A group of beautiful men were provoked by this sentence, and they were unhappy and swollen.

"Who counts me, whoever has to be prepared, wash and wait for me to wipe the neck!" Lu Yan thousand eyes flashed a trace of cold, the momentum is scattered, even so majestic.

The beautiful men nodded slightly, yes, this is Lu Yiqian, this is the Lu Yiqian they know!

Now they are enthusiastic about the people behind the scenes, and they are a little bit excited!

Just then, the door of the living room was pushed open, and the old dean walked in with a loud voice: "Thousands of children, ready to go to the secret!"

The old man had come to the ground three days after he agreed to his request, and had to let her promise, but today, he said that he would pull her in.

"You didn't listen to the rumors outside, but I colluded with the outside world. The secret of Dongshu Academy let me know?" Lu Yiqian picked an eyebrow.

"Non-speaking." The old man did not stop at all, pulling Lu Hao and walking.

Lu Yiqian smiled a little, and it was hard for her to be loyal to others.

The public men also know this, so they have not stopped. Instead of being attacked by people at this time, they should not explore the secrets of Dongshu College.

"For the thousand baby, the secret is very strange, and can only borrow its own power, the Eudemons and weapons can not be used." The Dean reminded: "With the use of the Eudemons, the secret can not be revealed." This means that it can't prevent the entering person from using the Eudemons power and weapons, but it can decide whether to display it or not. This setting is very smart and very good!

Although I don’t understand why there are such strange rules, Lu Yiqian nodded and let Tian Zhan and the Millennium King meet outside.

Anyone can hardly think that the so-called secret environment of Dongshu College will actually be on a stone wall, opened by the dean, and it is necessary to penetrate the wall.

Lu Yiqian took the hand of Death and Wei Mo: "You are waiting for me outside."

Death stared at the wall and nodded. If the owner was in danger, he destroyed this illusion! In short, similar to yesterday's event, can not happen a second time.

Wei Mo said: "Go early and go back early."

The illusion slowly opens and the stone wall shines. Lu Yiqian took a deep breath and jumped into it without hesitation.

At the moment when the stone wall was closed, the sub-season also followed in!

It was a vast white foggy area. During the lookout, everything in the world seemed to be hidden in the fog, adding too much mystery and fantasy to the earth.

Here, it seems that it does not belong to Daewoo at all.

And this place seems to be unable to take advantage of magic power, so weird, it is too strange.

Lu Yuqian looked at the strange illusion and could not tell where the strange feeling in his heart came from.

She only felt that the illusion of making a night of night was extraordinary, but she could not be sure what was wrong.

Tens of nights, the one who had "Millions" before her, seemed to have a great relationship with her. If she sent her to the world, she gave her a space bracelet. So, who gave the "Wan ****" to the white? Is this the original owner? The more you explore, the more you feel the fog. After you go out, you need to ask questions, and you may know what you are.

But in any case, the first task now is to figure out who the night is, and find out what secrets are hidden in his fantasy!

Affirmed this, she stood up and walked through the thick fog.

The mist is lingering, it is like a secret, don't open it, never know what's under it!

"Be careful, there are weird things here." The sub-season looked around with vigilance. Although it was a fantasy, it gave him a very unsafe feeling. He followed him behind Lu Yiqian, standing with a pupil, like a silver. lion. Seeing Lu Hao did not hesitate to go forward, he thought about it, took out a bunch of bells and said that it was placed on her hand, and took out a bunch of bells in his hand. After doing this, his face was slightly red.

Lu Yiqian looked at him in confusion.

"You, what do you know, this bell is an artifact, in addition to calling each other, as well as transmitting the body-protecting function, it will not squeak out to expose us." The first time to give a gift to the girl, this person is extremely shy, and explained.

Lu Hao nodded in a thousand: "Well, you still want to be thoughtful." It is a dark prince who has lived for millions of years, and his mind is delicate.

Of course, the sub-season knows Lu Yiqian’s thoughts, and he must not be bored for a while, but he also gave a sigh of relief. This bell is not small, it was passed down from generation to generation by the royal family in the dark, only to the wife of the next king of darkness. This bell is a token, it can be used as an artifact, it is also powerful. Its real name is the double-horned bell, which is also called the "lover bell" by the tribe. The meaning is that men and women wear each other and never separate.

If she knows what the bell is like, I don’t know how to wear it. Zizi thought, but after twenty-four hours, even if she knew that the bell could not be picked up.

It took me three million years to move my heart. I already felt that the female creatures in the world could not cause him to be interested in it. Now he will miss one person, grieve for her, anger for her, care for her, think for her, no reason. Let her be happy in the arms of other men. Life is too long, the mind is too exhausted, there is no reason to finally spring, but let her laugh outside the park.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Lu Yiqian’s voice came from a few steps.

He shook his silver hook and walked quickly.

When they didn't take a few steps, they disappeared into the thick fog. Not only the figure, but the sound disappeared.

The fog is as thick as milk, and in their place, the gestures are illusory, and the monsters that are like people are very horrible, but those who are in it cannot notice this.

And in the thick fog, there seems to be something that has passed away.

"Is there any hint for the old man?" asked the child carefully. It’s eccentric everywhere, and if it’s a fantasy, he really doesn’t believe it. He is the twelve-winged genius that is unprecedented in the dark, and his own understanding is extremely high. Plus the knowledge is not shallow, it is not a fantasy, he is simply at a glance.

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