A black night hair is dragged below the knees, so soft and smooth, tall body, the body with infinite power is so perfect! Even the sun cares for him, pouring on him, forming a shadow like a light curtain, making him like the sun god. The natural pattern on his body makes him like a night charm. And his appearance...

His appearance, just a glance, will make people worship, no longer look at the second eye!

In this world, it is estimated that only A thousand can look at him with affection, such a person, other people look at him half-eye, will die!

Even if it was white, he never gave him the feeling. White Allure is the eternal, enchanting and arrogant, with the temperament of worshipping people, born to be the king of the world, but the **** of death...

He became more and more inferior, and A Qian’s side was really only worthy of such a good person. He really didn’t deserve it...

The light of death was flashing, and the cloak was instantly put on, and the master's hand was caught tightly.

Lu Haoqian couldn't help but pat his own brain. Hey, you know... Although Death will not blame her for a trace, she will love her more, but it is not necessarily for Wei Mo. This man actually used his own appearance to attack him. If he didn't understand the **** of death, he would really take this matter as unintentional. Is this black-faced guy really jealous? Although he is so harmless in front of himself, you must forget that he is the owner of death. Without means, how can he maintain his world in an orderly manner...

Lu Yiqian is so angry and funny.

She walked over to Wei Mo and raised his head: "Wei Mo, I ask you, do you love me?"

Wei Mo was also hit hard, even though he loved it and loved it to the extreme, he could not speak.

"Would you like to die for me?" Lu Yiqian changed the question.

"Will!" Wei ink loudly, said a red face, then look at the death of the cloak, look a glimpse.

"Well, is there a difference between high and low?" Lu Yiqian said: "If I become ugly, it becomes ugly, do you no longer love me?"

"No!" Wei Mo sighed: "No, no matter what A Qian is like, I love you!" After all, he is eager for her, her warmth, her smell, isn't it?

"I am like you, I will not decide whether to love you or not because of your appearance, Wei Mo," Lu Yiqian kissed and kissed his lips, said softly: "I love you. So, don't Deny yourself, when I have not abandoned you, you must stand by me, accept my love, don't let me worry, okay?"

Wei Mo’s face immediately showed a brilliant brilliance. Yes, as long as A Qian wants him, A Qian loves him, Bai and Death is better, can he not protect her safety more comprehensively?

The negative emotions in the heart that are caused by inferiority also dissipate invisible, and the whole person regenerates in general, exuding the incomparable radiance.

"Master," the voice of the **** of death was depressed: "I want it."

"Hmm?" Lu Hao looked at him with a thousand eyes.

The twin-eyed eyes saw his heart suddenly, and he looked very tight: "I want to kiss, let the owner say love."

What he wants, has always been frankly cute!

Lu Haoqian smiled and kissed his lips.

Oh, he is satisfied.

When the three people walked out of the room, they saw the departure, Qin Xingluo, Zi Ji, Yan Fei, Demon Red, Yan Hui sitting outside waiting for them, especially when they left the country to see their students full of red light, giving a smile, Wei Mo face suddenly famous.

Before the sub-season, I didn’t know about Lu Yiqian and Wei Mo. This time they came out to see the atmosphere between them and knew what happened. They couldn’t help but hold their fists. In the past years, he was too indulging in improving his strength. A woman like him was just a glimpse of the smoke, but now he finally determines that he has a good impression of a woman. In any case, she will never let her escape from her hand. Therefore, when he discovered that Wei Mo actually rushed to the first place, the loss of his heart certainly had, but the more people like him, the more he could be attached to something, since he can spend hundreds of thousands of years To continue to learn and improve the challenge, then, he will have the perseverance in the years to go all out to pursue a woman!

Qin Xingluo had long known the relationship between Lu Yiqian and Wei Mo. The reaction was very dull. Only he knew how bad his heart was, but it didn't matter. He was at least around her.

Yan Fei’s heart was slightly sour, but he had long known that he was too far away from this woman. Without that kind of mind, there would be less loss of nature, but the heart was not something that he could master. He could not avoid being attracted to her.

He looked at the demon red with his head down. Hey, who is not attracted to her here?

Lu Yiqian did not notice the interaction of the men, she only said quietly what happened yesterday.

In fact, she did not say that the men have already slightly guessed what happened.

There was a rumor between Shangguan and the night, and the Dongshu genius Lu Yiqian and the stranger hooked up and wanted to destroy Daewoo!

How rumored it is to be alarmist, but somehow, its speed is amazing!

"Someone pushes the waves, and the power is not small." The departure is always enchanting, only in the angle that people do not pay attention, but his eyes flashed a ray of cold light. He used to be the top person on the plane. He had done a lot of things for the cloud and covered his hands for the rain. He was more sensitive than the average person.

"I'm going to find the black hand behind the scenes." The silvery erect in the sub-season shines with confidence. Daewoo is big, but... He wants to find out who is coming, it's still easy.

The atmosphere was a little bit dry for a while, no one was a fool, I don’t know the importance of this matter. Perhaps this incident was a huge conspiracy that did not intend to bring Lu Hao into the volume. But now that the man took Lu Yi’s sword, he will undoubtedly push her to the wind. Everyone has a lot of money, and the number of people who have said it has become true. There is no shortage of unclear situations, and the hidden masters have trouble finding her.

Daewoo... It’s going to be a day!

The beautiful men were speechless for a while, but Lu Yiqian laughed and stood up: "The world has been silent for too long, and it is not bad!"

That look, quite a bit afraid of the world is not chaotic.

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