinted by various media.

When netizens saw it, they all showed surprise.

Intersection optimization?

And the intersection optimization plan is still the plan provided by the Xingchen Intelligent Transportation System analysis?

Is it true or false.

Xingchen Intelligent Transportation System, this is too amazing.

At the same time, the students of Xingchen Artificial Intelligence may also avoid the misunderstanding last time.

They took the initiative to post articles and explained all the functions of the Xingchen Intelligent Transportation System to netizens.

"The Xingchen Intelligent Transportation System is an artificial intelligence product that conducts road command and vehicle diversion based on the overall situation."

“It also includes road analysis and road optimization functions.”

“We can use the data we already have to design better transportation solutions and provide optimization and upgrade solutions for existing transportation planning.”

"The plans are divided into light optimization and heavy optimization."

"Mild optimization is a mild adjustment and does not require much engineering."

“The severe optimization plan is a plan that requires large-scale construction.”

"The optimization plan for this pilot is a light optimization plan."


Netizens were shocked when they saw this.

The Xingchen Intelligent Transportation System can not only improve traffic efficiency, but also divert vehicles and alleviate traffic jams.

Can you actually provide an optimization plan for existing roads?

This artificial intelligence is too smart, right?

The rich functions make netizens who are used to artificially retarded people feel a little unbelievable for a while.

Related discussions are once again in the dust.

Major artificial intelligence companies and Internet giants around the world have also paid great attention to it.

Because the performance of the Xingchen Intelligent Transportation System far exceeded their imagination.

Maybe it’s because the attention is high enough, and everyone in the Tianhai Municipal Transportation Bureau is particularly excited, feeling that they can achieve big results before the end of the year.

So the execution is very strong.

Early the next morning, the optimization work began.

Mo Wen drives to and from get off work in Honggutan every day and sees the results of the optimization work.

The amount of optimization work is indeed not large.

Most of the work is to adjust the entrance and exit of the driveway, rearrange the fence, and re-strip the lines.

For example, the original eight-lane road had four exits and four entrances.

But at a few intersections, adjustments were made.

The entrances are adjusted to three and the exits are adjusted to five.

At some intersections, the icons on the ground are simply changed.

For example, there was originally only one left-turn lane, but now the adjacent through lane has been changed to a left-turn lane.

In some cases, the lane originally used for right turns is designed to be a two-lane right turn lane.

All in all, they seem to be minor adjustments.

The main workload is to redraw lines, draw icons, and install guardrails.

This discovery confused both Mowen and the citizens of Tianhai.

Can such a small change really make the traffic situation better?

And when the renovation of thirteen intersections is completed in advance and officially opened.

The confusion of the citizens of Tianhai City simply disappeared.

These changes are really useful.

For example, at some intersections, there are very few cars turning right, but a right-turn lane must be left open.

Now the lines have changed.

It is undoubtedly a perfect use of the idle resources of the road and makes it smoother.

There are also changes in the number of entrances and exits.

It also brings a new feeling to many citizens who walk these roads every day.

In the past, when turning a corner, I always had to block it.

But now because there are more entrances and they are more accessible, you no longer have to wait.

At least it saved dozens of seconds than usual.

In short, every detail change has profoundly given drivers who drive on these roads every day a smoother experience.

These simple changes.

Let the traffic smoothness in Tianhai City be improved again.

For a time, the voice of praise spread throughout Tianhai City again.

Then it spread across the country and even the world.

Netizens can’t help but marvel at the magic of the Xingchen Intelligent Transportation System.

To understand these road optimizations, it used to require professional traffic professionals to observe intersections at all times, collect various data, and have a team discuss it over and over before they can summarize it.

The efficiency can be said to be very low.

But here in the Xingchen Intelligent Transportation System?

After only half a month of testing, I found so many areas that can be optimized.

It's really amazing.

This effect is really powerful.

The light optimization solution is so effective, but what about the severe one?

Honggutan citizens are looking forward to this even more! (End of chapter)

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