After the sub-season stood behind the pillars, the silver squats and squats. He wants to be angry and not angry again and again, but he is depressed again and again. He doesn't know what he is boring. He told himself that he was only curious about Lu Yiqian, but he didn't know that curiosity was the beginning of good feelings. He met again and again, and touched again and again. The good feelings became likes, and gradually became more and more like.

He didn't know that Lu Yiqian had three lover. He was angry. He rushed out of the country and gasped himself. He himself deceived himself. He said that he was only curious about her, but she was more interesting... he turned silently. Go far.

This time, even if the battle has already started, his gamble on the glory of the Son of Darkness will definitely work hard in the end!

Lu Yiqian has already pushed away the departure as if he had stolen it. His face is a bit unnatural: "What are you doing?"

Departed gracefully and flew a wink, satisfied with the heart: "Good."

When this is an export, Lu Yiqian and all the teenagers are angry!

Only she was about to take the lesson, and the departure has already slipped away like a fox.

It is Wei Mo, still smiles warmly toward Lu Yan, long-term get along, he already knows her as a person, she will not be so fancy. But sometimes, he would rather have her heart, she gave him the sweet night of the soul, and nowadays tortured him like poison, making him painful and sweet. It’s hard to have a long night, so I have to practice hard. But this kind of thing, how can he tell me, not only embarrassed, every time he thinks about it, he will be full of guilt! It was like a poison night!

His body, his heart are so longing for her, but he is so scared!

This poor child!

This is not something that is hard to say, he is still too pure!

It’s too pitiful to fall in love with Lu Qianqian. If it’s not as white as it’s hard to make people resist, it’s not as difficult to make people abandon as death gods. Unlike Weimo’s so solid eyes, is there any way to enter her mind?

The contract... is undoubtedly the best way!

This little dragon looks deep and agrees!

Longxing, they followed Lu Hao for a few days, and eventually they were too dazzling, causing many unnecessary troubles and they were not Dongshu College students and could not stay more, and set off for the public spirit. But before leaving, they also experienced a sense of loyalty in the space of the Eudemons and the happiness that was driven by the owner. Before leaving, Long Xing was proud and honorable and awkward to say, dead woman, don't forget me. Mo also looked proud, looks like him, wants to forget and forget. At the same time, they also revealed an important message, in addition to them, want to worship the land of thousands of Warcraft is very much, it is best to be prepared, must summon them if necessary! Of course, they did not admit that they were concerned about Lu Yiqian!

Really a group of awkward children!

The days slowly returned to calm, but in a few days, the calm was broken.

Lu Yiqian, this person is forever destined and calm!

The thing is like this: A few days ago, she took a hunting mission in the Mercenary League, collected some Warcraft blood materials, made some mental power increase agents, and got a pharmacy, just like selling a good price. You know, she is a good boy who is diligent and has a good family. Now I can't sell drugs anywhere. It is best to sell the drug store owner. I didn't expect the pharmacy owner to be very feathery, and I wouldn't give it a good price if I was grinding it. I didn't expect to just turn around, but I bumped into a person. This collision was completely broken!

Originally, with Lu Qianqian’s skill, I want to hit people. The chance is so small that it can be neglected. It can be said that the person who was hit is extremely evil. The walk is silent and silent. Even if it is hit, it seems that the other party is sending it to the door. Generally speaking, a master wants to be hit by a person. In fact, it is also a very simple matter. Lu Yiqian does not check, and he has also made a point.

I only listened to the man slamming into the ground, and by the way, I pulled Lu Hao a thousand times. I was able to pull the medicine cockroaches off the ground, and smashed and smashed. The man’s clothes and face were filled with green medicine. Not bad!

Lu Yiqian couldn't help but stunned. Although this mistake is not entirely in her, it can be seen from the other side's appearance. It is really difficult to make people feel uncomfortable, and they have to pull the person up.

This pull, can not help but notice the appearance of the other side, although see more than the color, it is also a tribute.

This person is very tall, wearing a very delicate, but only embroidered robes on the cuffs and hem, it is very tasteful. The grayish long hair was scattered, and the front part was surrounded by green scorpions, which seemed extremely romantic. A pair of narrow eyes seem to have nurtured the rainbow, the radiant, the tall nose, the rosy lips. The appearance is second, the important thing is the temperament of this person, but there is a kind of unspeakable transparency. The wonderful eyes seem to be full of countless secrets, but when it looks at you, it There is a hint of embarrassment. Even knowing that this person is deliberate and unable to make up his mind to hate him. But when anyone wants to approach him, he will feel that he is high and can't climb.

When Lu Yiqian looked at him carefully, he was also looking at the land, and the closer he was, the more he felt that the child was more eye-catching than the far-sightedness of the day. His eyes were flat and deep, and he was proud and proud. . At the point where he is, the appearance of the person is second to him. He pays more attention to the inner things! For a moment, he smiled and said: "You have made me wet!"

Grab the opponent's little hand and move up and down on it: "Here, here, and here, this is how I see people!"

"Hey?" Lu Yi’s mouth was pulled, and he was completely speechless.

"You have to compensate me!" The other side announced loudly with his good-looking eyes.

“How much?” Lu Yiqian intuitively did not want to be too entangled with this person.

"This is the Yunjin squid!" The man shook his finger and said mysteriously.

"I am with you." Who told her to spill the potion on others.

The man’s eyes are shining brightly: “Do you really want to pay for me?” Then she was afraid that she would regret it: “This cloud carp carp is taken from the cloud of the land of the East, and only one cloud is saved. It takes the silver thread on its spine, and it takes tens of thousands of pieces to woven into a robes... This dress is worth 100 million magic jade!"

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